Status: Complete



I had scheduled my first interview with a local radio station, and to say I was nervous was definitely an understatement. I was terrified of any backlash I was going to receive. You don't just hide away for two years and expect everyone to just act like nothing ever happened.

“So, what's been going on behind the scenes? What the fans don't see?” The radio host clearly wanted to know why we released an album with no interviews, no tour, absolutely nothing.
“We just sort of struggled with some things after the death of our best friend, and we didn't feel like we could go right back on stage and play in front of thousands of fans” I shrugged lightly and felt Brian's fingers graze my leg, I just wanted this to be over.
“It's understandable, you guys lost a best friend. What are your plans now?” To learn the fucking lyrics before I go on tour with a new drummer so I don't embarrass myself maybe?
“Oh we're planning some things now, but we can't leak any details yet” Which means that we have absolutely no idea and I'm not telling our fans that.
“Well you heard it here first guys, M. Shadows and Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold are keeping it under tight wraps for now” Brian and I quickly left, I had an important appointment to attend to, one where I wouldn't get questioned every five seconds.

Brian was as supportive as he could have been given the circumstances, no one but our very close friends knew we were together, and I wasn't out and proud as it was. The sound of the tattoo gun was a nice reminder of why I was there. It would be a reminder of who he was, even if he couldn't be with us today he'd be with me permanently. Brian rested his hand against my shoulder and smiled softly, he had reconciled with Michelle a few weeks after my arrival. It went better than expected, Val had blown off steam and introduced me to the man she called her husband. He seemed nice enough, treated her well and made sure she was always happy. Even if I couldn't do that for her. I had Brian though, and he definitely made me happier.

“Zack's paranoid, he keeps thinking that his parents are going to be angry with him at the wedding since he won't let them help out” Brian had thrown his legs over my lap and yawned deeply, his eyes focused on the television.
“They're gonna love him no matter what, he should just worry about finishing up before the wedding date” I played with the small hairs at the base of Brian's neck and smiled. I wonder if Brian would ever want to marry me?
“That's what I keep telling him, he just keeps worrying like an old woman” Brian shivered slightly and turned to face me, his eyes glistening in the soft light.
“Would you ever marry me?” I felt the words slip out before I could stop myself, I didn't want him to think I was asking solely because our best friends were getting married to each other.
“Matt? Are you asking me to marry you?” Brian pushed himself up slightly, shock and awe across his features.
“I mean, maybe one day?” I felt like I was digging myself into a hole, this was not going to end well.
“Yes, I would love to marry you one day” Brian laid down against my side and sighed softly, now I felt like a real dick for even asking.

The time seemed to move slowly as we laid across the long couch, even if my legs were almost hanging off the side due to Brian wanting to lay on top of me. Both the dogs were asleep in their beds, and the sound of the waves crashing in the distance slowly lulled me to sleep.

“Matty, it's time to wake up” I could hear a soft voice calling my name but my eyes refused to open.
“Still sleeping” I mumbled tiredly, I doubt it made sense to whomever was trying to talk to me.
“Come on, Brian's expecting us at his house” That made me open my eyes suddenly. Jimmy was smiling back at me from the foot of what used to be my bed.
“What?” I rubbed my face and sat up slowly, what was going on? Wasn't I just at Brian's house on his couch?
“Get dressed so we can go, it's already late enough” I glanced over at the clock that now read one pm.
“Give me a minute please” Jimmy nodded and walked off to the bathroom, leaving me more confused and heartbroken than ever.

I stood from the bed and pulled on the clothes that Jimmy had left for me, a pair of jeans and a Metallica shirt. It was one of his favorite ones I wore. I left the room and walked down to the bathroom where Jimmy was, when I opened the door I was met with his body lying on the floor. Pale, and cold as ice. Oh god this couldn't be happening, what was going on? He was just talking to me not even two minutes ago and now he was dead? I ran over and picked up his body gently, tears streaming down my cheeks, why did this have to happen?

“He'll forgive you, in due time” I looked up at a dark cloaked figure, I could only describe it as Death.
“Please bring him back, I can't live without him” My voice cracked from the strain, sobs wracked through my body in harsh waves.
“In due time” The figure lifted a large scythe and swung it down where I was holding Jimmy's body.

I lunged forward panting harshly, sweating covering my chest in a light sheen. Brian was asleep curled up next to me in our bed. It was just a nightmare? Jimmy was still gone and I had to witness it all over again. If I had been there for him, he would've been fine. It's all my fault.
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sorry it's so short, my writers block has been horrible and i haven't had time to write but don't forget to comment and let me know what you guys think will happen next!