The New Struggle

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The next morning when I woke up, nothing was new. My parents are still gone, and the apartment was still empty. I put the picture of my parents back on the shelf, and made the bed. I try to stick to a routine to keep my mind from wandering. My schedule is a fairly basic one,
● Make the bed
● Get dressed
● Wash my face
● Eat breakfast
● Go for a run
● Sweep the floor
● Fold the clothes
From there on I do whatever I need to. By the time I was done it was noon. I needed to collect wood, and go shopping. The fire in the fireplace was only embers now. The house was getting very cold, if I didn't get more wood soon the pipes would freeze. I threw on my jeans, shoes, and coat and headed toward the shed. I unlocked the shed and went inside. Normally I keep extra firewood in here, but it’s been so cold that I haven't gone out in a while to keep up my stock. So I grab my hatchet and set out, making sure to lock up the shed first.

When we first moved here, there were very few people living in the apartments. Once my parents went missing, everyone left. The apartments have been abandoned ever since, except for me. Luckily the water still runs, but the heat was cut off, that's why I need the wood. After my parents were taken, I don't trust anyone. That's why I have added locks to every door. I also keep my father’s old shot gun under my bed. At first, I didn't know how it worked. But soon enough, I was able to use it, and use it well. The hatchet has always been my first choice though when it comes to weapons. But since I leave it in the shed, it is used as a last resort.

It took me about three hours to get enough wood. I needed to fill the shed, along with some extra wood for the house. After locking up the shed, I headed inside with my few blocks of wood. By the time I got back into the apartment it was freezing. I quickly threw some logs into the fireplace and got the fire started. “It's almost eight o'clock,” I sighed. I don't have time to go shopping before work, so I guess I'm stuck with whatever is in the fridge. I got up and walked over to the fridge. I had a few eggs left and some apple juice. Not the classiest thing in the world, but it's what I have. I pulled out the eggs and juice and sat them on the bed. Since these apartments were only 1 room, we had no counters. I pulled out a frying pan, from the one cupboard in the house, and grabbed my food and headed toward the fireplace.

Cooking dinner was never the funnest thing in the world, but I didn't have much of a choice. I use the same plastic silverware every day, I wash them though. Before my parents left, my dad taught me how to widdle. So now I widdle my own plates, bowls, and cups. Of course I still had to buy a can of glaze so that the wood wouldn't get into my food, but that part was simple. As I sit on the floor in front of the fire place, I completely lose track of time. When I do finally look at my clock, it was 7:45pm. “Shit!” I said to myself, “I'm gonna be late for work!” I threw my dishes into the sink in the bathroom and headed toward the closet. Quickly I threw my dress on and ran back into the bathroom. I didn't have much time to do anything with my hair, so I quickly pinned it up into a bun. I threw on the rest of the essential make-up and ran to find my purse. I found it next to the door, where my shoes were as well. I threw my shoes in my purse and grabbed a contract sheet I had made and ran out the door.

Even though in reality I'm 16, according to my I.D. I was 21. It was the only way I was able to make money. When I left the house it was 7:50pm, and my shift starts at eight. Luckily, if I run I can get there in 10 minutes. No doubt the ground was cold on my feet; the first snow fall should happen in a few days. When I got to the edge of the woods, I pulled out my shoes and put them on. As I step out onto the sidewalk, I notice that there is no one around. The town seems empty. I didn't have time to think this over, I needed to get on a bus or I would never make it there in time. I find the closest bus stop and start searching my purse for some change. When I found just enough, a man sat down next to me. He was tall and slender, around mid-40’s I would have to guess. Short dirty blonde hair and wearing a suit. We sat like that for what seemed like a long time. This man was strange, he seemed to be uncomfortable, yet fine at the same time. Right then he looked at me, he had the strangest expression on his face.
“Well hello,” said the man, “where are you headed?” Now I could tell what was wrong with him, he was drunk.
I smiled cautiously at him, “Just on my way to work.” then the bus pulled up, I got up, waved goodbye to the young man and got on the bus. He didn't get on behind me, he just sat there, watching my every move.
“Where to?” the bus driver asked. I never realized that I was the only one on the bus.
“4th Ave please,” I replied.

I arrive at the building at 8:01pm. I rush inside and hope that Derek won't notice. I grabbed my “uniform” and ran into my dressing room. I had been there for over a few weeks, but somehow I got my own dressing room. I throw my purse onto the vanity and start to change. I hate wearing these outfits, but unless you have been here for a year you wear what Derek picks out for you. And of course, Derek has a huge thing for me, so he makes sure my outfits appeal to him. I finish putting it on and look at myself in the vanity, I look so different. I run my hand over my stomach, you can faintly feel my ribs. If I could afford to eat a little more I would. I hear a whistle come from behind me, I don't need to turn around to know that it's Derek.
“Well hey there sexy lady.” he says to me. Derek literally appalls me.
“What do you want Derek?”
“It's almost your turn, Willow just finished her time.”
“Alright,” I sit at the chair in front of the vanity and start doing my hair, “I'll be ready in five.”
Derek comes up behind me and leans his hands on the back of the chair, “You really are a sight for sore eyes Faline.”
“Thanks Derek.” I'm always blunt with him, otherwise he won't stop.
“I have something for you.”
I put my hair up in a ponytail and start curling the hair, “What is it Derek?”
Derek leaves the room and comes in with a black box. I keep curling my hair, by the time I have it done he is pulling out something out of the box. He comes up behind me and places a necklace around my neck. The necklace was beautiful; it was a medium sized pendant necklace. The pendant was in the shape of a diamond, bright green with white smaller diamond shaped gems around it.
“Wow Derek,” I was astounded at the necklace, “This is beautiful.”
“Only the best for my best,” he lightly places his hands on my shoulders, “It's all real diamond.”
My mouth hits the floor when he tells me this. I whip around to face him, “Are you being serious?”
“Dead.” he replied.
“Why would you spend so much money on me? I'm just your worker.”
“You’re much more than that to me, and you know it.”
I stand and face him, “There is no way I can accept this from my employer.”
“Well I can't take it back, so either accept it or sell it, your choice.”
I turn toward the mirror; the necklace is truly amazing. I reach up and play with it in my hands. Derek comes up behind me and softly wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my shoulder lightly and whispers in my ear, “You will always be more than just another worker to me.”
I turn around, his arms still firmly around me, and look up into his eyes. He has never been this sentimental, there has to be something going on. I just don't know what it is. Just when I think he has changed for the better, his hands slip inside the bottom of my costume and he grabs my ass. I push him back, give him a disgusted look, and I go back to getting ready.
He chuckles, “What I can't touch my girls’ ass?”
“I'm not your girl,” I snarl and starts to put on my makeup. Derek comes up behind me and grabs me by my hair and forces me to stand up. He attempts to throw me on the floor, but I catch my balance before he can. I turn to face him but as soon as I do he has me pinned in the corner of the room. He places his hands on the wall so I can't escape and looks right at me.
“You will be mine you slut, whether you like it or not.”
“Don't count on it Derek,” I say back in a snarky tone.
He then slaps me across the face, hard. I let myself slowly slide down the wall till I'm in a sitting position. I try to keep the tears in, but he slapped me really, really hard. Derek then squats down in front of me and grabs my face and makes me look at him.
“I will make you mine, I'll do whatever it takes, and you will be mine.” He then stands up and walks toward the door. I stagger to my feet and wipe the tears from my face. Derek then turns around in the doorway to look at me, “You look absolutely sexy in that outfit Faline, picked it out just for you.” Then he left. I rush over to the mirror and start to cover up the redness of my face with makeup before I had to go on.


About two weeks after my parent’s disappearance I needed money. I had eaten all the food in the house. We were never very rich so we didn't have a lot of food on hand. As I was out applying for jobs, I met this man. Tall, handsome, and quite the flirt he was, but he offered me a job. But of course, I had to be 18. That night I made a fake I.D, took it to him and applied. He sure seemed to have a thing for me, before he hired me he would constantly ask for dates and ask me to come over for dinner. Each time asked I would say no. Then the week after, he told me I got the job. I thanked him a lot, yet he proceeded to ask me to come over for dinner again. I figured this couldn't do any harm to me or him, just a little celebration on me getting the job, so I told him yes.

Two weeks before:
I stand outside the building. He told me to meet him here so I would know how to get to work from now on. I see his sleek black Cadillac finally come around the corner. Thank goodness, I'm freezing standing here in the forty-degree weather in a dress. He told me to dress a little upscale, so I picked my red dress with the rips in the front and back with the black underneath. I have very little jewelry so I wore my mom’s necklace, and as for shoes all I had was a pair of black stilettos I found on sale at Goodwill. He pulls up right next to me, I open the door of his car quickly and hop in.
“Sorry I'm late, just had to finish up some paperwork for your acceptance.” he says to me with a smile.
“Oh don't worry about me, I'm alright.”
“Ready to go?”
“Yes I am,” and with that we took off for his house.

When we arrived at his house it was around seven at night. He pulled into the drive and locked the doors. This I thought was odd, so I looked over at him confused.
“I just wanted to say how beautiful you look tonight.”
I started to blush, “Oh it was just something I threw on.”
He then unlocks the doors and we get out and head inside. He was very nice all through the evening, but after dinner is when things started to take a turn for the worst. Once done eating I decided to help him out with the dishes. As soon as all the dishes were put in the dishwasher, things changed.
“Do you want me to start the dishwasher?” I asked him. I never heard a reply, so I stood up and turned around to ask him again, only to find out he was right behind me. He looked at me in a way I couldn't describe, hungry maybe. As I opened my mouth to repeat what I said he puts a finger up to my mouth. Signaling me not to speak. He takes my hand and starts to walk into the next room, having no choice, I follow. He leads me into the living room. He lets go of my hand and walks over to a quite large stereo he had sitting on the mantle of his fireplace. He turns on some slow classical music and I notice he must have started a fire while I was finishing the dishes. He then walks back over to me and takes my hand again. But this time we didn't go far, just to in front of the fireplace. Once there he pulled me close and wrapped his arm around my waist and took my hand in the other. I placed my hand upon his shoulder and we started dancing. Granted I had no clue what I was doing, but he showed me.

We danced around the room for hours it seemed like. He acted like he cared for me, on a deeper level than I'm just his employee. Just then a door slammed shut somewhere in the house. It made us both jump. Derek quickly shut the music off and told me to go into the dining room. Not wanting to cause a scene, I did what he asked. As I entered the dining room a young female walked in through the other door.
“Who the fuck are you?” she said to me, looking me up and down.
“I um...I'm...” I could hardly get my words out.
“Tiffany!” it was Derek, he came in from behind me and walked across the room to her. She was a petite little woman. Blond hair all done and primped, she was wearing the smallest black dress I've ever seen on a woman. Derek gave her a big hug, but her eyes never left mine.
“Who is this?” she asked him.
“Oh Faline?” he asked.
“Faline? What kind of name is that?”
“My grandmothers name was Faline you inconsiderate bitch.” I replied in the snarkiest tone I could manage. She looked at me completely appalled, and Derek looked at me terrified. Before I could even blink, Tiffany had crossed the room and was standing right in front of me. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but it was too late. She slapped me across the face as hard as she could manage. I fell to the floor in pain, the stinging of the slap spread throughout my face, it burned.
“That what you get you little slut, nobody talks to me like that. Let alone in my own house where I come home and find you with MY husband. Think twice before you speak bitch.” and with that said she took her skinny and simple foot, with her 6 inch heels on, and kicked me right in the stomach. It hurt so bad I curled over in pain. I was trying so hard to keep the tears from flowing but it hurt so bad that I was unable to hold them back. “Oh look at the little baby cry,” she proceeded to grab my hair and yank me to my knees, “If I ever catch you near my husband again, you’re going to wish you never met him.” So full of wrath and hate for this woman I didn't know what to say. So I did the only thing I could think to do, I looked her straight in the eye and spit in her face.
“Try me bitch.” I said. Her eyes filled with fire and she threw me by my hair across the room. I tumbled across the floor, trying to catch my balance. I looked over my shoulder only to see her barreling at me, and then all of a sudden she stopped. Confused, I tilted my head up and saw Derek had lifted her off the ground and was holding her back.
“Go upstairs to the third room on the right and lock the door,” he said to me. I looked at him stunned and confused. “Go now!” he roared. And with that I was on my feet and up the stairs in seconds. I found the third door on the right, ducked inside, and locked the door.

I stood right behind the door for a couple of minutes catching my breath and listening to what was happening downstairs. I didn't know he was married, otherwise I would have turned him down like all the times I did before. Once I got control over my breathing, I turned around to see what room I was in. It looked like the master suite, but it was dark so I couldn't tell. I walked over to the bed on the other side of the room. The bed was obviously king size just from the looks of it. There was a vanity along the wall to my right and a closet on the wall next to the door. To my left was the entrance to their private bathroom. I walked to the side of the bed closest to the bathroom, as I got closer it was obviously Derek's side of the bed. On the bed side table, there was a lamp and a picture frame. I picked up the picture frame because I couldn't see it in the dark. The picture was of him and Tiffany on their wedding day. She looked beautiful, and he very handsome. I put the frame back down on the table, I wanted to be a little more of a snoop, so I slowly pulled the drawer open. Inside were just some magazines, a book or two. But then I got to the bottom, underneath all the cover up, was a picture of me. Obviously taken when I wasn't looking, but it still wasn't necessarily a bad photo. But why did he have a photo of me in his bedside drawer?

I stare at the photo for a long time with only one question in my mind, why? Then all of a sudden the door handle was jiggling. I threw the picture back into the drawer and slammed it shut. I turned around quickly and looked at the door, they were really trying to get in. It must be Tiffany, otherwise he would have just knocked.
“Faline?” I hear from the voice outside the door. It was Derek. I sighed with relief, it's just Derek. I walked over to the door and unlocked it.
“It's unlocked,” I said. He slowly opened the door, and looked at me. He looked stressed, very stressed. “What is it?” He shakes his head at me then walks inside and closes the door.
“Just Tiffany,” he said with a smirk, “She is finally gone.”
I look at him confused, “Gone?”
“Yes gone. Out of my life, were getting a divorce.” I look at him stunned and scared all at the same time. He takes my hand and walks me over to the bed. I sit down and he sits next to me.
“This is all my fault.”
He looks at me stunned, “It absolutely is not your fault.” He gets up and turns the light on. Then stands there and looks at me.
“What?” I ask.
“You,” he says with a smile, “You’re undeniably gorgeous.”
I look at him stunned for the second time. Me? Gorgeous? I think the only way both of those words could happen in the same sentence was if the words 'is not' are in between them. He walks across the room and stands right in front of me.
“Wow,” he said as he reaches down and softly turns my head with his hand, “She really beat you up.”
I nod my head in approval, “Yeah, but I'm tough so it doesn't really hurt.”
“Just because you’re tough doesn’t give people the right to beat on you.”
I shrug and look around the room, trying to end this conversation. But clearly he didn’t get the hint.
“I’m really sorry about her, I promise you she won’t be bothering you ever again.”
“How do you know that?” I say to him a little frustrated that he would betray me like this. He just sighs and shakes his head,
“Because I’m filing for divorce.”
This hit me in the face harder than Tiffany ever could have. Is he really going to go through with this? Is he divorcing his wife because of me?? I was so stunned the room began to spin, I didn’t know what was happening.
“Faline?!” I hear him yell, and then everything went black.


I wake up to a blinding light in my face, I didn’t know what it was or where it was coming from. I just knew it was bright. I opened my eyes just slightly and was blinded. I put my hand up to cover where the light was coming from and opened my eyes. It was from the sunlight peaking in the window. But the problem was my apartment didn’t have a window on this side of the bed. I whip my body up in a panic and look around the room, I was definitely not in my apartment. I look around the room and realize where I was, I was still at Derek’s house. I sit up and rub my eyes to re-adjust to the lighting of the room. Why am I still here? I sigh and softly rub my face. I don’t remember much from last night, but I remember enough. I look to my right and see the door to the bathroom, I really needed to see how horrible I looked. And I really need to pee. I push the blankets off to the left of me and softly place my feet on the floor. The floor is cool and slightly soft to the touch of my feet. I stand and quietly but quickly walk to the bathroom and shut the door softly behind me. I lean my back up against the door, it felt nice and cold against my skin. I look around the bathroom, slightly to my left was the sink and farther to the left was the toilet. Right next to me on my left was the shower. I reach my hand out and slide my fingers across the glass of the shower, it was very fancy.

I take a deep breath as I wash my hands after I used the restroom. I didn’t want to look up and see my completion. I knew for a fact I was going to have a bruise. But I’m not sure I wanted to know how bad it really was. I sighed and looked up into the mirror, but the reflection staring back at me was not me. I looked so different, so much…older. There was a clear bruise on my cheek, I would need a lot of make-up to hide it. My hair was all over the place, probably from sleeping. I shake my head and look away from the girl in the mirror staring back at me. I softly tug my shirt down over my stomach more and instantly wince at the pain I feel there. I forgot that Tiffany had kicked me with her skanky little 6 inch heels. I pull my shirt up and look at my stomach, the bruise covered all the way from right below my breast down past my belly button. I pull my shirt down quickly not wanting to look at it any longer. I think about taking a shower, but only for a brief second before I roll my eyes at myself. Derek could walk in at any second, and his shower is glass. I try to tame my hair and head back into the bedroom.
As I open the door I am stopped dead in my tracks. Derek was sitting on the bed, facing away from me, shirtless. Then it all hit me like a rock, had we done anything last night? Did I sleep with him? My hand shoots to my mouth keeping me from throwing up all over. I let out a gasp and Derek heard and turned around. He gives me a smirk and shifts on the bed to face me.
“Well good morning to you too Faline,” he said, “How are you feeling this morning?” I couldn’t even bring myself to look at him. I close my eyes quickly, trying to keep the tears in my eyes. I can hear him move, but he hasn’t left the bed. I open my eyes and look at him, he looks at me with such deep concern that it’s disturbing. I can’t help but let the tears flow, I never wanted any of this to happen. What did he do to me? He gets off the bed and walks across the floor toward me. I back away from him as he gets close. He continues to come close to me, I back up against the bathroom wall. He wouldn’t stop, so I did the only thing I could do.
“Get the hell away from me you creep!” I screamed practically in his face. That made him stop in his tracks.
“Faline…” he starts to explain, but I stop him mid-sentence.
“Leave me the hell alone!” I scream at him again.
“Faline what is going on with you?”
“I know what you did last night I’m not dumb. How could you do that to me? Especially after your wife beat the shit out of me!”
He looks at me in utter confusion, “Faline what do you think happened last night?”
I glare at him and with a snarl I say, “You obviously took advantage of me after I blacked out last night.”
He raises an eyebrow at me, “Took advantage of you? Why on earth would I do that?”
“Because I was weak and you wanted me that badly.” I mutter.
“Faline, I did not take advantage of you last night. I would never do such a thing.”
My heavy breathing made my stomach hurt even more, but I didn’t have a choice if I wanted to keep from passing out again. “Did you even look at my stomach last night? See what your little trophy wife did to me when she kicked me and threw me across the room?”
He shakes his head, “No Faline, I swear I didn’t touch you in any way that you didn’t want to be touched.”
I pulled my shirt up and showed him my stomach, “Is this why you didn’t touch me? Because I got beaten?”
“Faline, I wouldn’t lay a finger on you unless you asked me to.”
“Did I ask you to?” I growl. I grabbed the first thing I could find on the counter and threw it at him, it was obviously Tiffany’s hair brush. I look down at him and realize he is only wearing his boxers, maybe he only slept in them, and maybe he raped me. He dodged the flying brush and ran a hand through his hair. Did I ask him to have sex with me while I was technically unconscious? My eyes well with tears as I slide my back down the wall until I am sitting on the floor.
“Faline,” he says and squats in front of me, “You did ask me last night.” My worst fears are confirmed, we had sex. I can’t keep the tears from flowing from my eyes, this can’t be true. What will my parents think of me? Having sex at only 16 while pretending to be 18, not to mention having sex with a married man! My crying turns into sobbing. “Faline,” he says to me, “We didn’t have sex if that is what you are asking me.” I stop sobbing just long enough to hear him say this to me. I look up at him with my tear stained face, and he is looking straight into my eyes.
“We didn’t?”
“No, you just asked to. I told you no and put you to bed, and I didn’t want to leave you alone at night because of the injuries you had, so I slept in the same bed as you. That is all that happened Faline.” I shake my head; how could I have been so stupid.
“I want to go home,” I say to him.
“You don’t have to go Faline. You can stay here with me…”
“I want to go home now,” I say more sternly. He stands and nods. I’m surprised he didn’t pertest more. I get to my feet slowly and follow him into the bedroom.
“Here,” he says and tosses a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt at me, “You wouldn’t fit into Tiffany’s clothes last night, get changed.”


We drive in silence on the way back to the work building, I still don’t need him knowing where I live, especially not now. He pulls up in front of the building and puts the car in park. I sit there for a few seconds, not wanting to leave the warmth of the car. I can hear his breathing; I can feel him looking at me. I don’t like the way he looks at me, something is off about him.
“Faline, you can stay at my place you don’t have to go home,” I shake my head at this, I DO have to go home. I not only abandoned my search for my parents for a night, I also let him do things to me. Yes, he says that nothing happened, but I know something did.
“Thank you,” I say and go to get out of the car. He grabs my arm softly, to make me stop. I sit back but continue to look out the window.
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “I just wish you would stay with me. With Tiffany gone, the house will be so empty,” he starts to plead, “You could sleep in any room you like, and I would take care of you, I promise.”
I shake my head, “I need to get home, I’m sure the pipes are frozen by now. I’ll have to heat them up.”
He slips a piece of paper out of his pocket and slides it into my hand, “If you ever need a place to go.”
I look down at the paper, it is his business card, with his personal cell phone number written on the back.
“Thank you Derek,” I say and get out of the car quickly and shuts the door.