Status: Short story

Every Other Weekend


Matt was begging, pleading, crying and fighting.

He needed to see her, needed to see his kid. He needed forgiveness.

He knows, for a fact, that Ellie will never take away his son from him but he was scared.

Scared of a divorce, of a custody battle. He's scared of losing her, of losing everything that matters.


"What the fuck happened Matt?" Brian yelled, as soon as he walked into the house Matt no longer shares with his sister.

Ellie took Jason and moved back to her and Brian's parents house right after she found out Matt cheated.

"I-I slept with someone. I-I was drunk and angry at Ellie. W-we had a fight, I ran and got drunk and cheated."

"You're a fucking dick." Brian spat, "stay away from Ellie!"

"I'm not gonna do that Brian. She's my fucking wife, we have a fucking kid together."

"I don't give a shit" he said through gritted teeth, "I will do anything in my power to make sure you're done."

With that he left, leaving Matt standing in his kitchen alone and heartbroken.

Two weeks later, and Matt was slowly losing his cool and every bit of hope he still had.

His hope, however, returned when he got a call from Ellie telling him they need to talk.

So without thinking, Matt canceled the plans he had with the guys and waited in their-his house.

The knock on the door came soon, and Matt felt his heart beating out of his chest.
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