Status: Active!

Fall From Grace


“Okay, hand over the money for your ticket,” Johnny said in an annoyed voice before we got out of the car. I rolled my eyes and dug in my purse for my wallet. I handed him a ten.

“I better get my change back,” I said.

He laughed humorlessly and got out of the car. I got out behind him and waited as he bought our tickets. Once inside, I left him to go buy myself some popcorn and he found one of his freak friends and went off to talk to them. I got my extra buttery popcorn and went and got my favorite seat in the theater, the very top row, right in the center. There was no point in even going to the movies if you couldn't sit there.

About ten minutes after the movie started, Johnny came in with a girl on his heels. He gave me a smirk and sat down directly in front of me. Within seconds he was practically on top of the poor girl and shoving his tongue halfway down her throat. It was disgusting. It got old after about five seconds. So I decided to have fun with it.

“Johnny is that you?” I asked loud enough that several people angrily told me to shut the hell up.

“Did someone just call your name?” I heard the girl ask him quietly.

“No, I didn’t hear anything,” Johnny said, then proceeded to eat her face a little bit more.

“Johnny baby, you never called me back after our little rendezvous the other night,” I said, trying not to let my lip curl up in disgust at just the thought.

“What the fuck did she just say?” the girl asked, pushing Johnny off of her and turning around in her seat to face me.

“Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something? I was just letting Johnny know that he shouldn’t promise to call people back unless he’s actually going to. I told him I’d keep his secret safe from his little girlfriend. Oh wait, that’s you isn’t it? Oops, Johnny, the cat’s out of the bag now.”

“You prick!” the girl screamed, before slapping Johnny across the face then storming from the room.

Johnny stood up and stepped over the back of his seat so he was on the same row as me. He sat down into the chair next to mine and leaned over so he could whisper in my ear where no one else could hear.

“Do you realize who the hell that was? Maria Sanchez, she is the sexiest girl in the entire senior class. You just screwed that up for me. Are you happy?” he said through clenched teeth.

“My job here is complete,” I said and leaned back in my chair and settled in to watch the rest of the movie.

“Fuck you. Go get in the car,” he said, standing up.

“Umm no. I paid for this movie, I’m watching it.”

“Fine, I’ll be in the car. Come out there as soon as it’s over, maybe I won’t have killed myself by then.”

“Bye, lover boy,” I said and kicked him in the ass as he walked by. He stumbled a bit, but never looked back.

Once he was out of sight, I pulled out my phone and texted Zacky, also known as, the only one of Johnny’s stupid group of kindergarten friends that I could stand.

Sweet, not even an hour and I’ve already managed to make him want to murder me -Mellie <3

Oh God, what did you do --Z.V.--

Screwed things up between him and who he referred to as the sexiest girl in the senior class -Mellie<3

Seriously? How’d you manage that? --Z.V.--

They were making out in the movie theatre right in front of me so I asked Johnny why he never called me back after our last night together. She got pissed, called him a bastard, slapped him, and then left his sorry ass sitting there. PRICELESS. -Mellie <3

Damn. I bet he’s pissed. --Z.V.--

Beyond pissed. -Mellie <3

You should come over after you get home. I want all the dirty details of how you torture Johnny boy. --Z.V.--

I thought you were supposed to be his friend. -Mellie <3

I am. I just love when people screw with him. --Z.V.--

Alrighty then mate, I’ll see you later. -Mellie <3

See you. --Z.V.--

I smiled at the thought of how much Johnny hated that Zacky and I were so close. He was constantly asking him how he could stand being around me. Zacky just shrugs him off every time.

Jessie, my other best friend, says that Zacky is in love with me and has been for quite some time, but I think she’s crazy. There’s no way. We are very close, but it’s nothing like that. It is purely platonic between the two of us.

Within ten minutes, I was tired of the boring movie so I went to find Johnny. He was in the car, still alive, unfortunately, and listening to music. I got into the car and without a word he took off for my house. When he got me there, I stepped out of the car.

“So when is our next little date going to take place?” I asked, smirking at him.

“When hell fucking freezes over. I don’t care what the judge said; I’m not spending any more time with you. I hate you and your stupid smirk that makes you so very unattractive,” Johnny said. He was so pissed and I was enjoying every second of it. I was enjoying it so much, that I had no problem shrugging off his comment.

“Fine by me,” I said, slamming the car door and making my way up the driveway. I was ready to go chill with Zacky so I could rid my mind of the dreadful couple of hours I’d been forced to spend with my enemy.
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Melanie is such a bitch, I love her! Ha. Let me know what you think, comments are my favorite!