All I Have to Give

Truth or Dare

“Okay, I’m ready,” I said and climbed out of the car. Zacky and I had been together for a week at this point and I didn’t think I could have been happier if I tried. Today was the day we were finally going to tell everyone about us. I was nervous for some insane reason.

“It’s just the guys at band practice, I don’t know why you’re so nervous,” Zacky said.

“I guess I’m just nervous about Johnny finding out. I don’t want him to get all dramatic and blow up on you, which we both know is the most likely thing to happen.”

“Well I’ll tell him to fuck off and that will be the end of that!”

We had made it up to the front door of Matt’s house and Zacky let us in without knocking. We found the guys in the back den which served as their practice space. I sank down into a chair and didn’t even have time to get settled in before Jimmy looked at us strangely.

“Something’s different….you guys had sex!” he screamed and jumped up from his spot on the couch. Matt and Brian both quickly looked up at us.

“Dude, no we didn’t!” I immediately said. I hated that I was blushing.

Matt held his fist up to Zacky for a fist bump and I slapped his hand down. “We did not have sex!”

“Say it a little louder I don’t think the neighbors heard,” Zacky said.

“Well we didn’t! We do have something to tell you guys though. We ar-” I was cut off mid sentence when Johnny walked through the front door.

We all fell silent and stared at him in shock. It had been almost three months since he’d shown up at a band practice. The other guys had even started talking about replacing him. So it was extremely unexpected for him to show up like this.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Melanie and Zacky had sex!” Jimmy screamed and I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. Several different emotions flashed across Johnny’s face before it settled on anger.

“Dude what the hell?” he asked and started walking towards Zacky. Matt stepped in between them before Johnny could do anything stupid.

“We didn’t have sex!” I said again. It was really pissing me off that nobody was listening to me.

“You dumped her in the shittiest way possible, it’s none of your damn business what happens with her now,” Zacky said calmly.

“It’s my business when one of my best friends is fucking my ex girlfriend!” Johnny protested.

“Zacky is right, it’s not your business,” I said and Johnny looked at me for the first time.

“So you’re just gonna run to him now?” Johnny asked.

“Is it really that surprising? He is the only person who has always been there for me no matter what! Deciding to be with him is the best thing I’ve ever done.” I didn’t even realize what I’d said at first, I was so caught up in the moment. Zacky wanted to be the one to tell everyone and he was so excited about it. I’d ruined that.

Johnny opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but seemed to think better of it. Then he turned on his heel and stormed from the room. He slammed the front door so hard a framed picture fell off the wall and shattered.

“Wait, so you two are actually together now?” Brian asked. I looked back at Zacky, he was smiling.

“Yeah, for about a week now,” he said.

“Well it’s about damn time, Melanie. Do you know how tired we’ve all gotten of this fucker talking about you all the time?” Matt said and had to dodge the punch Zacky tried to land on his arm.

“So you really did have sex?” Jimmy asked and I yanked a drumstick from his hands and poked him in the ribs with it.

“No, we didn’t! Now stop asking that!”

The guys then decided to get into practice, all of them bitching about Johnny not being there again. It wasn’t long until music filled the room and I couldn’t help but nod my head with the music. I was so proud of them. They had worked so hard to put this band together and things were really starting to come together for them. I just knew they were on the edge of becoming something great.

“I really hope Johnny can get over all this and stick with you guys. I’ll feel bad if he quits the band over me,” I said as they were packing everything up.

“He’ll get over it. It will just take some time,” Matt assured me.

“Don’t sweat it, he has to come back. Who else is he gonna find that will willingly hang out with him?” Jimmy asked.

“Who all wants pizza? I’m starving!” Brian said and started dialing the number to the local pizza joint. We quickly decided how many pizzas we needed and he got the order put in. Brian disappeared into the kitchen again and returned with five beers which he passed to each of us.

“Let’s play truth or dare!” Jimmy suddenly exclaimed and the other guys groaned. I had no doubt that Jimmy could get crazy with this game.

“Fine, truth or dare Jim?” Brian spoke up.

“Dare,” Jimmy said the predictable thing.

“I dare you to answer the door in just a towel then trip and drop the towel.” We all roared with laughter, waiting on Jimmy’s reaction. He just shrugged and pulled his shirt over his head. Matt left the room and returned a few moments later with a towel. Jimmy proceeded to wrap the towel around his waist and drop his boxers to his ankles under it. He had just stepped out of them when the doorbell rang.

Jimmy strutted across the room and flung the door open. I had to clamp my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

“Let me grab some money real quick,” Jimmy said and walked back inside to grab the money we had pooled together for the food. He stumbled on the way back and the towel fell to the floor. “Shit, sorry about that!” he mumbled and wrapped the towel around himself again. He exchanged the money for the food and put the pizza boxes down on the coffee table. Then he dropped the towel again and plopped down next to Brian on the couch.

“Dude, get your bare ass off my couch!” Matt screamed.

“No, you douchebags thought it was funny now you deal with the consequences!” Jimmy grabbed a slice of pizza and started eating.

“At least put a pillow on your lap!” Matt tossed a throw pillow onto his lap.

“Okay now, Zacky truth or dare,” Jimmy said.

“Fuck, I have a feeling this is gonna be bad either way. I’ll go with dare,” Zacky said.

“Give Melanie a lap dance!”

“I hate you.” Zacky walked over and straddled my lap. His lap dancing skills were lacking and all I could was laugh. By the time it over, I was literally crying from the laughter.

“I feel like I should be shoving dollar bills down your pants or something,” I said and for the first time in the entire time I’ve known him, Zacky blushed.

Brian picked dare next. “I dare you to take a picture of your ass and text it to a random phone number.”

Brian laughed then went into Matt’s room to use his mirror to take the picture. He typed in a random phone number and sent the message.

“Melanie, your turn,” Brian said.

“I’m not even gonna think about choosing dare with you idiots. So truth!”

“Alright have you ever had a crush on anyone in this room other than Zacky?”

“No,” I answered quickly, too quickly.

“Liar, liar pants on fire!” Jimmy exclaimed. I raised my middle finger in his direction and he faked shock.

“Okay fine, yes,” I relented.

“I have to know who now,” Zacky said and I shook my head. That wasn’t part of the question.

“We can figure this out ourselves. Obviously not me, she hated me. That leaves Jimmy and Matt…”

“I’d say Jimmy isn’t her type, so my guess would be Matt,” Zacky said. Damn they were good. I tried to keep a straight face.

“Yeah, you’re right definitely Matt,” Brian agreed. I felt four pairs of eyes staring at me expectantly. I just bowed my head in embarrassment, making the others laugh.

“It was the fucking dimples, wasn’t it?” Zacky asked. I worried he might have a problem with that coming out, but he was laughing and joking around with the others.

We went through a few more rounds, the dares getting more and more ridiculous. My eyes grew heavier and heavier and soon I could barely hold them open. Zack and I said goodbye to everyone and were on our way out when Brian’s text notification went off.

“Eww no! This is your fucking fault, Zachary!” he screamed and thrust his phone towards Zacky.

In response to the picture of his ass, the random person had sent a picture of their dick. Thoroughly disgusted, Brian deleted the message.

“Bye everyone,” I said after the laughter died down and finally stepped outside.

“So Matt, huh?” Zacky asked before we got to the car.

“Shut up!” I tried to walk away in mock anger, but Zacky pulled me back. His arms went around me and he pressed his lips against mine. I parted my lips and he deepened the kiss. He gently pushed me back until I was against the car. Things were quickly becoming more heated.

“Get a room!” Jimmy screamed and we broke apart.

“Get some clothes!” Zacky screamed back. Jimmy seemed to realize that he was still naked and darted back into the house. We were both laughing as we climbed into Zacky’s car. I was so happy to be able to call these crazy guys my friends.
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Haha I just haven't felt like choosing song lyrics for the last two chapter titles, I'll edit those later. Thanks to everyone who has been reading/commenting!