Status: Work In Progress


Panic Sets In

I started to wake up. As I came to…all I could see in a foggy haze, was a bright light on the ceiling above me. I was laying on the floor in what appeared to be a room… I sat up slowly, leaning back against a wall. I looked around the room trying to take in where I was. The room itself seemed to be pretty standard sized, with gray walls, floor and ceiling. There was a white door that appeared to have a mail slot. The room was empty other than the mattress I was sitting on, along with the pillow and blanket on it. I mustered up what little energy I had in me and weakly got up to try and open the door…no such luck. Of course. So I went back over to the mattress and sat back down.
I was in pain and had no idea where I was.
I didn’t have any clue how long I was out for or whether it was day or night out. There were no windows to tell. Oh yeah…and my things were nowhere to be found. What the hell… For all I know, I could be in a different country even! I really hope not.
I couldn’t get out, couldn’t escape and could barely move, let alone function… The only thing I could do at this point that was productive, was sleep, so that’s what I did.
I laid down on the mattress and closed my eyes as my head touched the pillow, letting sleep wash over me.

I woke up again, not sure how long I had slept for. I was in the same room, nothing changed. All of my belongings were gone and I was locked in this room with no clue where I was.
I looked around, examining the room I was in to see if there was anything that would help me get out or tell me where I was. No such luck. This is when panic set in. I started to freak out and think the worse. Am I going to die? Will I be tortured? What did they want with me… Prostitution? Sex slave, Human trafficking? I didn’t know if it was a good thing that I was in this room.
Just then, I heard the door unlock and anxiously watched as the door opened.
Buffer walked in… Guess Buff had to tend to his wound.
I laughed to myself.
Buffer was your typical buff guy… He had the short, spiked up front, gelled hair that was brown. He had brown eyes and was at least a foot taller than me, if not more. He could be attractive if it wasn’t for all of the unnecessary muscles bulging out of his body.
He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt that was two sizes too small and WAY too tight… He had on blue jeans that were thankfully the right size. His shoes were a black pair of some sort.
He wasn’t scary looking like I possibly thought…he was just a really big guy.
He just smiled when he came in. Walking towards me, he bent down and grabbed me by the arm as I backed away from him. He lifted me up and pulled me to the door and out of the room with him.
As he practically drug me down a hallway, tripping over my feet every step of the way, I took notice to my surroundings. The walls had long seen paint or human touch, the floors were straight concrete and there were doors leading to rooms lining the walls that’s paint was chipped and cracked. It seemed as if this was an abandoned factory or could have been an old hospital, psych ward.
The whole place gave me an eerie feeling and not just because this is where I was kidnapped to. As we passed each door, I noticed that some were opened and some were closed. Curious, I tried to get as much of a good look of each one as I could. I saw that they all had a mattress, pillow and blanket as did I. Some, however, had other things in them…as if someone was living in it. Some had more than others, and others had none at all. This lessened the eerie feeling I had, that there were possibly others and that I was not alone.
I didn’t know what that meant if there were others or if that was good or bad.
We had gotten to the end of the hall and reached elevator doors. Thank god. I didn’t feel like tripping over my feet any more, especially if stairs were involved and I could tell Buffer was getting annoyed.
We stepped in the elevator and he pressed one. I looked up and saw we were on five. The elevator slowly made its way to the first floor.
Thank GOD we didn’t take the stairs!
The human steroid did not let go of me or loosen his grip the whole time. As if I was going to attempt to escape… Probably. But I don’t even know which way is which, so there’s a ten percent chance I won’t try to.
The elevator dings as we reach the first floor. We step out into a similar hallway, making a left in the same direction we came from. There was a break at the midway point of the floor, to the left where we stopped. There were a set of doors that led to what I’m assuming was another hallway. We went through to another hallway that had a second set of doors at the end and appeared to be a connector hall. There were no windows in here either, so I still had no idea what time it was out.
My ever so lovely companion, pushed the doors opened as we entered into this hallway that’s setup was different from the others. There was another break in the hall that was directly in front of us, that stuck out and away from the hall a bit enough for a set of elevators on each side. There was also, what looked like a front desk or nurses station but was empty.
The whole floor looked empty…and deserted.
He continued to lead me to where we were going. We turned left and walked to the first door on the right.
I suddenly was hit with nervousness as we reached our destination and I had no idea what to expect.
He reached for the doorknob and it was as if time slowed down and everything was in slow motion. Buffer’s grip tightened as he opened the door.