The Red Glaive


Aeria was on a soft bed. The soft light of the sun made her body warm. There were thin sheets placed over her that were surprisingly warm. She knew the room but her mind seemed hazy. “Where am I?” she said sitting up. Her head pulsed and an ebbing pain still lingered on her side.

“You don’t know?” Elyon said and when Aeria stared back at her blankly added, “No, I wouldn’t expect you to. When your friend brought you in here severely concussed. I focused on the swelling on your face first and repaired all your bones before calling it a night, there’s still quite a bit to do but we can get started on all the bruising today.”

“Huh?” Aeria brought her hand to her head. She felt light headed. “How long-“

“A day and a half.” Elyon said. “You were asleep about a day and a half.”


“Your name is Ariel right?” Elyon said get Aeria oriented. She stood by the doorway with her arms crossed and her light brown hair pulled back and tied up a messy braid. The curtain to the room was shut.

“How do you know?” Aeria asked growing suddenly guarded. Elyon already knew her as Aeria, now meeting her as Ariel could prove devastating to her glamour, but she didn’t feel it react around her neck. She was safe.

“You told me, but you wouldn’t remember I suppose.” Elyon tapped her head with her finger and said “Concussion.” Then Elyon didn’t say anything. She lingered in the room which was odd. Elyon never stayed in a room longer than she needed to when there were others in need of care. “You’re a glaive in training, am I right?” she said carefully.

“I am.” Aeria said.

“You wouldn’t happen to have sister by any chance?” she asked and Aeria’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest. She recognized her. Ariel must’ve had a faint resemblance to Aeria.

“No.” Aeria said quickly, then correcting her self he added, “I mean yes. I have a sister.” She had told Niko and Caius that she did so she’d have to tell that same story to everyone. She had hoped Elyon didn’t linger on her mistake.

“Is your name Aeria?”

“Yes.” Aeria answered quickly, too quickly to catch her mistake. Aria gasped and tried to backpedal immediately. “Her, h-her name is Aeria. Mine is Ariel, they sound so similar sometimes I get confused.”

“That so. . .” Elyon said and unfolded her arms from around her chest. She held her arm up to eye level. Dangling from her finger was her mother’s medallion, the red glamour stone still clinging to the chain.

Aeria’s hand went to her neck but missed the cool feel of the copper chain around her neck. She had been wearing it for so long she didn’t even notice its presence, or lack there of, anymore.

Aeria couldn’t say anything, she sat at the edge of bed staring at Elyon. Her hand trembled and her mind raced to try and find a way out of this situation. Did Niko know too? He had to have been the one who brought her to the infirmary. Did he come alone? Hopefully none of the their glaive overseers had come with him. She couldn’t think of that though. At the moment Aeria knew that Elyon beyond a doubt knew of her true identity. She would have to worry about others later.

Aeria had to say something to Elyon. “It’s complicated but I can explai-“

“You’re masquerading as a man in an attempt to join the Red Glaive.” Elyon said answered matter-o-factly and tossed the medallion at Aeria. She caught in one hand. “You and your friend were wearing Glaive garbs.” she said explained.

“I-,” Aeria sighed looking down at the small stone in her hand. “I guess it’s not that complicated.” A long fissure had appeared along the stone’s length. Then she looked back at Elyon who stood expectantly by the doorway. “Does anyone else know?” Aeria said looking down.

“Just me.” Elyon said simply and pushed herself away from the wall. “Figured you out almost as soon as your friend brought you in. Your eyes are pretty distinctive you know.” Eyes red like the blood moon.

Aeria struggled to catch fleeting memories. “Can you tell me what happened?” Aeria asked her memories hazy. Elyon took a seat on Aeria’s bed.

“Well. . .” Elyon told her how Niko had come practically dragging Aeria in the middle of the night begging the sisters to help his friend. Aeria had been conscious then, but just barely. The sisters initially refused because the glaives had their own infirmary but Aeria had called for Elyon who agreed to help. Aeria had been awake for the healing and Elyon said that it was then that she figured out she was really Aeria. During their healing, she explained, she could sense a thick veil of magic over her. She already had her suspicions, a man named Ariel who looked like Aeria’s sibling, had called her out like he knew her already. Then he seemed to know exactly where to send Niko around Sanatorium when he had never been there. The magical veil just provided validation. It wasn’t until after the healing and Aeria had fallen asleep that Elyon removed the pendant to prove what she already knew.

“So what are you going to do to me now that you know?” Aeria said lowly. Elyon owed her nothing, keeping Aeria’s secret would only put her in trouble with the sisters. She had never really thought of the consequences of being discovered. She never thought she’d be figured out in the first place.

“Nothing.” Elyon said. “Looking back it actually explains a lot. I just can’t really understand why you would want to be a glaive.” Aeria opened her mouth to speak but Elyon stopped her. “You never questioned me for not leaving this shrine, never put me down for like the other sisters do, the least I can at least do is return the courtesy.”

“You’ll keep my secret?”

Elyon nodded her pale green eyes full of sincerity. Aeria hugged her then as an overwhelming relief flooded her body. She was glad someone finally knew. That she had someone she could talk to should anything happen outside of Adelaide who always seemed preoccupied. “Thank you Elyon.”

“I still think you’re insane.” Elyon said standing up. “Just look at these.” Elyon then showed Aeria the bloody and tattered clothes she had been wearing when she was brought in.

“That, that had nothing to do with the training.” Aeria said lowly. She didn’t remember the assault, only beating Telfer in a duel and Griffo - or was it Brecht, she couldn’t remember - knocking her to the ground.

“It looked like you were trampled by a horse or some other large animal.” Elyon said disposing of Aeria’s tattered clothing in the trash. “I’m still not done completely healing you.”

“Elyon. . .” a sister’s voice came from outside the curtain. Elyon made a silent motion to Aeria as if to put something over her head. Aeria understood and put on her mother’s medallion. She could feel the magic build around her and settle. To the world she was Ariel again. “Your patient’s friend has returned.”

“Yes send him in.” Elyon said through the curtain. Elyon turned back to Aeria her eyes perplexed.

“What is it, what do you see?” Aeria asked. She had always wondered. When she looked in a mirror she only ever saw Aeria so she was curious to as to what Elyon would see now that she knew.

“I see you.” Elyon said. “It’s a shame though, you were quite handsome.” Aeria laughed but stopped short when she felt a painful tightness in her chest.

A few moments later Niko appeared, a flood of relief filling his once worried brown eyes. “Ariel, you’re awake!” he said cheerily despite the the black bruise forming around one of his eyes. “You look almost as good as new! I brought you some fresh clothes.” he said placing the new glaive adept uniform on her bedside table. Elyon nodded to Aeria and departed.

“What happened?” Aeria asked and pointed at his eye.

“They cornered me in the library, told me that if I told the overseers what they’d done they’d do much worse. Guess I got off easy all things considering.”

“Those cowards.” Aeria spat. “Where were all the overseers?”

“They’re all distracted fighting with the sages for Caius’ release or handling the last of the apprentices into the Chamber of Endeavors. Guess those snakes were just waiting for the right opportunity to strike.”

“We have to go back.” Aeria said standing. There was a shock to her leg when she put pressure on it but nothing she couldn’t handle.

“But you’re still hurt.” Niko said.

“Niko, we can’t let those bullies think that we’re afraid of them or that we’re hiding.” Aeria said. She took the glaive uniform Niko had brought her and and set it down on the bed close to her. She would have to change in front of Niko she wasn’t timid anymore though. It wasn’t her that he would be seeing anyhow, so Aeria pulled her gown over her head, that ebbing pain on her side turned sharp when she raised her arms and Aeria flinched. Looking down there was still a nasty bruise over her ribs that Elyon didn’t get a chance to heal.

“Ariel you have to stay here.”

“No Niko!” she said with finality.

“You didn’t see how they left you Ariel. Your face was so swollen I couldn’t tell who it was that was laying in that pool of blood. Most of your fingers were broken and you couldn’t even stand! And the noises that came out as you took breaths, I thought you were dying!”

Aeria pulled the shirt over her head and pulled her hair out from underneath the fabric. It was past her shoulders now and nearly reached her chest. She’d have to cut soon or braid it like she had seen Valor’s friend do with his long hair.

“You’re not going to say anything?” Niko said.

“I’m going back.” Aeria said. “If they come at me again, so be it.” She wouldn’t let them put the fear in her, she wouldn’t allow it. “If you let your fear control you, then you’re just letting them win.” Despite what they did, Aeria wasn’t afraid of them, more angry that they could do such a thing. They were all to be glaives.

“You’re just as stubborn as Caius.” Niko said with an uneasy smile.

“But with more rationality.” Aeria said making Niko laugh.

“You’re an idiot.” Niko said and this it was Aeria who laughed. “Alright lets go.” Niko said finally agreeing. “But we stick together after this.” Aeria smiled and nodded.

Aria walked slowly and with a limp. Elyon walked passed them and stopped misstep, holding neatly folded linens in her hand. “You’re leaving?” she said incredulously. “Stay another day, I can fix all the bruising after I’m done.”

“Nothing a little time can’t heal.” Aeria said.

“I-I’ll take care of him.” Niko said stammering. Aeria watched as he stood stiffly when Elyon’s gaze fell on him.

“Should anything happen. . .” Elyon said switching her gaze back to Aeria briefly.

“I’ll bring him straight here.” Niko said eagerly. Elyon smiled.

“You have my gratitude.” She said before moving away from them into one of the rooms of the infirmary. Niko stared dumbly after her.

“We, we should get going.” Niko said after he had caught his breath.

“Hmmm.” Aeria hummed.

“What?” Niko in a voice too high pitched to be natural and very clearly flustered.

“Nothing. . .” Area teased with smirk.

“Stop it!” Niko exclaimed as they left the infirmary.
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Thank you green2envy for commenting. It always makes me happy when I hear from my readers.