The Brightest Black


Harry raced through the halls of Hogwarts, trying to catch up with Draco. Bloody idiot! Harry hadn’t given him permission to take his cloak! The prat had just started digging through Harry’s bag, grabbed his priceless family heirloom, and run off.

He skidded around a corner and crashed into someone. As he fell he saw something black and shiny falling with him. He didn’t even think, reaching out to catch it.

His hand hit the other boy’s and the object went flying again.

“Got it!”

Harry blinked stupidly up at the figure of Cormac Mclaggen standing over him, panting and holding a camera in his hand.

It was little Colin Creevey that Harry had crashed into. Looking at the younger boy Harry saw panic in his wide eyes.

Harry scrambled to his feet, his heart pounding and anger already flowing through his veins. He yanked out his wand.

“Mclaggen! You give that back to Colin right now!!! Or I’ll make you regret it!”

Mclaggen had been turning to move past Harry, but now froze, staring at the wand pointed at his chest.

“What the-”

“Now, Mclaggen!!!”

“No, Harry! Stop it!”

Harry’s wand arm was grabbed by Colin, making Harry gasp in surprise.

“But, Colin-”

“Cormac is helping me! We just got photographs of Umbridge torturing your sister, right before Malfoy rescued her! See!” Harry found Colin’s pale hand shoved in his face.

The words carved there made his stomach lurch.

“I must respect authority,” Mclaggen said, holding up one of his own hands. The words were the same, though the handwriting was different.

If this was what had been done to Hermione…

He put his wand away. “Where are you going to develop the photos?”

“I have things up in my room,” Colin said.

Thoughts raced through Harry’s head. He looked at Colin. As annoying as the boy could be, he didn’t have a nasty bone in his body. As for Mclaggen…

Harry looked at the older boy. True, Harry didn’t really trust him, but if you counted him snatching the camera before Umbridge could get it, then this was the third good thing he’d done in the past few weeks.

“I may have a better place, but, first, Mclaggen, why are you doing this?”

Mclaggen somehow managed to scowl and raise one eyebrow at the same time. It was quite impressive and Harry was certain that Hermione would be jealous if she could see that expression.

“What? The forced self-mutilation isn’t enough reason?”

Harry shook his head, “You got that after helping Colin keep that camera away from Umbridge.”

“Cormac, you don’t have to say. We don’t need Harry’s help. We can just-” He turned to slide past Harry, but was stopped by Mclaggen grabbing his arm.

“No, it’s alright, Colin. Potter, it’s a long story, but if you take us to this better, closer place I’ll explain. Just accept for now that Umbridge was very against me passing my service program and returning to Hogwarts. I loathe that woman!” He practically spat the last sentence out.

Well, mutual hatred was enough reason for Harry. At least reason enough to show them the Shifting Room. Umbridge wouldn’t walk away from hurting Hermione this time.

Not if he could help it.

“Right. Follow me.”

He turned and ran back the way he had come. The sound of two sets of feet following him.

The Shifting Room did not disappoint him. When he threw open the door he found the room lit with red light and tables prepared with everything Colin could need to develop his pictures.

Harry moved in quickly and ushered the other two Gryffindor boys to follow him inside.

“What-what is this place?” Colin gasped.

Harry shrugged, “Not sure. Draco found it. The room changes to suit your needs. Luna dubbed it the Shifting Room.”

“It’s magnificent! Magic is so amazing!” Colin exclaimed as he hurried over to one ot the tables and began working on the film.

Harry stood beside Mclaggen, an uncomfortable awkwardness falling over the air as they watched Colin work.

Harry pointedly cleared his throat, “Will you explain now?”

Mclaggen sighed and glanced around. Instantly a small table with two chairs appeared nearby, they went to sit.

They sat for a moment, only Colin’s happy humming breaking the silence. Mclaggen had his head in his hands, he seemed to be struggling and Harry was smart enough to know that asking again would likely destroy any chance of an explanation.

Finally, Mclaggen took a deep breath and began speaking. “As you know I was suspended from school for a year. I spent five days a week working in St. Mungos. They-they put me to work doing the nastiest chores. Ones that were dangerous to complete with magic due to possible contamination. It gave me a lot of time to think. That first week I was so angry. I wanted to lash out and hurt someone, anyone. Then-” he stopped and took another deep breath, “well, then, I went to the Ministry on Friday. Your godfather was waiting for me in the Atrium. He took one look at me, then grabbed my shoulder and walked me over to a floo rather than through the checkpoint. I was surprised that we were in a house - I later learned it was yours. We ended up where he always trained you and Black. He asked if I knew how to duel. We ended up dueling for over an hour. And that’s only because it took me that long to realize he was toying with me. I had myself convinced that no one could do better than me in anything. I didn’t want to believe he could’ve defeated me in less than a minute. But he did just that in the next duel. Then he took me back to the Ministry, sat me at a desk, and set me to work researching for him. I-I’d never had someone treat me that way before. He never told me I was wrong, never gave me a chance to talk my way out. Just showed me how I was wrong. Then, about a month before I finished my service you got yourself kidnapped and he quit. He did sign off on my passing the program, as did Auror Longbottom. That’s the only thing that saved me from Umbridge. She was as determined to throw me in Azkaban as she is to discredit you and Black.” He grew quiet again and Colin’s humming once more took over the room.

Harry could only think of one question. “If you respected Padfoot, why were such a wanker on your first day back at Hogwarts?”

Mclaggen took so long to answer that Harry was sure the older boy wasn’t going to answer.

“Because, Potter, you and your sister stole from me the only adult that ever treated me like a real person.”

“But- your parents?” Harry asked.

Mclaggen snorted, “My parents love me. They adore me. I can do no wrong to them. But they certainly don’t treat me like a real person.”

Harry didn’t really understand, but he was saved from a reply by Colin exclaiming, “Done! Let’s go!”

The younger boy was already halfway out of the room as he spoke. Harry and Mclaggen had to rush to catch up with him.

Harry wasn’t quite sure where they were going at first, but he wasn’t really surprised when they arrived at Professor Mcgonagall’s door.

Really, who else would they go to?


“I would like to add theft of a Class X restricted substance to those charges.”

Hermione, along with everyone else turned to look at the newcomers. Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, and a large number of students - including Harry - stood behind the four aurors.

“Oh, what substance?” Scrimgeour asked as he levitated Umbridge off the platform and over to Auror Shacklebolt. Hermione noticed that he wasn’t very careful about it. At one point Umbridge sank up to her knees into the swamp and at another her head bumped into the ceiling.

“Vititus. After the incident a year and a half ago I sent my tree away and put my few remaining pieces of fruit in my private quarters to keep them away from students. Professor Snape does still need a small supply for NEWT level potions. On Umbridge's first day here she came to my quarters to borrow clothes. At that time she stole some of the fruit,” Professor Sprout stated in a cold, businesslike manner.

“And,” squeaked Professor Flitwick, “we have reason to believe she also dosed a student with it.”

“She dosed me with it,” Hermione said, drawing everyone’s attention back to her. “Upon waking I immediately sent a letter to the Ministry as I felt I was unsafe going to the temporary Headmistress about a crime she had committed. I never heard back about it.”

Now everyone looked at Scrimgeour, who was frowning.

“We never received such a complaint, did we Kingsley?”

Shacklebolt shock his head, “No, sir.”

“Um, I think I know why,” one of the other aurors said quietly.

“Why?” Scrimgeour demanded.

“Madam Umbridge used her power as Undersecretary to reroute all owls to and from Hogwarts to the Ministry for review. For the children’s safety of course.”

All eyes turned once more on the toad. She said nothing. Her eyes rolled around wildly before she rolled them back into her head and pretended to faint.

“Well, Cornelius, are you going to take responsibility?” Narcissa asked sweetly, arching one eyebrow at the Minister.

Fudge swallowed nervously and looked around at all the eyes glaring at him.

“I didn’t do anything!” he panickedly exclaimed.

“Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it?” Padfoot asked coldly.

Fudge had nothing to say to that. No one else had much to add as the aurors took Umbridge away, the crowd of students whispering and muttering to each other. Hermione could feel her fingers begin to itch when she saw Colin Creevy pull out his camera and snap a picture of the trussed up Umbridge being dragged away.

She needed to grab Colin, find everyone else that had suffered a detention and go write up an article, fast. She was sure Fudge would use the Daily Prophet to try and do damage control.

She didn’t want that to happen. No, she wanted the public to demand Umbridge's blood.

Nothing else would do.


Pansy reached out and took her copy of the Circadian Leaf from the owl in front of her. Beside her, Daphne took a copy of the Fae Chronicles. As Pansy unfolded the paper she glanced around the room, watching as many other students did the same thing.

There was an air of eager anticipation in the Great Hall, one she had only ever seen right before the official announcement of the Triwizard Tournament.

“I really need to stop going to sleep so early. I miss all the big things.”

Daphne smiled and set her copy of the Fae Chronicles aside to take the Daily Prophet from a grouchy looking barn owl. “It was rather spectacular last night, but don’t worry. Lots of pictures were captured by that Gryffindor, Colin Creevy, his camera was glued to his face last night.”

Pansy stared at the gigantic picture of Umbridge being led away by the aurors. “I see that. He really is a good photographer. Too bad the Daily Prophet would never hire him.”

“I don’t think he’d work for the Daily Prophet even if they offered him a million galleons a month,” Draco drawled from across the table.

Pansy gave him a mischievous smile, “I’ll bet you ten galleons they’ll change their mind one day. Likely after my parents finish buying all the stock.”

“When did your parents start buying stock in the Daily Prophet?” Blaise asked in curiosity.

“As soon as Hermione published her first article. Quite a few people no longer wanted to be associated with the Daily Prophet.”

“No surprise there,” Theo said, “I don’t see why your parents want to own it.”

“Because, if they own a majority, they can change it. It was also a safeguard to stop Skeeter from ever publishing there again when she finished serving her time. I have a bit of a problem with that witch.”

Draco snorted, “That’s the understatement of the year.”

Pansy just sniffed in reply and began reading what Hermione had written about the night before.

Stench Uncovered!

By The Brightest Black

Last night a terrible crime was committed. A crime that will likely have all those that care about children or humanity up in arms, determined to see justice done. Before I tell you this crime I must state that it is a crime that was committed numerous times before last evening.

A crime that went unreported as those it was committed against felt they had no safe place to go without proof. Solid proof. They obtained this last night.

Last night Hermione Granger Black went to serve detention with Madam Dolores Umbridge, High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, temporary Headmistress of Hogwarts, and Undersecretary to the Minister. Upon arriving she was told she would be writing lines. The words were to be: ‘I must respect authority.’ This is nothing unusual. Lines are a common form of detention. What is not common is the quill that Miss Black was handed.

The quill was black and came with no inkpot. Miss Black was informed that no ink was necessary. This was due to the fact that the quill wrote with blood. Blood ripped from Miss Black’s unwilling body as the words ‘I must respect authority’ were carved into her hand. You see, when Miss Black refused to self-mutilate herself Madam Umbridge used the Imperius Curse to force Miss Black to write the lines. (See page A2 for multiple shots of the forced mutilation)

The torture was stopped when an unknown person appeared, stunning Madam Umbridge.

Madam Umbridge immediately summoned aurors upon awakening and attempted to accuse Miss Black of attacking her. This was quickly disproven and the actual person that stunned Madam Umbridge and deposited a perfectly working swamp in the middle of Hogwarts is still unknown.

It was at this time that Deputy Headmistress Minerva Mcgonagall arrived with photographic evidence someone had slipped under her door. Evidence clearly showing what Madam Umbridge had done to Miss Black (see page A2). Deputy Headmistress Mcgonagall accused Madam Umbridge of torturing students through the employment of cursed objects and using the Imperius Curse. Upon hearing this accusation Miss Black emerged from hiding and accused Madam Umbridge of using the Imperius Curse to force Miss Black to write with a cursed quill. Madam Umbridge was promptly arrested by Head Auror Rufus Scrimgeour.

We must stop to ask, dear reader, just why Madam Umbridge believed she could get away with so many illegal things. Because, I fear, there is more.

Before the aurors could leave with Madam Umbridge Professor Pomona Sprout arrived and accused Madam Umbridge of stealing a Class X restricted substance from her private quarters (See page B7 for a copy of Sprout’s RSX licence). This is when Miss Black explained that she had been dosed with vititus, and had even sent in a complaint to the British Ministry of Magic. Head Auror Scrimgeour stated that no such complaint had been seen. Apparently, Madam Umbridge had been detaining and searching all owls going into and out of Hogwarts. When searching her office the aurors found numerous packages and letters from students to parents. All of them - including a box of Belgian chocolate - could not be considered a threat to any Hogwarts student. This was, of course, Umbridge’s official reason for keeping such mail.

Head Auror Scrimgeour has promised a full investigation of these charges, no matter what orders he is given. I have to ask why he is afraid he’ll be ordered to not investigate such grievous crimes?

It also came out that Madam Umbridge attempted - in full view of seven sixth-year students and Professor Severus Snape - to ignore an order from the Minister and break those most ancient laws protecting the rights of married and betrothed couples.

To those who do not know, laws were placed before the time of Merlin protecting all those that are betrothed or married. (See page C3 for a complete list of these laws) In his order Minister Fudge stated that anyone attempting to separate Miss Parkinson and her betrothed would be tried in a court of law.

We await Madam Umbridge's trial with great anticipation. On all counts.

“Hermione really is a good writer. I wonder if she’ll go into journalism when she finishes her NEWTs,” Daphne said, finishing her article at the same time as Pansy.

Pansy folded up the Circadian Leaf and grabbed the Daily Prophet as Draco shook his head. “I doubt she’ll become a reporter. I’ve never discussed future goals with her, but something tells me she has much grander plans.”

Theo snorted, “Hermione Black? Grand plans? Why, whatever gave you that idea?”

The other Slytherins chuckled and Pansy opened the Daily Prophet.

Her gasp instantly silenced the laughter at the table.

“Pans? What is it?” Draco asked.

She didn’t respond, choosing instead to skim through the article, a growing sense of dread settling in her stomach. It was so terrible she wanted to throw up. To scream and shout and yell for all to hear. Instead, she dug her fingernails into the palm of one hand and kept reading, the pain keeping her mind from drifting to dark, terrible places. When she finished the front page article she quickly began searching through the paper.

She found what she was looking for in a piece so small it was almost a footnote.

Undersecretary Retires

Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge chose to suddenly retire last night after stating, “I never realized how difficult teaching was. I’m looking forward to relaxing in my garden for the foreseeable future. May the next High Inquisitor of Hogwarts find themselves more up to the task than I was.” Madam Umbridge is retiring to a small cottage in Northumberland. Minister Fudge has yet to state if he intends to appoint another High Inquisitor of Hogwarts.

“Has Hermione seen this?” Pansy shoved the little footnote across the table at Draco.

He shook his head, “I don’t think so. I can ask.”

Pansy shook her head and grabbed the entire paper back. “Don’t bother. I’ll take it to her right now.”

Before standing she glanced once more at the front page headline. The very words made her want to vomit. This was bad, very bad. Voldemort level bad. There was no other explanation for it.

As she hurried across the Great Hall the headline flashed darkly for all to see:

Entire Auror Department Charged with Treason!