‹ Prequel: Safe Zone
Status: Sequel to Safe Zone

Crash Into Me

Chapter Four

{Matt’s Point of View}

The flashing from the television kept me awake as I laid with Cash on the couch. River sat on the opposite side of the couch by my feet playing on his portable gaming station. Val was of course at work right now. She had been in conference calls for her new line of clothing for the last two Fridays. It was annoying to say the least, but it had become routine for us.

My phone vibrated on the end table next to my head. Without looking I reached for it, getting it on the first try. I figured it would be one of the guys wondering what I was doing later this evening, or finally the record label getting back with me about times for our next recording.

I was confused as I read a number I had never seen, which was unusual in our line of business. My eyes began to read the first two sentences;

Hey Matt. It’s Katy. I’ve realized that I have been wrong for four years. Every girl needs her father and I don’t want to be that mom that ruins her daughter’s life because she is selfish. I would like to meet with you to talk about the last four years. Val is welcomed of course. I know she is your wife. Afterwards we can meet up with my parents so you can meet Charlie. If you’re interested let me know and we’ll work something out. Thanks

Emotions flooded my body as I slowly sat up leaving just Cash’s feet in my lap. I was overjoyed, but it quickly went to disbelief. I would finally get to meet my daughter after four long years of only seeing her on social media.

My heart began to race as my finger began to type…

Yeah. You free tonight?

It was simple and to the point. I didn’t want to scare her away if I wrote out a long and elaborate text explaining my fears and joys.

She quickly responded, Yes. Where do you want to meet?

I tried to rack my brain to think of somewhere private that we would meet just in case someone saw us together; I don’t care. Somewhere private though. I replied.

Well my parents are in Santa Monica for the night and Liz is gone so if you wanted to meet me here at my parent’s. Then you can just meet Charlie and we can talk. Katy suggested. It was a good idea because I could park at my mom’s and have her cover for me while I walked down to Katy’s parent’s house.

Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you in twenty. Thank you I had never had so much anxiety and excitement at once like I did right now. I was finally going to me my one and only daughter. Plus, see Kate after four years of nothing.

My phone dinged once more, but Katy just sent a thumb up emoji. I’m sure she was just as or even more nervous than I was. She had Charlie to herself for four long years, and now she has to share her. My cheeks began to hurt as I felt smile stretch across my face, ear to ear.


The walk from my parent’s home to Katy’s was a short walk, but my nerves made it long and well thought out. My hands hid in my jean pockets, fidgeting with my keys.

I exhaled deeply and brought my hands from my pocket to the door. I paused trying to calm myself down, “You can do this.” It wasn’t the best pep talk but it was enough for me to convince myself to knock on the door.

It took a moment before the door opened to reveal Katy half way behind the door. Her smile was still beautiful as ever. I could hear screams and giggles coming from the room that use to be the den when we were younger.

“Hey,” I smiled towards Katy while walking in once she opened the door fully. My arms ached to hug her but I knew it was inappropriate.

“Hey there,” She greeted back closing the door and then leading me into where she wanted to talk, “She’s playing with her cousins. It usually keeps them occupied for a while. If you want to meet her first, then we can do that. It’s up to you,” She sat on the beige couch, crossing her legs and her arms.

“I don’t know. What do you think is best for her?” I was scared to say the least. I didn’t have the slightest clue what Charlie was like or what she liked for that matter.

“I’ll give you some information about her, and then I’ll call her in here. She’s not going to understand any of this,” Katy leaned up. I was now across from her on the loveseat.

“I know. What is she like?” I spaced trying to think of how I was going to connect with my four-year-old daughter.

“Charlie Marie Reed. She was born on April Fool’s,“ Katy shook her head and chuckled, “She is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. I’ve had dark times in the last four years, and her tiny voice kept me going.”

Katy began to tear up. She tried to hide it by closer her eyes and quickly wiping away anything that had escaped, “Kate. I wish I could-”

She held her hand up for me to stop, “I don’t want to talk about the past. I’m ready to move on with my life. This is about Charlie and how I can help her future. Brett was the only father she knew. But he left us a year ago to start another family with his side-chick. So make sure that this is for sure what you want. Because I don’t think I could explain to her how two daddy’s left her.”

“Katy. I promise I’m going to love that little girl for the rest of my life. I haven’t even met her and I can’t imagine my life without her anymore,” It was my turn to tear up. It wasn’t tears of sadness, it was tears of joy that I get to finally meet my daughter.

“And I’m thankful for that. A few more things before I call her in here. Her favorite things. Her favorite color is purple. Purple everything! She loves cats, but is highly allergic. Her favorite show is Beauty and The Beast,” Katy smiled and raised her eyebrows. I quickly caught on, because that was her favorite.

“No surprise there,” I winked.

“I had nothing to do with it,” She winked back, “Ready to meet her?” Katy stood up rubbing her palms on her sweat pants.

“Definitely,” I stood up also. My nerves lessened as we began to walk to the den, then my heart stopped as we entered the room. Charlie was beautiful. The most beautiful human being I had ever laid my eyes on…