

Jax's POV

I couldn't believe my mother was demanding that I marry that girl! She didn't even look old enough to get married and she defiantly wasn't my type. How could Gemma hide this from me and expect me to just marry someone that I don't even know. I mean I could hop into bed with any girl that caught my eye but I was not the marrying type. I was only 22 years old and having the time of my life. I was an official member of the Sons of Anarchy, a club that my father built from the ground up and I could also have any girl I wanted. What's her name didn't even want to be with me; she wasn't interested in a life with me. I felt the exact same way but my mother wouldn't take the time to listen to me. She even had Clay on her fucking side! It was as if I was cornered and there was no escape route. Gemma even threatened to kick my ass if I wasn't at that church tomorrow morning. I wasn't some puppet she could control on a set of strings. I was my own person and I had a right in saying who I wanted to marry and who I didn't want to marry.

Maggie's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe the reflection that was staring back at me. As the girls continued to fix my hair and apply an unnecessary amount of makeup onto my face, I couldn't help but feel like I was slowly dying on the inside. After my little drive around town last night, I had decided that I needed to have a talk with my mother. I needed to let her know my honest feelings about the whole situation and I wanted her to listen for once. For starters, I had no idea who this guy they were forcing me to marry was. All I knew about him was that he had a major attitude and thought he was God's gift to women. For all I knew he could have been a closet serial killer and I would be his next victim. I even mentioned that thought to my mom but she just brushed it off with a laugh. She told me that I was being paranoid and that there was nothing to worry about when it came to Jax. She gave me the whole spiel about his upbringing and how Gemma and Clay molded him into the perfect man for me. It was as if they were telling me that he was made just for me; like a Ken Doll that was specially ordered just for me! I can't tell you how many time I tried to convince my mother to call the whole thing off but she wouldn't budge. She kept repeating that this was the best thing for Jax and I. She also kept repeating that Jax and I were made for one another. After a while I knew that there wasn't a point in continuing the conversation. They had won and Jax and I were the sore losers.

"Look how beautiful you are!" A friend of my mothers came into the room. "It's like I'm at your parent's wedding all over again." I couldn't help but roll my eyes as she said hello to the other girls in the room. "I can't believe you're getting married, sweetheart." I just nodded my head. I didn't have anything to say to her. The last time I had saw this woman was 10 years ago when my father passed away. I barely knew the woman to begin with and I found it weird that she was even invited. It seemed as if our guest list had been controlled by our parents as well. "I bet that groom of yours just can't wait to see you." She was more excited than I was! I felt as if she was going to reach out at any moment and squeeze my cheeks like you would do a child. It was a bit weird if you ask me. "Ladies-" Gemma's voice rang through the room, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look in her direction. "I need to speak to Maggie alone." My heart started to race as I watched everyone remove themselves from the room, leaving the two of us alone. "Those whores sure know how to turn a duckling into a swan." She spoke as she slowly walked towards me. "You look gorgeous." I didn't know whether to take offense to her first comment, choosing to just thank her for the gorgeous part. "Listen, I know that everything seems a little crazy right now but this is what's best. From the day you and Jax were born, your mother and I knew that you two were meant for one another. I see so many attributes in you that no other girl has. I've watched you grow from a shy little girl and into an independent woman who can take care of her own and that's what Jax needs in his life. He needs someone that will take the bull by the horns and straighten everything out again. He needs structure in his life and you're the only one that can provide that to him."

All I could do was look at her as her words flooded my brain. How did they even know that I WOULD be right for Jax? I barely knew how to take care of myself at times and now I was overseeing the life of a 22-year-old man who didn't even want me around. I kept trying to tell myself that what Gemma and my mother were doing was the best choice for me. I would be with a man that would protect me and keep my safe from whatever harm could come. I also wouldn't have to worry about finding a soulmate since one was already picked for me. Maybe this whole ordeal was going to be okay? Maybe this was the right choice after all. Overall, the only thing I cared about was the fact that my mom would be able to see me get married before she died. She tried her best to hide the fact that she was growing weaker but I knew better. I could see her crumbling right in front of me and I knew that it was only a matter of time before the disease ends up winning the battle.

"Maggie-" Gemma's voice knocked me out of my thoughts. "I just want to know that you're okay with this? I mean you don't really have choice but I want you to know that I'll be here for you anytime you need me." I just nodded my head as tears started to form in the corners of my eyes. She must have noticed seeing as she pulled me into a hug and wrapped her arms around my body. I couldn't help but hug her back as I let my emotions take over. "Sweetheart, I promise you that everything is going to be fine. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think it would be a good idea." I stayed silent as I continued to hold onto her. We stayed like that for a couple more seconds before my mother came in and told me it was time for the ceremony to start. Gemma pulled away and gave me a smile before making her way out of the room.

"You look beautiful Maggie May." My mom spoke as she looked at me. She must have been crying since her makeup was slightly smudged but not enough for others to notice. "I can't believe my baby girl is getting married." I tried to remain strong and tried not to cry in front of her but it was becoming harder. "I'm happy that you're here, mama." She gave me a small smile as she wiped away stray tears. "I'm happy to be here too, baby." She crossed the floor and engulfed me in her arms. This was the first time in a long time that I had hugged my mother. I had been so mad at her for getting sick and then moving us to Charming, probably making her sicker in the process. "I'm sorry for putting you through so much grief." I cried into her shoulder. "I never meant the things I said." She simply rubbed my back as I held onto her. A weird feeling had come over me, as if this was the last time that I would be able to hug my mother. I don't know if it was guilt or the fact that I wouldn't be living with her anymore, but everything that I've ever done to her was flooding back. "Oh honey-" She cried. "You were the best thing that ever happened to me." We were both crying at this point. "You gave my life so much purpose and made me fight harder for everything I have in my life. I love you with all my heart, honey." She pressed a kiss to my cheek as she slowly pulled away. "Oh gosh-" She began to laugh as she wiped away her smeared makeup. "We both need a touchup." I let out a laugh as I watched as she moved to the makeup table. We stayed silent as she helped me reapply my makeup and as I helped with hers. I guess there was nothing left to say since everything had come out during out session. "Now-" She began with a smile. "Let's get you out to that handsome man."

My heart was beating out of my chest as I stood in front of the closed doors. I felt as if I was about to have a panic attack while those that were around me scrambled to get into place. Two small children stood in front of me as the doors began to open, signaling for them to march ahead of me. Once they reached the altar, the dreaded wedding march began to play and those that were in attendance stood up. I could feel my mother's grip getting tighter on my arm as we began to walk forward. The place was packed with people that I knew and others that I had never seen in my life. As my eyes wandered from guest to guest, they finally landed on the man of the hour. He looked amazing! His hair was slicked back as the suit he was wearing made him even more handsome. The only thing that bothered me was the rotten scowl on his face. He looked as if he was bored and was forced to be there. We WERE forced to be there but he could have at least smiled a little to show me that everything was going to be fine. Seeing him with a frown on his face only made me more anxious.

Once we reached the altar, the preacher started to speak. "Who gives this woman to be married." I looked over at my mom as she replied with an I do. The preacher motioned for my mom to sit down and I was officially on my own. I made my way up the steps to where Jax was standing and positioned myself in front of him. I caught as his eyes scanned my body, a small smile forming on his lips. The preacher began to recite the usual wedding vows, making us repeat words that would tie us together as husband and wife. I could barely look at Jax during the ceremony since all I could think about was what would happen at the end. In a few minutes or even less, Jax and I would be man and wife. Becoming man and wife means that we would have to kiss to signify the union and I didn't know if I could do that. It's not like I had never kissed a guy but this was different.

"Jackson, Margaret-" The preacher began. "I know pronounce you man and wife; you may now kiss the beautiful bride." My eyes darted forward as I looked at Jax, noticing that he had stepped even closer. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion as he moved closer and closer, soon capturing my lips with his. I was stunned for a second, not knowing what to do. Did I kiss him back? Did I need to lace my fingers through his hair? Why was he such a good kisser? I decided that I just needed to do what my heart wanted and decided to kiss back. I even laced my fingers through his hair, which I told myself that I wasn't go to do. Hell, I told myself that I wasn't even going to kiss him back and here I was having a full on makeout session.

After what felt like an eternity, Jax pulled away and gave me a wink. I couldn't help but blush as I looked out at the audience, who were still clapping and cheering us on. Jax grabbed a hold of my hand and led us down the aisle as the rest of the wedding party followed. We made our way outside and was met with a badly decorated motorcycle and an army of leather-clad gentlemen. I watched as my husband mounted the bike and reached his hand out for me to take. "Are you coming?" He asked as he placed his helmet on.

"She will be!" One of the men announced, causing everyone to erupt into cheers and laughter. Jax smirked as I just stood there. I didn't know what to do at that point. There was no way I was getting on the back of a motorcycle, especially wearing a dress I dearly loved. "I can't ride on that." I told him as I inspected the ride. He let out a chuckle, "Why the hell not?" I could tell that he was getting annoyed. "It's perfectly safe." I shook my head as I backed up. "Get on the bike, darlin." He spoke calmly but I knew he was on fire on the inside. "I promise nothing is gonna happen to you." I continued to shake my head as people began to put their two –cents into the situation. I heard people calling me things that ranged from being a coward to an uptight bitch. I admit I was a bit frightened to ride something like that but I was more worried about getting my dress caught in the tires and being dragged into the road. "Maggie, get on the bike." Jax's voice became lower as he shoved the helmet in my direction. Before I could tell him no once again, Gemma pushed her way out of the crowd. "I'll take her to the clubhouse." I let out a sigh of relief once I heard those words come out of her mouth. "Jax, why don't you ride along and we'll meet you there." Jax didn't say a word as he turned on the bike and tore out of the parking lot. I felt kind of bad and embarrassed for him since his friends and family had watched what had happened. I was already starting off our marriage as being a crappy wife.

The ride to the clubhouse was spent listening to Gemma explain to me that riding with your man was mandatory when it came to being married to a SAMCRO member. She explained that it meant that you loved your husband and would do anything for him. She also explained that it was frowned upon to make your husband look like a fool in front of his club members and that I needed to do some ass-kissing tonight to make things right between Jax and I. For starters, I had no idea that being in a motorcycle club was such a big deal! I didn't know that I needed to be a perfect and law abiding wife. I wasn't married to Jax's club; I was married to Jax and that was it.

We soon arrived at the clubhouse. I expected it to be a part of a country club but instead it was connected to an auto garage. It looked a bit rundown and there were crowds of people hanging around everywhere. I even say women with hardly any clothing on and it was only three in the afternoon! They were prancing around from guy to guy, some deciding to start their activity right in front of the others. I looked over at Gemma to see if she was as shocked as I was but she acted as if this was a normal occurrence. I removed myself from the car and followed her lead. Everyone that was outside stopped what they were doing and stared as I walked by. I felt as if I was being hunted down and there was nowhere to hide. I wish my mother had agreed to come along but I let her go back to the house since she wasn't feeling well. I had promised that I would call her to check in but by the looks of this place I doubt there was even electricity.

Walking into the building was almost as worse as staying outside. More women with hardly any clothing on littered the place as men drank and smoke themselves to death. I even saw people having sex right in front of the others like they didn't have a care in the world. How in the hell was this supposed to be a wedding reception?! I made my way around the place, finally finding Jax behind the bar with a drink in his hands. I didn't know whether to just walk up to him or wait until he found me. I figured that it would be best for him to find me since I pissed him off earlier. Gemma had dropped from next to me, finding her way to Clay and a few other guys. I was alone in a crowded room with people who looked like they already hated my guts. I watched as the people around me drank and smoked, enjoying their time together. This was supposed to be my day; I was supposed to be enjoying myself. The only thing I was currently enjoying were the stale pretzels that laid in front of me. At this point I was sure that Jax had noticed that I arrived. I would look over to where he was and see him looking in my direction but not making an effort to join me. Maybe I was the one that was supposed to encounter him first.

I removed myself from the barstool and slowly walked towards him. He was talking to the heavy-set guy that was at Gemma's the night before and I was worried that if I interrupted he would get mad once again. "Jax?" I gently tapped on his shoulder. The heavy-set man took that as his cue to leave. Jax let out a sigh before he turned around, "What?" He asked annoyed. I started to ring my fingers, trying to find the words that had just left my vocabulary. "Um, I- uh-" I stuttered. "Um, i'm really sorry for what happened earlier. I know that was embarrassing for you." He let out a snort as he tipped his beer bottle back. "I just wanted to apologize and everything." He didn't say anything, causing me to think that this whole thing was foolish. Maybe it would have been better if I didn't apologize. It kind of pissed me off that he didn't accept my apology. I mean I opened up and apologized for selling him out like a fool and he just laughs at me. I knew that there was no way I was receiving an answer so I began to walk away. I didn't make it very far before my anger got the best of me. I turned back towards Jax as my fist balled up. "Jax Teller-" I yelled out, causing those around to look at me. Jax quickly turned back towards me, a look of amusement spread across his face. "You are nothing but a selfish and conceited asshole!" I belted out. "You can't even accept my apology because you're so fucking into yourself. Look, I made a fucking mistake. I'm sorry I embarrassed you in front of all your little club members. God forbid you look like a joke in front of them, the whole fucking world might come to an end!" Jax's face went from being amused, to shock, and then to anger. Everyone in the clubhouse had gone silent and was now watching as everything went down.

"You and these people take your motorcycles a bit too seriously. I mean do you even have a job or do you just jack-off to motorcycle pictures all day? You may think you're God's gift to women Jackson Teller but you're nothing more than a piece of white trash off the street!" The words were flying out of my mouth before I could even think of what I was saying. I decided that the only thing left for me to do was leave before I ended up getting killed because of my remarks. I stormed out of the clubhouse and started walking in the direction that I thought was downtown. My mother had booked Jax and I a suite at a local Bed and Breakfast as a wedding gift but it looked like I was going to be the only visitor at this point. I never usually got that mad about things but something about him just ticked me off. I felt like it was my duty to try to set him straight because I doubt anyone has ever tried. I bet at this point Gemma was kicking herself since she figured that Jax and I would make a great pair. You can't marry people who have never met before and expect them to like each other right off the bat. Maybe if Jax was a bit nicer and more tolerable, then I would be able to forgive and forget.

After a 15-minute walk in stiletto heels and a trailing dress, I finally made it to the house. The elderly couple welcomed me right away and brought me up to my room without asking any questions. I figured they would hound me as to why my husband wasn't with me but thankfully they let it go. My bags were already in the room since my mom had dropped them off earlier in the day. The only thing I wanted to do at this point was get out of this dress and into my pajamas. The bright side about being alone in the honeymoon suite is that you get the huge bathtub all for yourself. As the tub was filling up, I removed my clothes and took out the bobby-pins that were holding my hair in place. My natural curls were matted in hairspray and gel, causing them to stiffen up and stay in place. Once the tub was filled, I slipped down into the warm water and allowed the bubbles to take away the pain of the day.

The evening was going great until a knock sounded on the wooden door. I figured that it was the owners of the house but when I opened the door I came face to face with Jax. I was a bit shocked to see him here at first but the anger soon took over once again. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He let out a sigh as he reached up and placed his hand on the door. "You wanna let me in?" He sounded annoyed. "It is our wedding night, remember?" I let out a scoff as I folded my arms against my chest. "Wedding night?" I questioned. "You ruined the wedding night a couple hours ago when you acted like dick and wouldn't accept my apology." Jax rolled his eyes as he leaned against the door frame. "You didn't even want to be married to me, so why would you want to have a wedding night? Only people that love each other and those that are happily married are allowed to have wedding ni-" I didn't get to finish my statement. Jax pushed his way into the door and connected his lips with mine. I stood frozen for a second before I forcefully pushed him off. "Bastard!" I slapped him across the face. "You don't get to fucking kiss me like that!" I yelled once again. He stayed silent but there was something about that kiss that was driving my insides insane. My heart took over control and Jax and I's lips were once again connected. It was as if our anger towards each other had turned into sexual tension. Hands were going everywhere and clothes began to litter the small room. My head was telling me to stop but with every touch of his hands and lips, my heart overpowered the situation and the passion took over.