The Red Glaive


Aeria woke up feeling like she had failed. Failed at what she wasn’t sure. She wasn’t even sure what she was even supposed to accomplish. Other than her achy feet and the lingering humiliation she didn’t feel like she had achieved anything else.

Aeria groaned feeling the thick layer of make up, left overnight, feel oily on her skin. Her feet had hurt so bad the night before she had told herself she would only rest a little while then promptly fell asleep. She had dreamt a dream she couldn’t quite remember. The details of it had faded from memory. She remembered the feeling. The feeling of finally being home.

“Your bath is ready my lady.”

Aeria nearly jumped out of her skin.

A girl stood there with a broad smile on her face making Aeria feel uncomfortable.

“Thank you?” she said but the girl just continued smiling. “What happened to, uh, the other guy."

“My dad?” she said. “He’s overseeing the Duchess’ morning. I’m Sanya”

“Oh. Nice to meet you Sanya.” strange to say it, she had gotten used to having Fides around.

Sanya had prepared Aeria’s bath complete with bath salts, hot water, and an overabundance of scented bubbles. As soon as Aeria stepped in, Sanya dropped some colorful balls that made the water start to fizz. When the water started to get cold, Sanya would turn the wheel attached to the pipes and fresh hot water would pour out the spout over her bath.

The only other place Aeria had seen pluming had been Duowell. Not that she got to enjoy it during her time there in the streets. Nearly all the buildings in Lux Aeterna had been outfitted with plumbing. Even the caverns had a bathhouse.

Aeria sank into the water smelling the bubbles. What was that smell? Lavender. Just like. . . Just like Valor.

That woman, the Intoner. Flawless and talented, falling into his arms.

Aeria sank deeper into the water and dipped her head under the water allowing the all the water to drown out all the noise.

All was still, but within Aeria, a battle raged. Who was this woman to Valor? Her Valor, and yet he wasn’t just Valor. Valor was Valerian, crown prince of Lux Aeterna. He could never just belong to her. As Adelaide had put it, he belonged to the people.

And yet. . .

Thinking of him, only served to remind her just how much she missed him. The way he spoke to her as if she was the most important person in the world, the way he just held her when she needed it most, the warmth he had brought to her life unexpectedly. She wanted more of that. She needed to speak to him, sooner rather than later.

Aeria would know then, and only then, what to do.

She pulled her head out of the water, then tilted it back soaking her hair cursing Adelaide’s strange potion. She and Caius had cut their hair around the same time, Aeria’s was nearly twice as long as his now, just past her shoulder blades. It would take a long while to dry but cutting it now could potentially make it grow faster.

“Good morning baby sister!” Adelaide said barging into bath room making Aeria jump. Aget trailing behind her. “You. Were. Amazing! I never would’ve thought of leaving early.”

“What?” Aeria said trying to maneuver the what was left of the bubbles to provide maximum coverage.

“Oh, calm down, there’s nothing you don’t have I don’t already have but bigger.” Adelaide said placing her hands over her own breasts making Aeria sink deeper into the water.

“Just like your ego.” Aget said with a smile.

“Ha!” Adelaide said pulling out a small letter from her beaded bag.

“What is it?” Aeria said rising slightly.

“An inquiry, from Lady Odiosis, asking to have you tea time at House Vertis,” Adelaide said as she opened the letter revealing a second and third stacked onto it. “Another from Lord Bulwer inviting you for dinner tonight, and another from Lady Rella.”

“Even I have received a few inquires.” Aget said pulling out two similar notes. “Turns out refusing to talk to all these nobles just makes them all the more curious about you.”

“Take something from them, and it just makes them want it more.” Adelaide said. “Aeria, you’re the talk of the town. This is good Aeria.” It sure didn’t feel like it.

“Don’t you two have husbands to tend to or something.” Area said sinking into the water. The bubbles were almost all gone.

“Oh, so you don’t want to hear about the man waiting for you outside your box?”


“The captain of the Inferno Legion.”

“Why was he there?” Aeria asked, maybe leaving early had been what was best after all.

“You tell us.” Aget said crossing her arms

“I don’t know him.”

“He’s interested in you Aeria, but not in a way that we want. It won’t look good if you’re running around with some foreigner. You stay away from him alright?”

“But, I don’t even know who he is!” The looks on her sisters’ faces said they didn’t believe her.

“Honestly, had I known there’d be this many fine men seeking my attention, I never wouldn’t have gotten married.” Adelaide said with a huff.

“What do you mean?” Aeria asked. There was only one in her life. Valor. He was the only one who didn’t care that she wasn’t very ladylike or her horrifyingly red eyes.

“I, uhm, hmmm. What did I say?” Adelaide said, she was definitely hiding something.

“As if marriage would stop you.”Aget said chiming in.

“True.” Adeladie said with a shrug quickly moving on from what she had said.

“Lady Adelaide.” Fides said stepping into the bath room and Aeria sank as deep as she could. “I have the lists as you requested.”

“Yes, yes, thank you fides. Can I have-”

“Can you all please just let me finish my bath in peace?!”

Sanya, thankfully returned and ushered everyone out of the room. Fides actually seemed abashed that his own daughter was kicking him out.

By then the water had gone cold and Aeria was quick to finish her bath.


“So what are his chances?” Aeria asked Niko as Caius and Telfer teamed up against Videl. Surprisingly he was holding up pretty well.

“Well. . .” the tone in which he said that single word didn’t sound to promising. “A few of these knights are friends outside the melee. They will no doubt help each other thin out the competition, starting with those who enter alone.”

“Like Videl.” Aeria said and Niko nodded.

“Even worse, both the Silent Storm and the Smiling Storm have signed up for the melee. They’re considered to be the best swordsmen in the land just behind their cousin. ”

“And they’ll team up for sure.”

“Actually no.” Niko said. “They’re twin siblings and very competitive against one another. They’ll do their absolute best to outdo the each other. So it’s good if they find each other early in the match, terrible if one of them finds Videl first.”

“You don’t think Videl can hold his own against one of them?”

“I don’t even think Caius is that good.”

“Don’t let him hear that.” Aeria said. “He’ll take it as a challenge.”

Caius trotted over. “I heard my name.” he said taking a cup from the water barrel. He was drenched in sweat. They had been at it the whole morning, long before Aeria had woken. “How’s it looking?”

“Not great,” Aeria said.

“He doesn’t have to win, to impress an order.” Niko said, “Just do well enough to stand out.”

“What better way to stand out than to win?” Caius said taking the sheet. All the names had matching sigils attached to them so even Caius could understand who was who somewhat.

“What are you thinking?” Aeria said reading the names over Caius’ shoulder.

“I’m thinking he needs a little help.” Caius said, fire building in his eyes.

“Only knights are allowed to participate in the melee.”

Caius grunted. “I think Videl will be fine.” Aeria said taking the list from Caius. Videl’s name was near the middle next to Duke Lonroth’s green peacock sigil.

Videl managed to step back just as Telfer swung his practice sword in heavy sweep. He had anticipated a parry so the strength behind the swing cause Telfer to lose balance slightly, nothing major and easy to recover from. Videl, however, sized the moment to surge forward shoving his pauldron into Telfer shoving him back. Telfer stumbled backwards then fell. Videl lunged before he could get up and angled his dulled blade at Telfer’s neck just as he made a move to stand.

Telfer glanced at the blade, at Videl looming above him, at the blade again, then fell back to the ground with a groan.

Videl helped Telfer to his feet, then pulled back the visor of his helmet. “Quit lounging about! I thought you all were supposed to help me practice!” Videl shouted.

“We’re talking strategy!” Aeria shouted back. “Get over here!”

“I thought the strategy was stab and don't get stabbed.” Videl said as he approached. His height did make him look imposing in his emerald armor.

“It’s actually more intricate than that.” Niko said. “Some will be in groups fighting together, until most of the competition is gone. Certain people, you just need to watch out for.” Niko said handing Videl the list.

Two Storm Knights!” Videl exclaimed. “They’re allowed to compete!?”

“They are, the Talbains compete nearly every year, but their skill is well known. It’s the lesser knowns that you need to watch out for.” Niko took the list from Videl. He pointed at a name beside a chain whip sigil. “The Belmonts of Lux Aeterna compete every year and have more wins than any other house, besting even the Talbains of Durmenda, and do not under estimate anyone from the Inferno Legion.” Niko’s finger moved a group of names with a dragon sigil.

“How do you know all this?” Niko said looking at the lists.

“Cause it’s Niko.” Caius said, “He knows everything.”

“Not necessarily.” Niko said digging in his pack and pulling out a massive tome. “I got Lector Tarda to get me this from the Bastion library. I’ve been reading it over.” Caius stared blankly at the cover. “It’s a record of all the previous melees going back about three hundred years.”

Aeria took the book from Videl and skimmed a few pages. The first few were lists just like the one Niko currently held. The following pages, however, detailed who had defeated who and who had ultimately was the last man standing. Then more lists more details of that year’s melee. Pages and pages with similar content. Just skimming through, Aeria saw that Belmont chain whip sigil multiple times, along with Legion sigil. Though those early pages were from when they still rode dragons.

“There’s also another issue.” Niko said. “This might be a flask year.” They all looked up at him. Niko didn’t need any more prodding. “Some years they allow the use of Eques Flasks, most of the time the other knights petition against them because if flasks are allowed it would mean the Storm Knights are allowed their electromancy.”

Videl gulped. He didn’t have any flasks. Sure, Aeria could make him some, but they’d still need a sage to fill them. And that wasn’t something they’d do for free. Filled flasks were even more expensive and Videl hadn’t trained with any of the magic they contained.

“So, uh.” Videl’s eyebrows furrowed together trying to think of how he would proceed. “Can’t you just make some flasks?” Videl said thoughtlessly looking at Aeria.

Her eyes went wide. “How exactly do you expect me to make you some you donkey?” Videl’s eyes widened as he realized his mistake. The pendant around Aeria’s neck grew warm.

“Your sister, I mean.” he said quickly. But the pendant didn’t get any cooler. “Couldn’t your sister make me some flasks?”

Niko glanced at Aeria curiously.

“If anything, maybe you could get Elyon to make us some.” Telfer said butting in. The mention of Elyon’s name, Niko’s face turned red and the heat in Aeria’s pendant faded. “We’re her most regular patients anyway.”

“We shouldn’t bother her.” Niko said his face still red. “She’s very busy.”

“I’m sure Adelaide will get us the flasks.” Caius said. “Still it’ll be a lot cheaper to get empty ones than to make her pay for filled ones.” Caius said eyeing Aeria. She got the message; she’d make some flasks for Videl.

“We get these flasks and Videl actually has a fighting chance.” Caius said still staring at Aeria. If Niko still wasn’t thinking of Elyon maybe he would’ve caught on Caius being so stupidly overt.

“But how do we fill them?” Telfer said.

“The process is kept secret by the sages, but there’s a lot of hints scattered here and there in some of the books I’ve read.” Niko said. “If you get me an empty flask I might be able to figure it out.”

“My man!” Caius said putting Niko in a headlock.

“Ah! I said I might!” Niko said tugging at Caius’ grip. Aeria and Videl laughed. Even Telfer managed to crack a smile.

“Ariel!” Adelaide’s shrill voice seeped through the mansion windows. Fides could be seen approaching their group but sighed hearing Adelaide’s voice. He motioned for Aeria to follow him.

“Keep practicing!” Aeria said jogging up to meet Fides. It was perfect timing, she could hide away inside, make a few flasks then bring them out again.

Aeria thought that perhaps Adelaide had an uncanny sense of timing but the second she entered the parlor Adelaide came rushing towards her waving a paper on it too fast for Aeria to make out the letters. then said, “The pauper’s pageant starts tonight and you have to go meet with your sponsor.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for the delay. Had a much needed impromptu vacation. But I am back. This chapter feels a little unfinished but it's better than nothing. Hope you enjoy.

One last thing, I'm doing a name change for Ranveer. It always felt like a place holder name for me but I just uploaded with that rather than delay that chapter longer. It never really felt like it fit though, so I'm changing it to Soren which I like a lot more. I'll change previous chapters to reflect that.

Lastly, many thanks to Aurielle and angiebaby for your comments! Hope you're still around.