

His protective arms surround me pulling me closer
"please don't let me go" I don't know anything that's going on around us... just me and him...
"never baby" His voice soft yet serious and loving. "seriously... don't let go" Staring deep into his eyes, almost like staring into his soul. "i promise. I love you" Those simple words just slipped out, yet seeing how happy how they make him feel, i know, i mean them. "I love you to baby girl"

"You're laughing
But you're hiding
I know that trick too well" "You forget
That I promise
I love you and" "Everything will work out fine" We finished each others sentence..?
Tears prick in my eyes, looking in front of me this amazing person, all mine, i swear i will never let go...

I'm afraid.. what if?.. what if, not on purpose, but what if i hurt him? This SCARES me. He means soo much. I LOVE HIM !! but i don't understand why this, talented, funny, smart, beautiful amazing guy is with me?! plain old ordinary me when he could have so mutch better.

Why does life have to be so damn confusing, like a storm of emotions, elation, love, gloom... and so many more including the delinquent feelings... i feel it in my heart.

coming out of this revelry i look into those sparkling orbs that i love... oh so much.
"i want to make you feel special" "you already do, not that I'm special but you make me feel like i am" "baby" "baby, you are special, don't ever let anyone ever tell you otherwise." "As are you max, i love you, no matter what the OTHER people say."