I Can't Take Them on My Own

Not fair

*Oh yess I can already see the "WTF no" comments. JUST BARE WITH ME OKAY?! IDEAS COME TO ME AND I CANT LET THEM SLIP AWAY BC THEN WHATS THE POINT OF IDEAS????* *Secondly, If any of yall have quotev check out "Kassidy sucks at updating fic's" I have some stories there toooo*


It was about four AM when it started... I could hear Tyler violently throwing up in the downstairs bathroom, Probably thinking it would be less disturbing. But it wasn't...

Making my way down there I flicked on some lights, "Ty? You okay?" I questioned peering into the small room "No... I don't feel good" He whispered, "Come on, let's go bak to bed okay?" He nodded and let me help him up.. It wasn't until seven that things really started to get bad.

"JOSH!" Tyler screamed from the bathroom. I was in the kitchen pouring some coffee, but the moment he screamed I dropped it not caring about the mess "Tyler what? What is it??" he looked up at me, petrified "I'm bleeding" then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed "Tyler!" I shouted kneeling next to him, checking his arms and legs, trying to figure out what he meant by "Bleeding" Finally I looked in the toilet and felt sick. I instantly dialed an ambulance. "Don't worry Ty, I'm getting help..." I whispered. Praying that he'd live...


I'd been sitting in this damn waiting room for an hour now. and no one will tell me anything. "thats it." I mumbled to myself standing up "I'm here for Tyler Joseph... Can you please tell me whats going on!" I said calmly... For now "I sorry sir. That information is classified" I sighed angerly "GOD DAM IT HES MY BOYFRIEND. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM!" "Sir. We can't say till he wakes up. Please understand." I let tears rush down my face "Can I at least see him.... Please?" she sighed "Room 404" I nodded and said quick thanks before running in that direction.

The moment I walked in I felt my world stop... My beautiful boyfriend lay, Pale with wires and needles poking into him "Oh my god... Tyler" My breath caught in my throat as I took a seat next to his bed, and took his hand in mine "You need to wake up, So they can tell us whats wrong.." I whispered. This is not how I wanted to spend my Saturday... It was supposed to be spent in bed with cartoons and cuddling.

"Mr. Dun, Is there any family I should contact at this point?" I sighed "His family is on holiday, visiting family" The doctor nodded, a disapproving look on his face "He should be waking up soon" I nodded turning my attention back to Tyler.

It wasn't for another 15 minutes that he woke up..... "J-Josh?" I snapped my attention towards him "Oh my goodness, Tyler!" He looked at me confused "What... Happened?" I sighed "They won't tell me" "Oh...." He looked off in the distance "Can... Can you call one of them so they can tell us?" I studied his face "Tyler... You already know. Don't you?" His expression changed to worry "No! Why!? Do you?! Oh god.. Josh what is it?" I swallowed hard "Ty, If I knew I'd tell you" we heard the door open "Oh! Good, you're awake" The doctor smiled sadly "Whats wrong with me!?" Tyler wasted no time in asking... The doctor then frowned deeper "Mr. Dun Can you please lea-" "NO" Tyler shouted "Wh... Whatever it is... Josh need's to be here!" Tyler almost sobbed "Please... I'll need him. He needs to know" The doctor now sighed and began speaking. The words I never wanted to hear in my life and I'm sure Tyler felt the same "Mr. Joseph... I'm sorry to inform you that you have stage two stomach cancer" instantly Tyler started sobbing "I'll leave you two alone, Another doctor will be here shortly to discuss options and outcomes... I am teribly sorry"

"Jo...Josh..." My heart thumped in my chest, Hard, So hard that I could feel it in my throat, I gripped his hand tight "It's gonna be okay.... I'm not leaving. I'll be here through it all" he nodded, covering his mouth with his hand face scrunched in pain.

About 20 minutes later a doctor came in "Tyler... Joseph?" He nodded slightly "Im doctor Garavont, Im here to descu-" "How long?" Tyler choked out "Pardon?" Tyler rolled his head to the side "How long do I have before Im dead" I felt sick... Physically sick.... "You're only stage two, so five years without chemo, radiation, and surgery and probably a full life with all of that" Tyler nodded "I'll let you two discuss what road you're going to take, I'll be back in ten minutes." as soon as he walked out Tyler started sobbing again. This time I sat him up and crawled onto the bed with him "I'm so scared" "I know baby boy... I know..." he sniffled. "I don't wanna do it..." My heart stopped "Tyler..." He shook his head "I don't Josh... It's not fair. I've been so good. Why IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!" he shook with tears "You have a chance to live Ty baby... You heard him" "But I've seen what chemo does to people... They get sick, and weak, and tried, and its so hard... For them. for everyone around them... I ju-" "Tyler. I said I'd be there through it all. I promise!" He let out a small cry again Just as the doctor came in. With a frown upon his face....

"Oh no..." Tyler croaked when he saw the doctors face "What bad news do you have now....." The doctor sighed "Unfortunately, There's not another opening for surgery till next month.... and were not sure how much cancer will spread by then, Even with Radiation and chemo there is no guarantee that your going to make it to the new year" I felt my world crumble at those words and Tyler held onto me with the same amount of strength he had when he found me cutting... "I understand this is shocking news, and I'm terribly sorry. We can start chemo and radiation today, but that's about all we can do until at least December 29th" We nodded in disappointment "Okay, well, I'll get you discharged and then take you over and down to the cancer clinic... I am again, very sorry."


It was now 8:00, Tyler was upstairs taking a nap. The doctor had said the chemo and radiation would take alot out of him I just didn't think it would lead him to sleep for 4 hours. I had an uneasy feeling so I went to check on him... "Ty?" No movement... "Tyler, baby?" Nothing.... I felt the panic creep up on me

Okay, Josh just breathe... No. That's not breathing. Josh, you're panicking, you need to stop. Or slip down onto the floor, thats exactly what I said to do. Good job Josh. Great listening skills... Great, okay yes. Bite your lip till you bleed thats always a smart decision. Get your ass up and see if he's dead! Or... Let out a wretched sob yes. wonderful. You are an immaculate support system. props to you Joshua high five 'COULD YOU SHUT UP PLEASE?!' for what reason, Tyler could be dead and all your doing is having a break down on the- would you stop pulling at your hair, this will accomplish nothing. get up and "JOSH! LOOK AT ME, PLEASE" Okay see hes fine, you good now?

"JOSHUA!" I focused my eyes into Tylers worried ones "I'm okay, I'm still here. What's wrong?" I shook my head pulling him into a tight hug

"You didn't answer"

"I was sleeping"

"You weren't moving"

"I was out cold, Josh. Why are you so freaked out... You know I'm a heavy sleeper" I nodded "I know.. I just panicked. I'm sorry.."

"It's okay... I'm okay.. You're okay. Were all okay. I promise. I'm not dying without a fight. I'll beat this. We will live a happy life. Have a family. Get married. All that good stuff. Yeah?" I nodded again, hugging him. Praying. that Tyler will get better, and Live.


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Plus. Please give some feedback. Also. If you could go to "Kassidy sucks at updating fic's" on Quotev. I have an old.... Very old storie I just published. It's ferard. so um,... Thanks!