Status: Cautiously Active

Crazy Girl

Under the chaos of the stars I lost myself.

I disappeared with madness and illness into someone I didn’t even recognise, but that’s okay, because you see me, the real me behind the madness. The girl that existed on nothing but love, which has now dried up. I now exist on hate fumes and it is maddening, making me insane.

But that’s okay because I know you will save me, a hundred times again and again.

You once told me there was never a better puzzle than myself and I think I finally understand what you meant. That I was waiting to be put back together for someone to understand that a person exists beneath this illness. That a whole other person lives inside of me, one as beautiful as you always told me I was, as beautiful as I wished I could one day be.

You showed me I was more, more than the crazy girl and for that I am eternally grateful. I will never love another like I loved you.

Never, ever.

*Also don't steal, it's a shitty thing to do.*