The Brightest Black

Patience is a Virtue

Hermione stared down at the blank journal lying on the scarred surface of an old desk, willing words to appear in Fred’s loose handwriting.

“Staring at it won’t make him write back any faster. They had to get from Skeeter’s house to Diagon Alley by muggle means. And you know how long that will take,” Draco drawled from behind her.

She leaned back into him as he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. “I know, but I just feel so utterly helpless. If I didn’t feel like we had to keep an eye on Harry I’d have snuck off the grounds and apparated to the Burrow a week ago! But I can’t trust him not to go off and play hero. He’s been an absolute fright since-” she closed her eyes and swallowed, unable to say the words.

He swung around, sitting on a chair next to her and pulling her onto his lap. “I know. Ron and Ginger aren’t taking it well either. I’m quite surprised the three of them haven’t gone running off after the Death Eaters. If I had a sibling…” he trailed off and she looked up at him. His eyes had gone as hard as steel and she heard the unsaid words.

“We’ll get them. We’ll get them all. Every single last one.”

His lips twisted in something that could never truly be called a smile. “Yes, but who will they get first? I don’t think I can handle losing you or my mother. But you mostly.”

A sliver of fear sliced through her and she held onto him tightly. “It will take more than a Death Eater to kill me. Besides, I’ve got a score to settle with Bellatrix. And this time I won’t hesitate. That bitch is dead.”

“Don’t worry, even if you hesitate I won’t. I think she was the one that killed my father. And even if she wasn’t, it doesn’t matter. She killed your parents. And so many others.”

Hermione had no words to say to that, so, instead of responding she kissed him. After all, there wasn’t much else she could do right now. It wasn’t like anyone was listening to her.


Rage was boiling up inside of Harry and it had no way to escape.

He should have been at that bloody funeral. If he’d been there then maybe George wouldn’t be dead. Maybe Tachiki wouldn’t be dead. Maybe Voldemort wouldn’t have ran off after his horcruxes, leaving countless dead in Little Hangleton.

Four the fourth time that day he stormed up to Professor Mcgonagall’s office and pounded on the door.

And, for the fourth time there was no response.

He glared at the door and pounded again.


“Bloody Hell!!!”

He gave the door a solid kick before turning on his heel and storming away. Mcgonagall HAD to be in there! Why was she picking now to ignore him and Hermione?!?! Did she think they knew nothing because they’d been in Hogwarts since Christmas?!?!

As he was storming past a window he glanced outside at the slowly lowering sun. It was getting late, but he had too much energy and had to do SOMETHING or he would go crazy.

Maybe a flight was in order. His broom was in his drawstring bag.

Yes, a flight was the perfect thing. Maybe he could even find Mcgonagall’s window and go pound on that for a change.

That idea made him smile as he headed for the Hogwarts grounds.


Fred adjusted his cloak - making sure it covered his red hair - and casually stepped into the Leaky Cauldron. Tom looked up from the bar and eyed him suspiciously. Fred could see the wizard’s wand lying on the counter within easy reach.

No, this was not the same pub he had come in for lunch with George a week ago.

Pain shot through him at the thought of his twin, but he stamped it down. George wasn’t the only person he loved in the world. And right now he needed to stay focused and get things done so that he could make sure no one else suffered the same fate.

And to that end he needed to get to the flat above his shop. From there he could floo to the Marauder's Academy. Someone from the Order had to be there. He had to tell them about the horcruxes, warn them that the only place left was Hogwarts.

Not to mention the fact that Professor Dumbledore had been in command of the Deathstick and how Voldemort must have gained control of it by using his horcrux in the snake to kill the old wizard.

With those thoughts in the front of his mind he walked straight through the pub. At the back he took out his wand and tapped the bricks - being careful not to dislodge the beetle clinging to his collar.

Diagon Alley was deserted.

It felt more like it had been months - not a week - since he was last there.

Several stores were boarded up and a number of others showed signs of being broken into. Someone had even burned down Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor.

His hands clenched into fists as he walked down the street. As he passed an alleyway he felt a decided chill that was far from natural.

“ Expecto Patronum! ”

Nothing came out of his wand. The cold grew and he wondered why he had even tried to cast a spell.

Wouldn’t it just be easier to relax and not fight? He could join George then and-

Little legs scurried up his neck, making him jump.


She had saved him. She had destroyed her position as Mrs. Malfoy’s spy. He owed her a life debt.

A single dementor came gliding out of the alley.

His whole body hurt as he suddenly saw George being swallowed by their inky black forms.

No...not again…


He refused to watch his brother die all over again!


A silvery raven emerged from his wand, flying straight at the dementor and making it flee in terror.

He stood, panting and watching the dementor flee until the raven flew back to him. Without thinking he raised his arm and let the shining bird land.

A raven. He’d never had a raven before. He’d always had a crow.

He smiled even as a warm wetness streaked down his face.


George hadn’t left him. Not really

The raven tilted its head, studying him for a moment before opening its beak and letting out a loud, “Kraa!” before disappearing.

But Fred knew he’d come back whenever he was needed.

Suddenly feeling calmer and more like himself Fred wiped the tears off his face and continued down the alley.

He was unsurprised to see the store intact. After all, it was Bill and his friends who had done the wards.

No one knew wards like a curse-breaker.

And no Death Eater was getting through brand new professional wards without a lot of work - a phrase he doubt was even part of a Death Eater’s vocabulary.

He quickly unlocked the door and let himself inside before locking up again.

The beetle flew off his collar and landed on the store counter. A moment later it was replaced by Skeeter. She looked around the shop in mild amazement, her piercing gaze taking in every detail.

“I’m surprised your store is still standing. Wouldn’t you be a target?”

“I’m certain they found that messing with a Weasley is much easier said than done.”

“Hmm. Well, if you say so. Now, shall we find the floo and get this done with? I highly doubt Miss Black will approve of us wasting time.”

Fred snorted, “Since when do you care what Hermione thinks?”

Skeeter opened her mouth to reply but froze, a thoughtful expression appearing on her face. “You know, I don’t think I know. And it’s rather odd. I never care what anyone thinks.”

His curiosity was piqued, but he had other things to worry about first. Still he couldn’t help but asking, “You sure you don’t know?” as he hurried to the back, pulling supplies out of their secret stash.

“What, Weasley, you think you’re a reporter? When I say I don’t know I mean I don’t know. I didn’t give a damn about the girl back when I wrote that article about her and Malfoy. Though I did come to respect her a bit after that first article she published. Not many can write a first article like that and get it published in so many papers.”

Fred stuck several pouches of various powders in his drawstring bag before moving on to the potions. “So you respected her first? And now you care what she thinks of you. Intriguing. Now, can you go grab that little box off the shelf there? The one with a red circle. No, don’t open it! Thank you.” He slipped the box into his bag and scanned the shelves. He didn’t think there was anything else. The Academy had a cupboard full of the enchanted shield robes and hats.

“What’s in that box?”

“A surprise for the Death Eaters. Now, let’s get out of here. Follow me and try not to touch anything. Quite a few things will react to a non-Weasley. Not that that ever stopped Hermione…”

Skeeter followed him quietly up the narrow stairs to the flat above the store. Fred didn’t stop to give her a tour, it was too painful to be in their flat. Everywhere he looked he could see George. He walked directly to the fireplace and grabbed some floo powder.

“We’re going to have to go together as you’re not keyed to the floo there.”

“Should I change form again?”

He shook his head, “No, it won’t let anyone through in an animagus form. I believe they had you specifically in mind when adding that little security.”

She let out a decidedly unladylike snort, “Why does that not surprise me?”

“Because you’re actually rather intelligent?”

That apparently threw her for a loop as she didn’t speak another word while he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, tossed the powder, and pulled her into the flames.

“Marauder's Academy!”

He squeezed his eyes shut as they spun through the floo world and before he knew it they had arrived.

The lobby was empty and fairly dark, but Fred could hear noise coming from down one of the hallways. He almost called out, but decided against it. What if he was wrong and the academy wasn’t as secure as he thought?

No, better to be safe.

With that thought in mind he drew his wand, noticing that Skeeter did the same. Part of him wondered if he should trust her. She could be trying to double-cross him. No, he doubted Voldemort would trade two loyal Death Eaters for a possible spy.

Besides, Mrs. Malfoy had trusted her and Hermione trusted Mrs. Malfoy. So who was Fred to argue with that? At least in his own mind?

They quietly crept down the hall, moving towards the noise..

Fred frowned as they grew closer. If he didn’t know better he’d think that someone was doing something very inappropriate here…

“Someone is having sex,” Skeeter stated.

Fred shot her a look.

“Stop and listen, they can’t hear us.”

He rolled his eyes but stopped to listen.

There was a loud moan followed by a deep, animalistic growl.

Okay, maybe someone was having sex here.

“Fine. Let’s go interrupt. Destroying the dark lord is a bit more important than having a tipple in a deserted school.”

“Point,” Skeeter said.

That really made Fred give her a look.

“Now what? You have a point. We need to talk to the Order before anyone else dies.”

He shook his head, “Nothing.”

The animalistic noises were coming from the main classroom used by the Defense classes. The door there was slightly ajar, so Fred crept up to it and looked through the gap.

The sight made him wish that he wasn’t in such a hurry and he’d gotten there earlier. While he really didn’t want to see his old professor in this state he couldn’t help but admire the sight of Tonks bent over a desk naked as the day she was born. He and George had had quite the crush on her back when they were first and second years.

He was considering how to get their attention safely when Tonks let out a loud shriek and her hair rapidly rippled through all the colors of the rainbow before settling on her natural mousey brown.

Mooney responded by pulling her up into a standing position and holding her tight as he began to move faster.

Fred took a step back from the door. If the usually calm and reserved Mooney was acting like this in a ‘public’ place than it had to be close to the full moon.

“Skeeter, what part of the moon are we in?”

“Hmm? Oh,” she pulled away from where she had been looking into the room, “I think it’s tomorrow. Had to keep track of it for the Dark Lord. Greyback may have been captured and imprisoned but we still had a handful of werewolves wandering around.”

A guttural growl sounded from the classroom, followed by the cessation of the sound of skin slapping against skin.

Fred counted to sixty and then raised his fist and knocked firmly on the doorframe.

“Who’s there?!?” Tonks shouted out.

“It’s Fred. I need to-”

He was abruptly cut off as the door was flung open and he found his arms full of Tonks.

“You’re alive! When we couldn’t find you-!”

Mooney walked up behind Tonks, looking much calmer than he had before. He was fixing his robes with his wand and eyeing Fred somewhat suspiciously. “It’s good to see you in one piece Fred. Now, care to tell me two things?”

“Yes, professor?”

“Just what exactly did you and George do to Hermione back in school?”

“What time?”

“Pick one.”

“Alright. When we were ten we stole Percy’s wand and managed to curse Hermione so that whenever she handed you a piece of parchment then it would crumble to ashes.”

“And what did I do to you two?”

“You gave us the same curse. Just as we were turning in the essays on magical beasts in muggle mythology. George started crying seeing all our hard work disappear. I tried to curse you, but didn’t have a wand. We never messed with anyone’s academic career again.”

Mooney gave a small smile and pulled Fred into a hug as Tonks moved away, “Glad to see you alive, Fred. I know you’re likely not feeling the same way, but that’s alright. That’s a normal feeling.”

“This is nice and all, but we really need to talk to the Order. Fred’s got important information about the Dark Lord.”

Tonks let out a gasp, her wand flying into her hand. “YOU! What are you doing here?!? Fred?”

Fred moved to stand between Tonks and Skeeter. “It’s fine. She saved me from being killed by the Carrows. Got them kissed. Apparently she’s been working in secret to give Mrs. Malfoy information since Christmas. Blew her cover to save me. Then she healed all my injuries.”

Tonks and Mooney gave Skeeter the stink eye. “Oh, really?” Tonks asked. “I have trouble seeing Skeeter do anything at all nice.”

“Better believe it. He had broken ribs, a broken ankle, and a very serious concussion. Not to mention numerous cuts and bruises. Oh, and the Carrows had used the Cruciatus Curse on him before I got rid of them. I may be selfish and rather cold-hearted, but even I have my limits on how much torture and death I can just standby and watch.”

Tonks looked like she didn’t believe her, but chose not to argue.

“Where’s everyone else?” Fred asked.

Mooney flushed a bit, “They’re all at the Burrow. We, ah, came here to make sure everything is setup for me tomorrow night. Your mum is fixing enough food for a feast. I know she can’t stop worrying about you. So, uh, let’s go.” He nodded firmly and then headed for the lobby, ushering Skeeter in front of him.

Fred watched them for a second before looking back at Tonks and raising an eyebrow. “Does he really think I’ll believe you two were just setting up?”

She glare, “You better believe it!”

He snickered, “Ah, well, it’s really hard to believe his words when I know what I saw with my own eyes.”

She gaped at him and he winked.

Her hair turned a brilliant scarlet. “FRED WEASLEY!!!”

“I’m not Fred, I’m-” he stopped, all humor draining out of him.

Tonks’ skin became deathly pale even as her hair turned a deep, sorrowful black. “Oh, Fred-”

“Never mind,” he said coldly to cover the pain in his heart. “Let’s go.”

He hurried up the hallway, taking deep breathes and blinking back tears as Tonks followed.

Maybe he should give up on teasing people. It just wasn’t the same anymore.


Draco’s hands snaked up inside of Hermione’s robes, touching wonderfully soft skin. She nipped at his neck and he groaned even his fingers slipped up under her bra, making her gasp.

It was odd that she now had no trouble with him touching her torso under her robes, but he had yet to see her arms or legs without cloth covering them.

Hell, he’d yet to actually see any of the places his hands had roamed. But that was her decision, not his.

He tilted his head down and pressed small kisses down her face as his fingers continued their exploration.

Tap-tap .

They jerked apart, wands slipping out of sleeves as Hermione hopped off his lap. The classroom was still empty and the door was closed.

“Merlin take him!”

That was when Draco realized that without even planning it they had moved to cover opposite sides of the room. While he had faced the door Hermione had faced the windows. He turned to watch her stride over to one of the windows and fling it open.

Floating in mid-air outside the window was Harry on his bloody broomstick, with the setting sun directly behind him.

Draco glared at the person who would hopefully be his brother-in-law one day. Draco knew Hermione refused to consider them anything but more than friends, but he knew what he wanted now. He knew it might take a few decades, but he’d eventually win her over. And, thanks to their little fealty vow he’d know the exact moment she wanted to marry him.

“Get a room!” Harry hollered at them.

“We have a room!!!” Hermione yelled back.

“Okay, get one with no windows then!”

Draco glared and shot a stinging hex at Harry. The other boy just laughed and dodged out of the way.

“Seriously, Harry. Just what are you doing?” Hermione put her hands on her hips and glared at her brother. “It’s almost fully dark outside! Get in here right now!”

Harry made a face, but did as she said and flew into the room before hopping off his broom and dropping it in his drawstring bag.

It was so weird to watch an entire broom fit in a bag that didn’t even look big enough to hold a quaffle. Hermione was brilliant.

She started berating her brother so he went over to the window and began to close it. He stopped halfway through and frowned.

He could have sworn something was moving by the whomping willow. And even in the dusky half-darkness between the setting of the sun and rising of the moon he could tell it wasn’t the tree moving.

Maybe an animal?

He stared for a moment, searching the grounds, but could see nothing odd now.

“Draco? Something wrong?”

“No, just thought I saw something by the whomping willow.”

“Let me see,” Harry said, sliding in next to Draco and looking out the window. “Okay, that’s odd.”

“What is it?” Hermione asked.

“The willow isn’t moving. It’s almost like someone touched the tree root.”

“Tree root?” Draco asked.

“Long story,” Hermione answered. “But that isn’t good. I think we need to go look.” She pulled out her fake galleon and changed it to tell everyone to meet at her classroom. “But let’s play it safe, we shouldn’t go alone. Not right now.”

“Any news from Fred?” Harry asked.

She shook her head, “No, but he should be getting back to us soon.”

“Let’s hope so,” Draco said, glancing back down at the unmoving whomping willow. “I don’t think Voldemort is going to wait forever to check on his horcrux here.”

“Point,” Hermione said as the three of them settled down to wait for the rest of the New Marauders.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that was a bit of a breather chapter, was it not? Hope ya'll enjoyed it!

It's interesting how some people were glad that Fred lived, while others thought the twins should always be together - even in death.