The Red Glaive


Adelaide sat at her grand table looking at her ledgers. Lover’s day and she was looking over her ledgers. Not that she’d miss out on the late night festivities, mainly a small dinner party with Nalia and Reading, just that she and Alwyn had done most of the events more than once and they long since grown stale. So ledgers for now.

Videl had showcased, in rather spectacular fashion, her new barrier spell requests to see her had nearly quadrupled. Normally it was ladies who interested in her spells, tonics and potions. Now she was seeing requests from most of the knightly orders based in Lux Aeterna. They all wanted her new spell, Videl certainly hadn’t let her down.

These orders were all rivals so they would demand exclusivity contracts. She’d have to play her hand carefully.

Across the table sat her husband, Alwyn. Scattered across his side of the table here books and receipts and all manner of paperwork. From them he managed the bulk of their wealth. Adelaide remembered when she had first seen she had been enchanted by the quality of his clothes and the amount of rings on his fingers. Most of all he had won her over with all the lavish gifts he had sent her during their brief courtship.

Alwyn was a plain man, five years her senior and more flab than muscle. Light brown hair was parted down the middle and was long enough to frame his face with hazel eyes. He was no Caius or Prince Valerian, but lately, she couldn’t stop looking at him. Or touching him for that matter, lately he was all she craved. It had been his absence, Adelaide told herself. She had missed him?

They had agreed at the very beginning of their marriage that they did not expect each other to remain faithful. She’d be permitted to bring any man into her bed so long as it wasn’t in his presence or in their marital bed so long as she permitted the same of him. They would tell each other about each excursion and not keep it from each other. It had been ideal for her when they had first married. His long absences handling business in far away lands allowed her to explore and grow.

But now she wasn’t all that interested in bedding Caius despite Aeria’s lack of interest. Aeria’s disinterest would’ve been an invitation before, gods be told, even if she was interested in him she would’ve tried regardless.

Adelaide glanced across the table to where Alwyn sighed and turned over a page. His gaze met hers and he smiled. “Our profits have been increasing exponentially. . . “ he said leaning back on his chair to take a sip of his wine. “Where would you like your next vacation house?”

“Hmm,” Adelaide pondered. She already had one in Icleport and another in the Sapphire Gate. “How about Coleterel, I’ve been meaning to go sunbathing.”

“I will see what’s available.” Alwyn said writing something down and handing it to Fides. Coleterel was a city in Flumina, supposedly it had the best beaches. The Enchantress was apparently making tan skin more popular with all the gyrations she had preformed on stage.

Einon Sarkain was selling her to high nobles in the city, or so rumor had it. It seemed that he was funding something more than just his Legion. Adelaide did know he resented his parents for placing his sister on the Aestian seat over himself, their first born son. Of course all this information on the Sarkain family came from Nalia who wasn’t very reliable.

Adeladie had only met Kioco Sarkain once. She was surprised they didn't put a helmet on that girl. But Gebari loved her and so did Einon. He wouldn’t make a power grab against his own sister, of that she was sure.

The ink had gone dry on her pen as Adelaide tapped it against her paper. Alwyn didn’t look up. “I brought a man into our bed chamber.” Adelaide said bluntly. It was a half truth, she hadn’t slept with Caius but he did come into their room. The implication was there, and she would’ve bedded him if he hadn’t turned her down. Probably. . .

“And I paid for the most beautiful whore in all of Glacies.” he said curtly not looking up. The warmness that had been there just moments ago had vanished. It stung. It shouldn’t have, but it did.

Adelaide looked down letting her long locks shield her face, her chest starting to heave. Why was she crying? It had never bothered her before.

“Darling?” he said and when she looked up his face fell. He stood immediately.

“I lied.” Adelaide said her voice cracking. “I lied.”

“Me too.” he said kneeling and taking her hand in his. Adelaide looked up at him relieved. “I paid for her, went up to her room and she was beautiful Adelaide, very,very beautiful. But as she was undressing, I couldn’t help but think how plain she was next to you. How much I wanted her so much to be you. I came home the next day.”

And what had he come home to? His home filled with men. Is that why he had been so distant? Adelaide kissed him then. She always had a sense of duty in providing his husband with pleasure. It was somehow different now.

“Are those important?” Alwyn said pulling away. And nodded to her books in front of her.

“Meh,” she said with a shrug. With a wave of his arm they were on the floor and Adelaide was placed in their place.

“Is it strange? There is no one else I want to be with other than you. Strange to me at the very least.” He said unlacing the strings of Adelaide’s corset with gold ringed fingers. “Who thought I’d ever consider being. . . monogamous.” he said that final word as if were the filthiest word he could utter making Adelaide smile as she pulled him on top of her on the table.

Yes, something had changed. For the better, she hoped.

* * *

There was a soft clicking before a soft tune slowly trickled out of the square box like a gentle stream. Moments after the tune began a small golden bird popped from within the box. It danced in a circle around the dias chirping in tune to the music, flapping thinly crafted metal wings. Suddenly the music stopped and the bird vanished with a flip of the dais back into the box.

“Amazing.” Elyon said holding the box. She glanced at the vendor eyes wide. “Again?’ the vendor smiled took the box from her, he placed it back in his display case and picked up a blue circular box. It was intricately carved just like the box from before, and the vendor took a key attached to a delicate chain and wound the key at the bottom.

Satisfied he placed the box in Elyon’s hands. A melancholy tune emerged from the box and a blue bird emerged from the box. “Nikorni! Come look at this one!”

Niko rushed over from the other side of the booth, he watched on as amazed as Elyon was. As quickly as the bird appeared it vanished back into its box. “What kind of magic is it?” Elyon asked still holding the box.

“No magic little lady.” the vender said. “A different kind of magic I should say: human ingenuity! This here is an automation, crafted by the finest engineers in Balzala’s Fall.”

“Balzala’s Fall?” Niko said. “I heard the best engineers came from Durmenda?”

“Durmenda?” The vendor said aghast. “Those Mollian fools couldn’t get anything to move without their precious lightning. Aestian metal work is the finest in the world.” the finished vendor said proudly. Elyon returned the bird box to the vendor. “So which one did you settle on?”

Elyon shook her head so the vendor turned to Niko. “I don’t have that kind of coin.” Niko said sheepishly and the vendor’s smile faded.

“Then stop wasting my time boy.” he said snatching a small key Niko had been toying with. He then turned to Elyon. “I do apologize little lady, I thought that perhaps it being Lover’s Day I thought couples would be more amicable in parting with their coin.”

“We’re not-“ but Elyon stopped hearing Niko say the same exact thing. They looked at each other and Elyon turned away blushing. Both Sister Olia and Sister Floor had been beaming with excitement when Niko showed up at the shrine. She and Niko hadn’t planned anything for today and she had seen him speaking with them both before he left the day before. A strange insecurity had washed over her seeing him with them both. Smiling politely to each of them as was his nature.

He hadn’t come for them, but for Elyon. It had seemed ridiculous now to think that Niko would come get any either of them, he hardly knew them!

“Lover’s Day indeed.” the vendor said to the pair before going to tend to another couple who had ventured to his booth.

This couple arrived arm in arm. They spoke to the vendor as he displayed his singing bird boxes. The woman, in her early 30s maybe, laughed at something her husband had said, before he pulled her close and kissed her softly. The vendor went to box one of his bird boxes.

“Niko?” Elyon said and he turned to look at her, his face redder than her own. Swiftly, Elyon reached up and pecked him real quick on the cheek. It happened so quick, she almost wished he hadn’t noticed.

But he had, she could tell by the massive grin on his face. He had been holding his breath, he breathed out in joyous laughter.

“Stop it!” Elyon said putting her hands to her face shielding it from view, but that only made him laugh harder. She couldn’t stop grinning either.

“I feel like I’m floating.” he said between giggles and Elyon took his hand in hers as if he would actually float away. She needed him with her, always. When she was with him she wasn’t afraid that the Night Devils would come and get her. He’d keep her safe, he was a glaive after all.

He finally quieted, his gaze falling to their held hands, he smiled but he had stopped giggling. “Elyon.” he said suddenly serious. “This might seem a little unnecessary but I think it needs to be said. .” he said, Elyon could practically hear his heart being through his chest. Not that hers was any calmer. “I, I wanted to ask your permission to enter courtship.”

Elyon stared at him a little bewildered. Permission for courtship? Wasn’t that something that only happened to noble highborn ladies?

“Officially I, I mean. I would ask your father and all, make very formal, but you being a sister and all. I suppose your’s is the only permission I really need I think, but it’s just tradition. It’s not mandatory or anything like that. Actually, are sisters allowed to date? I’m not too clear on that. Are there rules I’m supposed to follow, I guess I should ask-“

“Nikorni.” Elyon said stopping his nervous ramble. “You have my permission.”

* * *

“Here try another.” Telfer said moving the fortune machine closer to Videl. He paused looking at the machine and sighed. He dropped another coin into the machine and turned the crank. The machine made noise as a small green capsule dropped into the tray.

“Feathers are your friend today.” Videl said frankly reading the small strip of paper he had pulled form the blueberry sized capsule. “I think this is the worst one I’ve gotten so far.” he said dropping the paper on to the counter.

Telfer couldn’t read very well, he could take pride that he could read better than Caius at least. He didn’t need to read the fortunes, all he needed to know where the shapes on the other sides of the fortunes Videl had discarded. Each fortune had figures on the back. If you brought together a crown, a sword, and a shield you’d win one diamond chip coin. Videl had already pulled a sword and shield.

Videl wasn’t interested in the figures. Knight were honor bound and therefore prohibited from gambling. Not that that stopped many other knights.

“Maybe I should try another?” he asked but he was already dropping another coin into the machine. There was a cranking sound then a soft tink as the tiny capsule dropped into the tray. Videl snatched that small grey ball like a hawk snatching a small defenseless rabbit and ripped it open just as viciously. “Follow your heart. . . Damn it all!” Videl said slumping over the counter.

Telfer had come with Videl the Solid Steam because Caius was still moping around for losing all his coin. Niko was off with his woman, and Ariel was still asleep. Even though they weren’t close at all, Telfer knew Videl enough to accompany him when he had announced he was going to the tavern to ‘clear his head’.

You should help him. You’re a medic aren’t you?” Neith’s gentle voice came in Telfer’s mind. He didn’t need to speak anymore, their bond had grown that he could think out what he wanted and Neith could still hear him.

“A medic can’t help him with his situation.” Telfer thought out to the small doe. She was standing on the counter right next to Videl’s slumped form. He had received an order key after all. Now he had a choice to make between the Belmont clan and whatever order he had said.

Medics help people in need don’t they?” she said gingerly hopping off and vanishing behind the counter. She did not return to Telfer’s pocket as skull so he knew she was still around.

The tavern was filled with people, more so than usual. Peri was weaving her way through the tables at an increasingly rapid pace, not stopping to glare at Telfer for his association with Caius. Thankfully she hadn’t asked Iratus to remove them from the tavern.

A bard was gently playing his lute in the corner, humming softly. Someone had called for drums Iratus had run off to fetch them. Soon they’re be good music playing and the tables would be moved to make room for dancing. Poor people didn’t need fancy finery or extravagant instruments. Just good music and a decent dancing partner.

Across the busy tavern Telfer’s eyes caught Kahana. She was one of the girls who had come to the training grounds to come ogle Caius as he trained. Idiot seemed to revel in their attention. Telfer had met her earlier and asked her to come with a few of her friends. Thankfully she had come through and a two brunettes followed her into the tavern.

“Where’s Caius?” Kahana said reaching them. She had deep Auburn hair and big brown eyes that reminded him of Nina.

“He’s joining us later.” Telfer lied then shoved an elbow into Videl’s side.

“This is Kaya and Bebe.” Kahana said motioning to the two brunettes by her side. “Who’s your frie-“ Kahana stopped short when Videl stood. Even without the added height of his armor, he was still freakishly tall. Taller, even, than Caius by a couple fingers.

The three girls’ jaws opened slightly and Telfer rolled his eyes. What was it about women and height? He knew they were debating who was a better match, Caius or Videl. They were curious about him wondering who was better in a fight.

“This is Videl.” Telfer said when Videl just stood there dumbly. “He’s a knight?”

“Uh.” was all Videl could say.

“A knight.” Kahana said leaning closer to Videl. “Of what order?”

“No order.” Videl said with finality dropping the key on the counter. “I am Videl Ney Belmont. Of the Belmont clan.”

“See I helped.” Telfer thought to Neith, he could practically feel her shaking her head disapprovingly.

“Really?” Bebe said clearly impressed. “Can you take me to their estate?” she said standing beside Videl and wrapping her arm around his.

“Uh.” Videl said.

“Dance with me!” Kaya said cutting in. She pulled Videl towards the center of the tavern where people were only just starting to dance. Kahana gasped indignantly and chased after them.

Telfer glanced at the key Videl had left behind. Tucked beneath was the last fortune behind which the figure of a red apple gleamed back at him. It wasn’t a crown but that combined with the spear and the harp he already had Videl had won him 200 coin.

Telfer turned to Kahana. She reminded so much of Nina from back in the orphanage with Mother. If he hadn’t been forced into the Red Glaive he’d still be there helping Mother tend the fields and helping Nina cook. But he had made the deal to save himself and stupid, stupid Cyrus.

“Would you like something to drink?” He asked Kahana. “It’s on me tonight.” he said. She sighed and took a seat next to him. Normally, he’d save all he could, but he wanted Kahana to stay because she reminded him of Nina and the home he could not return to unless he was a glaive.
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It's been a while again, but I feel these next few chapters are going to be fairly important. I want to get them right.

Thank you angiebaby for you comment and for sticking around.