Status: Active!

Fall From Grace


“Everything go alright?” Johnny asked when we both got settled into my car again.

“No,” I said, fully intending to leave it at that.

“He said something you didn’t want to hear, didn’t he?” Johnny asked.

“Not exactly, more like he did something I wasn’t expecting,” I said with a sigh. Has everyone else been right this whole time about how Zacky felt about me? Am I that blind?

Johnny nodded in understanding. “Probably has something to do with how he was going on and on about how badly he was in love with you at the bar tonight,” he said. I opened my mouth to reply, but I was speechless. All I could do was gape at him like a crazy person.

“Watch the road,” he yelled as he grabbed the wheel and guided us back into the right lane.

“Sorry, but you can’t just spring something like that on a girl when she’s operating dangerous heavy machinery,” I said, with a nervous laugh. I wanted to forget his words and I wanted to forget that kiss ever happened.

“Did you really not see that coming?” Johnny asked, prying a little too much considering he wasn’t even a friend.

“It’s not like it’s true, he was just drunk,” I said, not sure if I was trying to convince him or convince myself.

“Ever heard the phrase drunk words speak sober thoughts?” he asked and I knew he was right. It had been there all along, I was just a fucking idiot.

“Just stop, okay. Stop trying to tell me that one of my best friends is in love with me. It’s not true.”

“Whatever you say, Melanie,” he said with an eye roll in my direction.

I turned up the volume on the stereo loud enough to drown out Johnny’s voice, but I couldn’t make it loud enough to drown out my thoughts. Zacky couldn’t be in love with me, he just couldn’t.

A few minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot of the bar and parked next to Johnny’s car. He opened the door and started to get out, but paused halfway through the action.

“Listen, there’s this party Friday night. You should come with me so we can knock some more time off of the judge’s orders.”

“Is Brian going to be there?” I asked. There was no way I was going if he was.

“No, he’s got a date with some chick. I made sure he wasn’t going to be there before I asked you. I’m not a complete asshole,” he said.

“Could’ve fooled me, but okay, as long as you pick me up. I’m not wasting anymore gas money on you.”

I could’ve sworn he was actually smiling as he climbed into his own car.


Friday night rolled around and I was in bed crying my eyes out when I heard Johnny’s car in the driveway. A couple of minutes later, he started knocking at the door. I ignored him and sank down even further under the covers. There was no way I was going anywhere tonight.

The knocking continued for about five straight minutes before it suddenly ceased. I exhaled a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding, happy that he had given up and left. That’s when I heard the front door open and then close gently. Dammit, I knew I should have locked it.

“Melanie, are you here?” Johnny asked as I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs.

I stayed quiet, hoping he would just leave. I should’ve known he wouldn’t, I never get what I want when it comes to him. He knocked lightly on my bedroom door.

“Come in,” I said quietly, not even sure if he could hear me.

Apparently he did because the door swung open and Johnny entered. He took one look at me and regained that uncomfortable look he had the last time he’d seen me cry. It was almost funny.

“I take it you’re not coming to the party?” he asked.

“No, I’m not,” I said, picking up yet another tissue to wipe at my eyes with.

“What’s wrong? It has to be something bad. I never would have pegged you as a crier,” he pointed out as he sat down next to me on the bed. I couldn’t even bring myself to grip at him for touching my bed.

“You don’t want to know,” I said, hoping he would leave it as it was and not question me further.

“Come on, I can be a good listener when I put my mind to it,” he said. I cursed his stupid habit of prying when it wasn’t welcome.

“Brian’s a dick,” I said finally, tears freely flowing from my eyes again. I didn’t even try to stop them.

“He did something else to you?” he asked.


“Then what is it?” I could hear the annoyance in his voice. He wanted me to get to the point.

“My period was due a week ago and, well, it hasn’t come yet. There, I said it.” I felt my cheeks burn, I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation with Johnny!

“Brian? At that party?”

I just nodded as I began openly weeping, not able to control myself at all.

“Have you taken a test?” he asked. He actually seemed genuinely concerned now.

“I’m too scared,” I admitted.

“I’ll be back in ten minutes,” Johnny said and left the room without another word.

Curiosity was enough to allow me to regain control of my tear ducts and I went to the bathroom to wash my face before Johnny returned. I hated when people saw me cry.
Less than ten minutes later, Johnny was back in my bedroom, shoving a small, brown paper bag into my hands.

“I figured since I threw the party, I could at least help you out. I’ll just go now,” he said, turning to leave the room.

When I saw the pregnancy test in the bag, I called out to him without thinking. “No, please stay. I can’t be alone for this.”

He nodded and sank down on the edge of my bed again. I steadied myself and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I read the instructions on the box and followed them. When I was finished, I went back into the bedroom and sat the thing on my dresser. I then noted the time and prepared myself to wait the five minutes like the box said.

“How long does it take?” Johnny asked.

“Five long miserable fucking minutes,” I replied in a flat voice.

Those five minutes were the longest of my life. Neither of us spoke, but I still appreciated the fact that he was waiting with me. I’d be having a panic attack if I were alone.

“It’s been five minutes,” Johnny said, breaking the silence.

I stood up, only making it halfway to the dresser before I paused. “I can’t do it,” I said, shaking my head.

Johnny looked uncertain, but he stood and walked over to the dresser to look at the test.

“It’s negative,” he said and I had never been more excited to hear him speak before.

I screamed in excitement and threw myself onto Johnny, squeezing him tightly in very enthusiastic hug. It was then that I remembered that it was Johnny and quickly let go.

“I’m sorry. I’m just so unbelievably relieved,” I said, not wanting him to think I hugged him for any reason other than that.

“I understand. So how about that party?”

“I’ll go get ready,” I said.

After all, how could I not go celebrate that tiny little negative sign?