Spirit: The Familiar

Chapter Twenty Four

They had arrived back at Carina's dorm, and Carina only briefly wondered how Gabriel had known where it was, but considered that he had told her he had been watching her for a time. She shook her head and allowed him to push her into the room. She turned to him, feeling the energy rake over her body once more.

"What is that?" she asked.

"That would be..." he trailed off and made his way over to the window. He stared out it for a long time, watching the sky rapidly darken. The next word came out as a whisper. "Morgana."

"Morgana?" Carina said. She could recall hearing the name somewhere before; in one of the history books at the library. Morgana played an important role in the War Against Humanity; she was the leader of those intent on destroying their current system. "Isn't she supposed to be dead, though?"

"She is very much alive," Gabriel said. He turned to Carina, a fire alight in his eyes that startled her. Even with their apparent doom on the way, that look frightened her more than the thought of Morgana being alive. It made everything seem more real than it had to be. "She's the one you'll be protecting your Spirit from. You need to find her before Morgana does, when she hatches."

"I- what?" Carina asked. "Hatches?"

Carina had to sit down at the desk, and stared at the floor with wide eyes. She took in a breath and released it slowly. Gabriel pondered his answer for a moment.

"Well, they're not quite born," he said. He sat at her feet, looking up at her. Carina stared back into his green and blue eyes. "They're- grown and hatched. One is grown... every fifty years? And then hatched soon after, once the previous Spirit has passed on. It's a- hard to explain process. A 'you had to be there' moment."

Carina stared at him a bit longer. A 'you had to be there moment' circled around in her head. Had Gabriel actually been there to watch one hatch, before? She pushed him back so she could stand up and walk over to her bed and sit. She waved him off when he made an attempt to go and sit by her again.

"Please, don't," Carina said. "I need space. I'm processing all of this destiny crap."

Gabriel nodded and didn't push her any further.

"Alright, so, you've been there to witness the hatching of- of a Spirit of the Realm before?" Carina asked. Gabriel nodded.

"Maybe once or twice," he said as well. Carina's eyes widened. "I am old; an immortal being, if you recall. I've been around for quite some time."

"So- every time a new Spirit is born, a new Protector comes as well?" Carina asked. Gabriel nodded.

"The current Spirit- has been damaged," Gabriel said. "She hasn't been around for more than forty years. You were supposed to have had more time to ease into your role, and to train with me. Unfortunate that you're being thrust into this mess so soon."

Carina's head swam with the news. All the information was quickly overloading her mind. She wanted to shut her eyes, to shut out the whole world and just rest. She could have easily done it with a simple warding spell- cast a bubble around herself to prevent others from disturbing her.

Just as Carina was falling into a sense of security, one final wave of energy washed over her and raised the hairs over body on end once more. This wave was the most intense wave she'd ever felt, and in her mind's eye she could see a bulb of some sort of plant unfurling, revealing a girl with vibrant red hair that had been resting within. As soon as the vision had come it was gone. Carina bolted upright, and a loud 'crack' echoed through the Capitol.

Gabriel's head shot up, and he looked over to the window and whispered, "She's passed on."

At the same time Carina whispered, "She's come."