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The Stable

An Episode, of Hud: 4

I am Hud, i.e. H.U.D., Heads Up Display if you want to be fancy schmancy and correct? I am the Pony who integrated the HUD into the Buck design in the first place. I am not a Technician, technically speaking. I just develop and maintain this special feature into the larger design.

In the stable, we don’t have any helmets or such fancy gadgets and gear. We wear regular street wear and nothing more. This stable is safe and is maintaining a moderate temperature. We only wear clothes for fun and at work.

The HUD of which I am speaking, is integrated into the circuitry of the Buck and gives every Pony the options to see various aspects of the environment around us. I can choose to see the circuits of the Buck on which I am working, the heat in the room, or whatever I can make the Buck see with the built-in sensors and aided by the spell matrix. Pretty neat and quite useful; but you don’t have to take my word for it, just ask any Pony around or check it out for yourself to know what I mean.

Like the rest of the developers, I live in the developers wing of the facility. I am close to my work space, saving me valuable time. Why spend more time of my day, just to go to and fro work? I have better things to spend my time on. Then again, who doesn’t?

If and when I want to walk, or in general have a nice exercise; I go to the exercise floor, where I can do all the exercises I want until my tongue falls out. I do go there, from time to time, a few times each week, as a matter of fact. I do enjoy staying fit and alert, like every other Pony.



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