Status: Work In Progress


A Not So Fresh Start

Just as I saw a nearby motel and started walking that way…I suddenly felt a great and strong force grab me. My bicep shot with immediate pain as I was stopped. I turned around quickly in pain, fear, shock and curiosity but mostly, anger.
“What the hell?!” I said loudly, pissed off.
I face a big, tall figure who is latched onto my arm. He was bulky but not enormous. You could barely make out his face due to the time it was and shitty lighting.
I tried not to show fear. However, I don’t think I did such a great job… So I did what they always tell you to do…I kicked him in the balls. I turned and ran as he bent over in pain. I took off running as fast as I could until out of nowhere and literal pitch blackness, I ran into what felt like a brick wall. I “oofed” as I got the wind knocked out of me slightly. I looked up to another unknown figure. Great…he brought a friend!
This man was massive! He had muscles bulging out of nowhere. Unnecessarily. I couldn’t see his face clearly either but I could see his neck eating his head, he worked out so much… TOO much.
He just laughed as I was unable to continue with my escape. I decided to run to my right but was quickly ceased by the first man and grabbed by both biceps from behind.
The whole knee to the balls thing works…but my advice is, have a strategy for after you do, preferably ahead of time.
So I came up with a new plan…
I fought.
I kicked, tried to swing my arms and then pulled my head forward and slammed it backwards, crashing into his chin. Thankfully he wasn’t tall enough to miss his face completely. Although, what with me fighting back and the height difference causing him to hunch a little to get a hold of me to stop…it would be likely. But not so much thankful for the pain that soon followed after, especially with his chin being a pointy part.
I heard a thud from the collision and my captor’s painful response. I hauled major ass, not giving attention to the intense headache that was forming in my head, as soon as he let go of me. I stumbled a bit from the impact but shortly, steadied and swung my bag at the second one, trying to take him out.
I hit him in in the head, momentarily distracting him but not really affecting him all too much. Damn you, giant steroid. I ran past him, not getting far…and he grabbed me by the right arm, pulling me back. …Ow.
Trying not to show defeat or pain from him grabbing my arm…I kept on putting up a fight. I may be on the smaller side, but I was tough…and didn’t take shit from no one. Besides, at that point I was just furious. I finally got away from it all just to be kidnapped by Buff and Buffer… So, this was also a good way to let out some anger.
I screamed “GET OFF ME!” in attempt to still get away.
This didn’t faze them at all. And with two of them, being half and double my size and my dominant arm being down for the count…not to mention my likely concussion, I was slowly wearing out. It was safe to say I was losing this impossible fight.
As I continued to weakly fight back…refusing to give up or give in, the bigger of the two, wrapped his arms around me from behind and tightly held me against his chest. Then the one I head butted was walking towards me with a smirk on his face. I couldn’t tell just how bad of damage I had done. I wondered if I was bleeding?...
He had what looked like a cloth and as he got closer, he lifted it. I can only assume it was covered with chloroform. He put it over my mouth and I breathed in the sweet smell of it as I lost ability to fight it and them.
I was fading and fast…as everything hazed in a blur to black and I was slowly losing consciousness.