All I Have to Give

Back to Normal

I woke up on the morning we were leaving and rolled over to give Zacky a kiss, but he wasn’t there. He usually wasn’t an early riser. I grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom in a hall. I stripped out of my sleeping clothes, a pair of loose flannel pants and a t-shirt that belonged to Zacky and pulled on fresh but comfy clothes for the plane ride. After brushing my teeth and throwing my hair up in a bun I made my way downstairs.

“Yeah and then I was like Jimmy you can’t just throw random strangers into the water.” I smiled as I entered the kitchen, loving how well my mom and Zacky got along. Zacky handed me an empty coffee mug and I pecked his cheek in thanks.

“I wish you could come back with us,” I said as I settled into a chair at the table. Mom smiled sadly.

“Me too, but my life is here now just like yours is there.” She reached across the table to lay her hand on top of mine.

The three of us sat there for an hour, talking about anything and everything. I just wasn’t ready to leave her again. I’d never get used to living so far away from here. All too soon, it was time for us to head to the airport. We piled ourselves and our things into her car and she drove us over.

“I love you, Melanie. And you too Zacky.” She hugged both of us tightly and I had to blink back tears. I’d miss her so much


“Thanks so much for past three days, Z. It was a good trip.” We were still in the air, a few minutes away from landing. As much as I loved being with my mom, I was beyond ready to get home. Jimmy would be picking us up from the airport. He and Matt had picked up Zacky’s car the day we left so it wouldn’t be sitting at the airport for so long.

“For the thousandth time you don’t have to thank me,” Zacky said. He leaned over and captured my lips in a short, sweet kiss.

The last few minutes passed quickly and we were soon making our way through the crowded airport looking for Jimmy. Neither of us were expecting to see Johnny standing where we had agreed to meet Jimmy.

“Hey,” Johnny said awkwardly. Zacky and I shared a look before turning back to him.

“Where’s Jimmy?” I asked.

“I volunteered to come instead. I need to talk to both of you.”

Wondering what this was all about, I followed the two guys out to Johnny’s car. Zacky and I climbed into the backseat while Johnny slid in behind the wheel. The first half of the car ride was filled with an awkward silence.

“I really just wanted to apologize to both of you. I realize the way I’ve been acting is immature and stupid and I just want you to know I’m done with that. If you two are happy together then I’m happy for you.”

I really wasn’t expecting him to say that, but I was glad. If we could all go back to being friends everything would be less complicated.

“Thanks, Johnny. It means a lot,” I said.

“Just don’t start making out in the backseat or anything or I might change my mind.” He made a goofy face and I laughed.

“I can’t make any promises,” Zacky said with a smirk and I lightly punched his arm.

“So Matt pretty much threatened to kill me if I didn’t take Zacky straight to band practice. I can drop you by your house if you don’t want to come,” Johnny said and I shook my head.

After that, the tension and awkwardness lifted and we were able to laugh and talk like we used to. When we walked into Matt’s house several minutes later, Matt pulled me in for a hug.

“I’m so fucking glad things can go back to normal now,” he said then reached over to ruffle Johnny’s hair.

They wasted no time getting into practice and I settled onto a fluffy armchair to watch. I was actually, finally completely happy. I hadn’t realized how much the Johnny stuff had been weighing me down and I felt so light now that the weight was gone. Things could only get better from here.
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One more left now, I can't believe this is almost over! There will be a year time jump so be ready for that. It's already written so it should be up tomorrow!