

The poor, broken woman was dragged away from the victor. Sylvani stood in the centre of the dusty ring. She was the Queen of ring and the crowd cheered for her as she roared. Her teeth were stained crimson. Fresh blood bubbled down her chin. She exited the ring and the crowd engulfed her once more. Hands reached to pat her shoulders and ruffle her wild hair. They stayed above the collar as wandering hands could be exchanged for a dagger in the gut.

A giant named Julier stepped into the ring. He stood a head above the rest of the crowd. His exposed torso was a ribbed with muscles. Julier may be the King of the ring, but his relationship with the Queen was less than amiable.

“Who´s next?“ he bellowed. The challenge was met with a hesitant cheer. Hadrianna felt the crowd inch backwards.

A new regime would be formed in the next couple weeks. Sylvani and Julier were alpha predators who had established their dominance over the last week.Their more cunning competitors would gathering over games of dice instead.

“Give me a fight!“ Julier spat.

A lean man tripped forward into the ring. He appeared more of a human tribute than a challenger. He was likely pushed from behind. The crowd cheered and his fate was sealed. He paled as he contemplated his options. If he refused to fight he would likely not survive night, but if he fought perhaps Julier would spare him. The challenger raised his fists.

“What´s your name?” Julier grinned.

“Eethani.” The lean man composed himself and bowed for the crowd with showmanship. He was a performer. “But are we here to fight or flirt?” The crowd laughed.

“I like him! The boy´s got spirit.” Sylvani shouted from other side of the ring. Julier growled for the fight to begin.

The lean man circled the giant waiting for a moment to strike. Eethani had a good, nimble stance. He was strong and athletic. He was probably a better fighter than most of the spectators. He attacked darting the brute´s fist and landing a punch on the chin. Julier winced in pain. The crowd howled. They had a fight.

The challenger dived and ducked the bigger man´s punches. He stung fast in return. Julier received a black eye and a nose bleed. The crowd ooohed and aaahed with every near miss. Eventually, Eethani dodged too slow. The crowd winced as Julier´s heavy fist grazed the lean man. The impact hadn´t hurt him, but it had knocked him off balance. Julier took advantage of the clumsy stance. A second heavy first thumped hard. With a third crunch the lean man was knocked to the ground. Some cheered, but most inhaled their breath. They had become fond of the Eethani, but now the titan stood above him.

“You fucking dancer.” Julier said almost inaudible over the crowd. He began to break the lean man with his fists. Hadrianna averted her eyes. She had little appetite for violence this morning.

A distant rumble silenced the crowd. It was finally happening. So, it was true. After a week of waiting it was just in time. Julier abandoned the fight. The take off had indirectly spared Eethani's life. Hadrianna watched him crawl back through the legs of the crowd like a rodent returning to his burrow. He had fought well against Julier. People would congratulate him for it.

The crowd was memorized by the roar. Beyond the horizon it howled like a sandstorm. Then, a man-made tower rose upon a column of fire and smoke. It climbed. They began to cheer and Hadrianna almost shouted with them. It rose through the blue sky. It climbed higher and higher still. They chanted urging it further still. It rose over the morning sun. It rose to the edge of the sky, but even that would not stop it. The rocket grew ever more distant.

It was the rocket leaving for Mars. The privileged passengers had received passage from this dying world. Would they watch through their telescopes what was to come or would they turn and blind-eye to those they had left behind? Eventually the rocket faded into a piece of grit suspended in the sky. The crowd lost interest and people began to jostle once more.

“Okay. Show´s over. Back-up people.” A bearded man shouted. The crowd began to stumble clumsily.

“Move!” A short, stocky man yelled pushing to enlarge the ring.

Hadrianna had grown bored of the fighting pit. She squeezed her way out and began to wander through the endless campsite towards her own smaller camp. There were more people than she could have ever imagined. She didn't like it. The cool touch of her pistol beneath her dusty robes reassured her. They must have been thousands that had all scuttled out the cracks and crevices of the earth. They were the Cockroaches. They were the survivors in this cruel world.

Tensions were high in the camp. People chatted and laughed at camp as they had everyday. Those who had liquor left drank. They were taking turns guarding the belongings of their group. However, after a week of waiting, food had become scarce and there was wildness in people´s eyes. Gazes darted back and forth as they watched the passers-by with twitchy limbs and clenched jaws. The campsite was tinder, sitting under the merciless sun, waiting for a spark.

A gunshot sounded a few camps away. The shooter, A girl of similar lean stature, stood defiantly with a pistol in hand. It was the third shot Hadrianna had heard today and the sun was not yet at it's highest. The mob gathered like moths to a flame and the shouting started.

“She was bloody stealing. That´s the last food we've got between fourteen of us!” The shooter shouted gesturing at something.

There were four rules. No rape, no stealing, no looting and no shooting. However, it was the responsibility of the people to enforce those rules. Now, as people got hungrier they had become more opportunistic. Does theft justify and a shooting? Hadrianna would have done exactly the same. Her policy was shoot first and don't ask questions at all, but it was the mob who would decide. She continued walking through the campsite wanting no part in the poor girl´s fate.

To the north was a wall that stretched to either side of the horizon. She walked parallel to the wall. On the far side they said there was rich, fertile soil that had been maintained by science and machines. Food was abundant for the thousands that lived there. It was the northern tip of a once prosperous continent. On their side of the wall the soil was a gritty dust. Only the most durable crops could be grown. A few hundred miles further south and everything was desert.

The Northerner had hidden behind their wall for too long. For decades they had been transferring their colony to Mars by shuttling back and forth. Rumour said they were only a few thousand left and they were finally left vulnerable. Now the Cockroaches had gathered. They would climb the wall and attack the city from behind. However, the problem was cooperation. After generations of competition and mistrust it was difficult.

Hadrianna was approaching her own camp. Three out of a total of sixteen sat amongst their belongings.

“Excellent, our guard dog has returned!” Copius greeted her by raising his flask. He hadn't stopped drinking all week. Hadrianna retorted with a dangerous look.

“Don´t.” Susi warned. She liked Susi. She thought that they were friends. “We were just guessing the size of the camp.” She informed her. Hadrianna nodded in return. They didn't expect her participation.

“I reckon six thousand.” Kavi suggested. He was a gentle, thoughtful boy. He wasn't made for this world and owed his survival to his brother.

“Shut up mate. There's way more than that.” Copius snorted.

“Well lets think about this. How many in the average group?” Susi said.

“Twelve.” Copius stated matter-of-fact.

“And how many groups are there?” Susi asked.

“Maybe a thousand.” Kavi guessed.

“So… Twelve thousand?” Copius offered hesitantly.

“Wow. Impressive!” Susi said sarcastically.

“Twelve thousand Cockroaches.” Kavi whistled. “Those Northern bastards won't know what hit them.”

“That's only if we don't kill ourselves first.” Copius interjected. “Who do reckon would be first to die from our little family if things went tits up round here? I reckon it would be you Kavi.”

“Well out of us four you’d be the next.” He retorted.

“You wish mate. I would be the last of us.” Copius exclaimed. “At end of it all it would be me, that she-devil Sylvani and that ogre Julier. I’d marry the she-devil and shake hands with the ogre. Call a truce, ya know. Don't steal my goats and I won't steal yours.” Hadrianna was thankful for Copius’s ability to fill any silence, but he did talk an awful amount of dust.

“The last of us would be Hadri.” Kavi said flatly.

“Ooo! Looks like you've got an admirer Hadri!” Copius teased. Hadrianna looked at Kavi quizzically. He might have even blushed.

“Well I'm off the the trench.” Copius stood. After a week the trench was almost full. It was a miracle anyone could be hungry with that stench lingering over the campsite. “Why don't you stretch your legs Susi? Leave the lovebirds alone.” He strolled off.

Hadrianna exchanged a smile with Susi. They shared a thought without saying the words. Copius isn't so bad. She examined Kavi next. He was far too soft, too cute. He was something that still needed mothering. He looked hesitant and uncertain how to respond to her gaze.

“Would you like some of my port?” He asked producing his flask. The fool was too sweet. Hadrianna shock her head and the three of them settled into silence. A man was approaching causing a ruckus. He was exchanging shouts with various different camps. Hadrianna strained to hear what he was saying.

“Elections at sunset! Sunset at the fire pit!” The man hollered. “Elections at sunset!”

“That’s something I want to see; democracy in action.” Susi tutted making Hadrianna laugh. It felt good.