Frequent Flier

Author's Note

The idea for this story was born out of my own love for the Harry Potter series, and my unjustifiably selfish wish that we could've heard more about Charlie Weasley -- the second-oldest Weasley brother and trained dragon-handler, working in Romania.

My ultimate aim is for this story to belong in a world of its own. Until then, however, Frequent Flier also belongs in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, or the 'Potterverse', namely on account of the following similarities:

- The Romanian Dragon Sanctuary that Alexia and Sully are employed by is the same sanctuary Charlie Weasley works for as a dragon-handler.
- Alexia and Sully are magic. They can Apparate, perform spells, and have attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. They abide by The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy -- the law that forbids the exposure of the existence of magic to Muggles.
- Inspiration for the dragons in this story came from the Harry Potter series, along with the other magical creatures that may appear.