Status: Work In Progress



I just started running. I didn't know to where...but I didn't care. I just started to run. I didn't look back. After I packed all of my things I could hurriedly. I just ran. Panicked and frantic, I got out of that house as fast as I could. No regrets or hesitations. The only thing in mind... Freedom. So I ran as fast as I could, pushing through the stinging pain in my chest. No matter how out of shape I was...I was not stopping. I need to get as far away as possible, as fast as possible. I knew he wouldn't be home for another hour or so and I planned my escape timely, but I was not taking any chances.

I pushed and pushed as fast as I could, as hard as I could. I could not afford to stop…or even slow down, one bit. My feet were hurting just as much as my chest and my throat was on fire from the heavy breathing. My bag was weighing me down, not making this any easier. Giving up was not a choice...or even an option, especially when it took so long to finally get here, to leaving. It’s been overdue for far too long and the plan was, at last, in action. My heart was racing as fast as my feet were and so was my mind. I had to make it to the station and get away from here, didn’t matter to where…just that it wasn’t this place or anywhere near it!

When I finally reached the bus station, I got on the first bus I saw. I had enough money to last me a little while and was able to buy a ticket. I gave the surly bus driver my ticket and walked towards the back of the bus, not drawing any attention to myself. I picked a seat, sat down and tried to stable my breathing. I put my bags on the seat next to me and hoped the bus wouldn't get too crowded.

I packed some water and a few things of food to hold me over, at least until I got to wherever I was going and I knew I would need it for the running that was going to happen. I chugged that as much as I could with being out of breath and sat back to relax. My shoulder was so sore from the weight of the bag and all of the running, I relocated the water bottle to place it there to help the pain. The cold felt great and I was finally able to catch my breath and get comfortable. I was glad it wasn't too cold or hot out, being fall. That meant that the heat wasn't on and the air wasn't on full blast. I didn't pack a winter coat or feel like too much layers, especially with all of the running which made me over heat, so it was perfect.

It was nearing eight o'clock when I got on the bus. The station was about twenty minutes away from “home” or hell, as I call it. I had stopped running after, maybe, ten minutes when I could physically run no longer and had the time to. I just hoped we would be leaving soon.

The bus driver finally closed the doors and turned on the bus. I guess it was time to leave. Finally. I was starting to get anxious. This wouldn't be the first place he looked when he realized engine came to a roar and we started taking off. The bus driver came over the speaker, announcing:

"Next stop...Maryland.”