Status: feedback welcome

The Heart of the Wolf


The crunch of bone in my right arm disoriented me. The hurt dog’s eyes bore into mine, his teeth sunk into my flesh. He looked almost sad, his eyes wide and pleading. Footfalls fell on the pavement behind me causing the animal to turn away and run. Dark red blood flowed from the gaping hole in my arm, dripping down my fingers. Ellie’s worried voice carried to me. “Diana! Oh, my! Are you okay?”

I twisted around, clamping a hand over my arm. “I’m okay.” The words barely left my mouth before the ground was suddenly rushing to my face, or maybe it was the other way around? Four arms shot out in front of me, my face an inch from the rocks.

My eyes met Alex’s concerned brown ones, her mouth creasing into a frown. “I think we need to get you to the hospital.” I started slipping from their grips but Ellie loped her arms through mine as Alex pulled out her phone.

The dial tone rung for two seconds before the call was immediately answered. “911 Operator, what is your emergency?”

“My friend was just attacked by a dog. She’s bleeding heavily.” Alex glanced down at my arm and quickly ripped a long piece of cloth from her work shirt, angling the phone to where her shoulder was keeping it to her ear. She angrily flicked her thick, blond ponytail behind her as she wrapped it securely around my wound.

The voice from the other side of the phone asked a series of questions. “Is she conscious? How much blood is lost? Is she breathing properly?”

Alex fired off her response as she applied pressure. “Yes, but she almost fainted. I’m not sure how much she’s lost but the wound is gushing. She seems to be breathing properly.” She searched my face quickly. “Her lips are turning blue.”

“I’m sending an ambulance way. Please stay on the line with me until they arrive.” The 911 operator rambled off in Alex’s ear. My stomach started turning, the back of my throat burned. My vision was fading, my last recall was Ellie’s heartbeat on my back and distant wailing.

My ears were ringing as the noises of the machines assaulted them. I slowly flicked my eyes opened, taking in the pale room. The stiffness of my body prevented my escape from the various cords and hooks on me. A growl of frustration slipped past my lips. The door opened revealing Dad who wore a very tired expression. “Oh, Diana! You’re awake. I was so worried.” He took one of my needle infested hands into his.

“Why am I here?” I scanned the room for clues as I asked.

“You lost a lot blood. The girls said a dog attacked you but this looks like a coyote bite.” Dad inspected the bandages on my bad arm, carefully turning it each way. A sharp pain coursed through my body when he turned it right, causing me to yelp. “Sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to hurt you. The doctors said you would be okay. The bite is healing quickly but you have been keep a rather high temperature. Good news, though. You will be released today.”

I groaned,” Why can’t I leave now?”

He chuckled and gently patted my hand. “They just want to watch you for a few more hours to see if the temperate breaks.”

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. Only I could get bit by a dog and it put me in the hospital. Dark bangs fell in front of my sight. I rose my hand to shove them back in place but was met with the resistance of the cords. Dad shook his head, his chest heaving in laughter before gently brushing them back for me. “Can’t you please get me out of here?”

Dad pursed his lips, one hand underneath his strong chin. “Let me go talk to the doc again.” He gave my hand one final pat and walked out of the room.

The room instantly felt hotter. The back of my neck felt like a burner on the stove. The heat grew immensely and hurriedly, causing my vision to blur. The monitors started wailing and a flood of nurses barged through the door. One pretty petite nurse shoved a not so petite needle into my neck. The pain was nothing compared to the heat. A coolness interceded the heat and I was no longer burning. My heart rate went back to normal and most nurses went on their way.

One nurse stayed back, hovering over my right side. “When you were brought in, they said a dog bit you. Did you happen to see what color fur it had?”

I answered although I was confused on why she would be asking that kind of question. “A gray one. Why?”

The nurse embarrassedly backed out of the room. “Just curious. You should drink more water, it will help you cool down.”

Okay, weird.

Loud shouts in the hallway captured my attention. “No I’m not family. We are her best friends. You aren’t going to tell me that I can’t see her…” Alex shouted as she opened the door to my room. Ellie stood behind her looking very uncomfortable. Alex forgot about the nurses as she set her eyes on me. “Oh, Diana. I was so worried. They said you’d been in the hospital for three days. I didn’t believe it at first…” She rambled on. My eyes widened in response. Three days?

“Mrs. Highlander!” I whispered before frantically looking for my phone.

Ellie stopped me. “Don’t worry. We already explained what happened. She said your job would be waiting for you.”

I collapsed back into the bed, appeased. Alex offered me an encouraging smile and took my hand in hers. “We got your back, girl.”

An angry nurse bolted into the room. “You two shouldn’t be in here. You are risking your friend’s health. You almost had a heart attack and you could be bringing germs in that could kill her!”

I interrupted her,” I want them here.”

She digressed,” The common cold could kill you if your immune system is as bad as we think it is.”

Ellie pointed out,” You said think. So, you don’t know. For all you know it could just be her body rising her core temperature to destroy bacteria.”

The nurse rolled her eyes and stomped her foot. “Do you want to take the chance---.”

Dad interceded quickly,” If my daughter wants her friends in the room there is nothing you can do. Actually there is something you can do. Get the release paperwork ready. The doctor said she could go.”

“But, sir—“

“I’m sorry, did I sound like I was asking? I wasn’t.” Dad ranted on as she retreated out of the room. He flattened his brown hair down with a frustrated hand before strutting out of the room after her.

Alex busted out laughing, a hand clutching her stomach. “That was perfect.”

I smiled, “That’s what you get when your dad is a lawyer.” I started tugging cords out of my arm, careful of the bite site. My teeth clenched in response but soon I was free of all the IVs. Ellie and Alex watched in disbelief, their mouths gaping open.

Ellie said,” Do you really think you should do that?”

I shrugged, relived to be able to do so. “It’s done now. I hate needles.” Alex handed me a pair of skinny blue jeans and a red v neck shirt. I slowly pulled the clothes on, avoiding any pain causing movements. Soon, I was dressed and gathering my stuff. “Let’s get out of here. This place sucks.”

The two girls followed me out into the lobby, talking behind me. “How is she able to walk now? She literally crushed earlier.”

I whirled around, facing them directly. They were at the end of the hallway. “I can hear you, y’know?”

They both stared at me before Alex asked me quietly. “How?”

I raised my eyebrows out her. “You were speaking so loudly that I don’t see how you can even question how I heard you.”

Ellie shook her head. “We were whispering.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well we have hit chapter five, folks!
I know I haven't been getting much feedback so any would help.
Thank you!