

"yes miss...?" His voice soft and sweet, almost angel amongst the buzz of the room.
"Roxie, It's Roxie" God i feel like a nymph comparison to an amazing God.

"Right, come back for another? By the way I'm Max." That smile, The defined cheek bones, shining blue orbs called his eyes. Still smiling but that hint of confusion and secrecy are still there to. "oh not today, i wanted to talk to you about something... if that is at all possible." Face twisted with confusion. My face full of curiosity and, confusion form that dream. That dream.... It haunts me, following me around, like a black shadow that's not really there. "uhm... sure, lets go in here it'll be quieter." The scuffles of my feet and the Walls filled with band posters from A-Z . The blue ceiling? and the chairs set out already. How did he know?

Just as i go to ask him a man around the same age comes in and sits down silently. My face twists even more with confusion."H-How...What... I-I had a dream and it kinda involved my tattoo and you?!? I don't understand. Oh and you where there to!" i say pointing at them slowly. Kind like, like I've gone into shock. I know haven't because i wouldn't be thinking as quickly and as many thoughts as right now. Wow just as well i'm sat down, my head hurts.

GRRR this is all so confusing. "I know how you feel Hun. sorry i never introduced myself, I'm James. I'm sorry but, we cannot explain your dream completely right now. Soon though, soon, when the time is right and the moon sets behind the cliffs once again." o-Kay then what the hell does that mean. The words fail to come out of my mouth. I need to go think and sort things out in my own head before i ask questions again. It seems the answers confuse me alot more than when i had those strange dreams? How can i not know how I'm feeling right now. Words still failing me.

Standing, hugging each warm blooded creature in the painfully quiet room i feel a note being slipped into my hands. Nodding i walk away slowly, not sure of what to make of any of this. It's all so confusing. Feeling the rush of wind as i open the door to the outside world i had allways known, yet not really seen. The cold, the warm. Gruesome, beautiful... a work of art all rolled into one. Like it's waiting for the final touches ready to be sold.