Grey Space

Working fourty-eight hours in a row, with little to no sleep was definitely not an ideal way for anyone to be spending their time; but being a surgical intern at Huntington Memorial Hospital, there's really no avoiding it.

I had spent my entire adult like trying to get here, and now that I had arrived, I definitely wasn't going to complain.

I grew up here in Huntington Beach, Califonia wih my family, and I knew I wanted to be a doctor ever since I was eleven years old. My mother never approved of my dream- she was the kind of woman who believed a woman's only true job in this world is serving her husband and raising children. I, however, did not share the same views as my mother.

Not to mention, my mother is also the kind of woman who married for money instead of marrying for love; and I am absolutely determined not to do that.

No matter how many times my mother tries to hook me up with a rich, single bachelor.

Even still, I wasn't planning on focusing on relationships or anything like that. My real and only focus right now is work, and my education. So it's definitely safe to say that I wasn't expecting anything in my life to change.