This Isn't an Annie Movie


Stepping out of school into the pouring rain, Ivy pulled her hood on and started the long walk home. Taking her usual shortcut through some old abandoned warehouses, Ivy found her attention drawn to the faint sound of music and, with curiosity getting the better of her, decided to check it out.

Slipping through an open door, Ivy made her way through a maze of corridors and finally reached the room that the music seemed to be coming from. Moving further into the room to get a better look, she found a small group of people dancing and froze when one of the guys spotted her.

"It seems we have an audience," a blonde haired guy announced, turning off the music and causing his friends to turn to look at her.

"I'm sorry," Ivy mumbled, lowering her gaze and taking a few steps back, "I didn't mean to intrude... I heard the music and wanted to see what was going on."

"Well, now you've seen," another of the boys stated, moving towards her and causing Ivy to back away in panic, "So, get out of here kid."

Without a moments hesitation, Ivy spun on her heels and ran from the building as fast as she could. By the time she reached her house, she was dripping wet and it had started to get dark. Checking her watch, she realized that she was late for dinner and knew what awaited her on the other side of the red door in front of her.

"Where have you been?" A voice bellowed from the kitchen as Ivy closed the door behind her, "You know the rules, straight up to your room and I don't want to hear a sound out of you for the rest of the night."

Making her way upstairs, Ivy got changed into her pyjamas and laid down on her bed. Ignoring the noises that her stomach was making, she grabbed the book that she had been reading off the bedside table and kept her focus on that until lights out.

The next morning, Ivy got ready for school and made her way downstairs for breakfast. Sitting at the table, she grimaced as two burnt slices of toast were dropped onto her plate and reluctantly ate them without complaint. Excusing herself from the table, Ivy collected her school bag and headed out the front door towards school.

The day seemed to drag on forever, but finally she was free and slowly made her way in the direction of home. Not really wanting to go home, Ivy made the decision to go to the diner and sat at her usual table in the far back corner away from the crowds.

Spotting some change sitting on the table next to her, Ivy made sure that no one was watching and quickly shoved it into her pocket. Feeling eyes on her, she glanced over towards the door and found the blonde haired guy from the day before watching her.