A Beautiful Lie

Spend The Night?

I made sure she couldn't come in through any doors or windows, I smiled and walked back to my room.

"What are you doing?" he asked .

"Washing my clothes,"

"I see, so tell me.."


"Why did you lock Nicole out?"

"because she's a meanie," I pouted.

"Come here," he smled pulling me towards him.


"You're really gorgeous, " he whispered.

"Thank you.. I get it from my mom" I laughed.

He pulled me into the bed I stared at him and kissed him.

"I don't doubt that.,,"


It was around ten and she still hadn't come home yet, it was strange but I was scared of being alone. We've been broken into before, and it wasn't pretty.

"Are you ok?" he whispered in my neck.

"N-no she's not home yet...."

"Oh, you want me to spend the ngiht?"

I nodded holding onto him tightly, I kissed him, as he pulled me on him.

"What are we doign tomorrow?"

"Well, I was hoping you'd come and meet hte rest of my band.."

"really? that'd be great" I kissed him.

"Awesome..wait I wonder what those two are doing.."