New Beginnings

Chapter Three

It was 6am and the band’s tour manager was up bright and early to make sure everybody was woken up. He swung open the curtains to all the bunks, letting the blinding morning sun in to wake up the members.

“Everybody needs to get the fuck up! We got a lot shit to do. Make sure the bus is loaded and ya’ll got all the shit you need and be back here by 9am sharp or find your own ride to the damn venue. Me and Rudy are going to get the bus inspected before we hit the road.” He screamed. Leaving no chance for anybody to still be sleeping.

Kailani rubbed her eyes struggling to adjust to the brightness and loud voices. She watched as everybody slowly slid out of their bunks. She vaguely remembers Frank mentioning they were leaving early but she must of missed the part where he said 6am.

“Good morning Sunshine.” Frank seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Come to walmart with me and the guys.” He grabbed her hand and gently pulled her out of the bunk. Kailani remained quiet but followed. She wasn’t a morning person. In fact, if she woke up before 12pm she was no fun to be around. Immediately grumpy and easily annoyed. The 6 of them squeezed into the rental and headed out. Kailani sat in the passenger seat, Ray was driving and Mikey, Bob, and Gerard were sitting in the back seat with Frank sprawled out across them. The boys were laughing and joking around seemingly wide awake.

“I don’t understand how you guys have so much energy this early.” she mumbled. She really couldn’t fathom it.

“SHE SPEAKS!” Frank yelled. Without admitting it he was concerned that he may have done something wrong when she didn't speak to him.

“You get use to it, every time we leave a venue we’re required to be up at least 3 hours prior to our departure so we can stock up on necessities and load up all the equipment.” Ray ignored Frank and explained to her.

“Plus coffee helps a lot.” added Mikey while everyone else nodded in agreement. Kailani just scrunched up her nose in disgust.

“Ewww. I hate coffee.” She stated. She was use to everybody being shocked when she told someone about her distaste for the bitter liquid. Few understood it. Which she didn’t expect was Frank's head popping in between the driver and passenger seats with the most appalled look on his face. “HOW THE HELL CAN YOU NOT LIKE COFFEE?!?!? THAT SHIT IS BETTER THAN SEX!”

She couldn’t help but perk up and giggle at his reaction. Which automatically made Frank happy. “You must not be doing it right Frankie.” she taunted.

“But it’s just nasty. It tastes like sour dirty water.”

“I’ll change you're mind in time. Ain’t that right Gee? We’re the coffee kings.”

“Yeah sure, we’ll see.” She rolled her eyes. By the time they were done making fun of her they pulled into Walmart’s lot and parked. The moment she walked in the doors she ran to a refrigerated unit, grabbed a chilled monster and guzzled it down.

“Holy cow lady.” Mikey laughed noticing her urgency. Thankfully due to being so early Walmart wasn’t crowded much and the group was able to move around freely without being bombarded with any fans. Everybody grabbed their essentials for the next few days.

When all the items were loaded on the conveyor belt Kailani laughed to herself. She couldn’t help it. There was tampons, a 24 pack of monster, ramen noodles, bags of chocolates, 7 jars of coffee, numerous bags of chips, packs of beers, boxers, and black v-necks in varying sizes, water bottles, tea, makeup (which she didn’t pick up btw), condoms, lighters, cigarettes, and other random nonsense. It looked like somebody went shopping for a frat house. She never experienced anything like this and she knew this tour was going to be a memorable time in her life.

She couldn’t explain the feeling she had. Maybe a mixture between excitement and nervousness. Things were changing and she could only hope it would all be for the better. The group headed back just in time. It was time to start the tour, and her new journey. Finally she thought. They loaded everything up on the bus, then it pulled off and it was go time.

Gerard was the first to offer her a seat, much to her surprise.

“You look nervous. You're going to be living with us on this bus for a while you might as well make yourself comfortable. Gerard flashed her a quick crooked smile. She didn’t think the singer was too fond of her. She didn’t have much time to spend with any of the other members, aside from Frank… But Gerard seemed the most distant from her.

Kailani didn’t have much of a social life. She consumed herself with work. Most people her age didn’t have jobs with as much responsibility that she had. People’s careers depended on her own. Other young adults in their twenties were partying and trying out new drugs. She was grateful because her priorities weren't the same as most. Although young, all she longed for was happiness and stability. Working towards having everything she couldn’t have as a child. Her only goals in life was to make sure she always had a roof over her head, food in her belly, and to be able to be there for her loved ones. Unlike anybody was there for her. Even if she didn’t have any family or close friends. She was alone but she didn’t mind because she was content she was securing the future for the family she desperately longs for. Happiness came first. She knew money was not the answer to everything but she lived the life of being poor too long to not know money was a necessity.

Lost in her thoughts she didn’t realize how much time has passed until she felt frank sit between her legs on the floor in front of the couch to join Ray and bob in playing video games. She enjoyed his closeness and company but she was wondering why he seemed to take such a liking to her.

It wouldn’t be long before she found out.
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Hey guys! Big thanks to my new subscribers. I would like to write more quickly but i started to lose motivation but i gained it back :) Please let me know what you think as you guys motivate me! mUch Love