Gerard's Little Side

Bruised Little Boy

It was 10 pm when Gerard stumbled into Eric and Danny's apartment. He had multiple bruises covering his face. He made it halfway to the living room before collapsing on the floor.
Danny heard the noise and came running into the room.
"Holy shit, Gerard. What happened?"
Danny turned his brother to his side and tried not to freak out over the bruising. He got his phone out and called 911. He all the way down and pulled his brother into his arms.
A dispatcher immediately answered and Danny thanked whatever God was above them.
"Hi. Help. I need help." He was freaking out, he probably wasn't understandable.
"Sir. I need you to take a deep breath for me. "Can you explain what's going on?"
"I- I- my brother came to my apartment and he's lying on the floor. I don't know what happened." Danny was speaking through tears. "I don't know what to do." He continued to sob. "He has so many bruises."
"I'm sending an ambulance to your location, sir."
"I don't know if he's breathing." Danny kept crying. "How can I tell?"
"Put your hand by his nose and mouth and see if you can feel any breathing."
Danny did as he was told, "He's breathing. "He won't wake up!"
"Sir. An ambulance is arriving at your apartment. Can you open the door and let them in?"
Danny gently put Gerard's head on the floor and ran to the door. He opened the door and quickly went back to his brother.
"Gerard, buddy, please wake up." He kissed his little brother's head. "It's gonna be alright. You're gonna be okay."
It felt like forever before two men came into the house and started to check on Gerard.
They gently pulled Danny away from him and lifted Gerard onto the stretcher.
One of them started speaking to Danny, but he was only focused on Gerard at the moment. He couldn't even hear the man.
"Sir." The man's voice boomed in his ears.
Danny's head quickly snapped to him.
"What's his name?"
Danny said, "Gerard. His name is Gerard."
"Thank you. And how old is he?"
"He's twenty."
"Do you know the date of birth?"
"June 12th of 96."
"Alright. Thank you, sir." The man said. "Would you like to ride with us to the hospital?"
Danny just grabbed his shoes and slipped them on. His keys were already in his pocket so he just pulled them out and locked the door as they were leaving.


Danny texted his family and Eric, telling them what happened to Gerard. They took him into surgery, telling Danny that he had a ruptured something and had internal bleeding. He received several texts back.
Eric called Danny. When Danny answered the phone Eric said, "How's our little boy doing?"
Danny stated crying again. "He looked dead, Eric."
"He'll be okay." Eric didn't sound so sure, but he was trying for Danny. "He's a tough kid. He'll be okay."


The next few hours passed by in a blur.
Danny just watched the door, waiting for someone to come through it. Waiting for someone to pull him out of the trance he was in. He felt sick. He wanted to know what happened to Gerard.
A man finally came out of the doors and walled over to Danny.
"Hey. We have some good news."
Danny stood up and said, "Okay."
"Your brother had to have a blood transfusion, but it worked out fine and he's resting now." The man explained. "Would you like to go see him?"
"Yes." Danny was quick to say.
He followed him down several hallways and it felt like hours before they reached Gerard.
Danny rushed to his brothers side and pulled the chair as close to the bed as he could.
He lifted his brother's hand and kissed it.
Gerard was all bruised up and he had a breathing mask one his face. Danny was just glad they could help him.
He sat there for a while and just watched his brother breathe.
He wanted his little boy to be okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote most of this chapter on the original story, then I took it over here and just changed some of the wording up.
Thanks for reading.