Status: My attempt at fabricating a cool story

Elite Fatigue


‘Everything bad happens to me’, or at least that was what Micah thought as a constant mantra as he laid uncomfortably on a hospital bed. There was a car crash, ‘that’s right’. He had taken his usual route home from the gym in his new green car that he obtained only a short while ago. It should have only taken 10 minutes. The last thing Micah remembered was travelling through a clear green light. ‘I wasn’t at fault, how could this have happened?’ That was where he blacked out recalling the tremendous slam from the right side of the car. “A car must have hit me. What an idiot”, Micah now spoke out loud. Gazing around his body nothing seemed to be broken, but he couldn’t be certain, his thoughts weren’t clear and the strain from looking around had not help his soaring headache. Submitting, he relaxed himself and returned to resting.

Not for long as a doctor and a few other strange people marched into the room, all dressed nice in suits and appearing stern, except for the doctor. She glanced at her clipboard and started speaking first, “Hello Micah, I will be your doctor”, her voice was soft. She was the only cheerful person in the room, but despite her pleasant demeanour the atmosphere had that serious tone the others brought to the room. ‘Who are they? They don’t look like they work here, nor do they look police. Perhaps they might be detectives, but why were are three of them? No one died did they?’ “You were in a car crash. Fear not, everything is okay you don’t have any broken bones or anything like that. Your recovery will be swift”.

She smiled and gestured towards the bandage around Micah’s head. He didn’t even realise it was there until now. “Your head did get banged around a bit though, you will likely be concussed”. There were too many questions Micah wanted to ask, none surfacing to his mouth, only fumbling to try and blurt out something. “W-when will I be able to go home?” Not the best question to ask, but he was happy he was able to say something. That was when the first enigmatic man stepped forward.

Well groomed, articulate, slender and a smart haircut, this man appeared every bit in charge of the group assembled. “That is just it. You won’t be allowed to return, for you see it is not by chance that you were incapacitated in that crash and have found yourself on that bed”, he said. “I am the controller of a miscellany of people, comprising of their own unique qualities suited towards my needs.” The heart rate monitor attached to Micah was escalating. Continuing, “My name is Tarquin, I will be the person in charge of your training. I know what you’re thinking, why me right? Well we choose people based on the potential we see in them. People unhappy with their existence not really making any impact. We feel it’s a program suited well for your type of person.”

‘How could this person, Tarquin, presume to know what I am feeling right now?’ “No” Micah responded resolute. “This is not what I want.” He gazed around the room and looked at them all. “How could you? T-this is not right, you can’t just do this to someone. Asking is a thing, you know? I have to go home now, this is over.” Determined, he pulled off the cords that were attached to him. “You can’t do that” chimed in the doctor but he wasn’t listening. He slipped off the bed, all eyes on him. The pain of his headache intensifying, but that shouldn’t be a detriment. He realised now the purpose of the two other silent men in suits whose postures stiffened as he did this in the corners of his eye. They were to ensure he was not to leave.

Micah was good at reading people, the doctor and Tarquin were positioned at the other side of the bed, no threat there, but the two others were right near the door. “You can’t leave” Tarquin interjected in a firm but calm manner. “Watch me” he responded, continuing to walk towards the doors at a normal pace. That was all part of his improvised plan that was being fabricated on the spot. There’s no way he was going to best these guards in a fight. ‘I suppose that’s what they are’. So when he approached and one made a grab at him, he swerved out of the path of his tackle and used his weight to propel him out of battle. ‘That probably bought me like two seconds’ Micah thought. The other guard tried to grab him in a bear hug fashion from behind, but he couldn’t really solidify his grip, which gave Micah the opportunity to elbow the guard in the gut. Capitalising on that small window he sprinted out the door, headache searing, as fast as he could down the hallway.

The place was deserted, not a person in sight. Hallway after hallway, left, right, down a flight of stairs, there was nothing to indicate Micah was even going in the right direction. ‘Down means good right?’ If only he could make some sense of this place, every floor seemed the same, although he had only made it down three. Shuttling down another hallway two of the mystery men, not the same ones that paid him a visit his hospital room, turned the corner and approached from the far end of the corridor in front. Micah’s reaction was quick, slipping to the ground on the slippery hospital floors as he spun and launch himself in the opposite direction. The other direction was as appealing as the original two suited guards approached. He would have been cornered if it wasn’t for a door at the centre of the passage. He threw himself through the door, thinking for a split second like he evaded a near impossible situation, although checkmate, it was over. It was a normal room that led nowhere.

Submitting, Micah sat down on the empty bed, defeated, and waited for the inevitable. The guards ambled in to the room and in silence stood in supervision. Nothing had to be said, there was no escaping and there was no need to be restrained. After a short time, the doctor and Tarquin strolled into the room. “We didn’t get to finish our conversation” Tarquin said. The doctor walked up to the right side of Micah and jabbed him in the arm with a needle. He continued, “I underestimated you Micah, I did not think you would attempt escape.” The world was starting to blur. “You’ve been injected with an anaesthetic to counter your admirable, but fruitless opposition.” Tarquin approached the left side of the bed and whispered into Micah’s ears. “So the last thing I will say is you are now dead. The world believes you perished in that car crash, and everyone you know is now mourning your existence.”

And with that Micah faded into the abyss.
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Thanks for reading! :)