Status: Active!

Fall From Grace


“So how was the movie?” Zacky asked as I walked through his bedroom door and threw myself onto his bed next to him.

“It sucked balls. You can’t enjoy a movie unless you’ve got someone there with you. It’s so boring,” I said.

“So you pissed him off to the point that he actually left the theater?” Zacky asked in astonishment. I guess he doubted the hatred between the two of us.

“Oh yeah, he totally went and waited in the car. Then when he dropped me off, he told me that he didn’t care what the judge said, he wasn’t spending any more time with me and that he hated me.”

“Damn that's harsh,” he said, leaning back on his elbows.

“Yeah, but since when is that anything new. Hey, want to watch a movie?” I asked suddenly, making Zacky laugh a little.

“Sweeney Todd?” he suggested.

“You read my mind, best friend.”

Zacky laughed again and went to put on the movie as I kicked off my shoes and sprawled out across his bed in a more comfortable position, basically taking up the whole thing, not leaving him much room at all.

“How can someone as small as you take up so much damn space?” Zacky asked, poking my side until I moved enough for him to sprawl out beside me.


The movie was just getting to a good part when the door to Zacky’s bedroom flung open and two of the fucktards entered the room.

“Well if it isn’t Thing One and Thing Two,” I said as they both shot me disgusted looks.

“Shut it, Melanie before I shut it for you,” Matt said. I know he looked big and scary to some people, but I knew it was all talk with him.

“Yes I'm so fucking afraid of you,” I said.

“Man Zacky why do you always have to be hanging out with her? Are you at least fucking her yet?” Brian asked, looking at Zacky and raising his eyebrows suggestively. God, he was such a pig.

“No Brian, she’s like my sister. Sorry but I’m not going to fuck my sister,” Zacky said.

“Hmm well she’s not my sister. You know, I’m sure if I taped your mouth shut and closed my eyes tightly you could be pretty sexy,” Brian said as he sat down next to me and put his hand on my inner thigh.

“Wow Brian, way to go. Do you know what pick up lines like that are going to get you?” I asked, making my voice sound all sweet and innocent.

“What?” he asked, leaning down so I could feel his breath on my neck and almost making me gag. I think he was actually trying to be seductive, but let me tell you, he was failing miserably. I would rather die a thousand painful deaths than let him put his dick anywhere near me.

“Carpal tunnel, you fucking freak.”

Zacky almost rolled off the bed when he suddenly went into a laughing fit and Matt was trying his hardest not to crack a smile. Brian just looked confused. He didn’t get it and that made it so much better.

“What the hell does she mean?” Brian asked, turning to Matt.

“She means you’re going to be having a lot of alone time, Brian,” Zacky said after he finally recovered from his laughing.

Comprehension dawned across Brian’s face and he smiled at me.

“Whatever. I have girls begging to be able to do that for me," he said smugly.

“Only in your sickest dreams. Now what is your purpose in being here?” I said, like it was my house or something. Which it may as well be considering I was there more than I was at my own house.

“Right. Zack I need to borrow your rock band drum set. Jimmy got mad at mine and stuck his foot through it and Amber is pissed because she wants to challenge him to a duel,” Matt said.

Zacky nodded and stood up from his bed. “It’s down in the living room somewhere, I think.”

Matt nodded and followed Zacky from the room to locate the drum set, leaving me alone with Brian. Kill me now, please?

Brian sat back down on the bed next to me, his hand returning to my thigh and trying to creep up even higher. I couldn't believe this asshole!

“Brian get your masturbation worn hands off of me,” I said through my teeth, about ready to punch him in his balls.

“You know you want me,” he said, in what I guess was his “seductive” voice.

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” I said as I pushed his hand off of my leg.

He laughed and before I knew what was happening pushed me backwards and jumped on top of me. He lowered his face to mine and was seconds away from crushing his lips to mine when we heard Matt and Zacky climbing the stairs. Thank God they had good timing.

Brian quickly jumped off of me, crossing the room and sitting down in a chair. He knew Zacky would kick his ass if he saw that.

“This isn’t over,” he said quietly and blew a kiss in my direction seconds before they came through the door. I didn't doubt that. I'd seen him set his sights on specific girls before. He never stops until he gets what he wants. Well I've got news for him, pigs will fly out of my vagina before I let Brian Haner Jr. anywhere near it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will most likely be doing a double update today so watch out for chapter four in a few hours. Okay now that made me want to go listen to Chapter Four.

Let me know what you think!