

Epilogue: The Truth behind the story.

When I wrote this it was not in ignorance. After a considerably sheltered life a lot of bad things were happening to people I knew and cared about. Up until that point I had never had anybody close do drugs, have their parents go through a messy divorce, had anyone I particularly cared about die or know anyone who was a victim of abuse.

All of these things seemed to happen one after another and I felt a little like finally reality was hitting me. No longer were horror stories I heard from a friend who had heard it from a friend of a friend or a friend telling me about her friend’s friend.


This was happening to my friends.

And it’s my nature to try and help and I only thank whatever divine thing that’s up there that I didn’t do more.

Lorna was fifteen, turning sixteen. Her mum was an alcoholic. Lorna was covered in scars and the cuts and bruises kept coming.

She lived at the wrong end of town and came from a family of bible bashing idiots. She rejected Christianity and turned to Buddhism and became a vegetarian.

Lorna’s scars she told me were from her boyfriend. She dumped him and the scars kept coming.

We got even closer as friends and she told me the truth her mum was beating her when she was drinking. Lorna was scared for her little brother.

One day she didn’t come to school. Or the next day or the day after that.

She was found in a park in the city. Twenty miles from the town we live in. The English teacher she had the year before found her.

Lorna came back. The police were involved and we were all questioned. Lorna was removed from her parents and placed in the foster system.

I was a friend to her and we talked. Lorna was good at three things: English, Art and Drama. So we wrote. And we wrote this story.

Then things started to get worse for Lorna. She started fainting and taking fits. Her bruises and cuts continued as a result of falling and banging off things.

She became harder to talk to. Hysterical. Sometime along the way she told been she’d been diagnosed with PTSS (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) by the counsellor Child Protection Services made her see.

Then one day our Art teacher came to see me. He took me aside as I’d been one of her closest friends in school. Most of the rest of her friends had distanced themselves when she started going off the rails.

He told me that Lorna had snuck home one of the knives from Art class and had tried to commit suicide. As a result new regulations came in that meant that all knives, even clay knives, had to be taken out of a locked box and counted at the end of the day.

We sat in the counselling room and cried.

Lorna came back a week later and she officially acted like a psycho. Chucking chairs around and swearing in little kids faces until they cried all because of the littlest things.

She didn’t come back to school after that.

Eventually I learned the truth.

Lorna was a pathological liar who loved attention.

Yes, her mum was an alcoholic but she had passed out cold, snivelling and crying after fur drinks every time. Lorna wasn’t beaten by her mum.

Lorna was extremely good at drama and faked the PTSS with its fainting and its fits. When the police took the computer from her foster home they found extensive research on the effects and symptoms of PTSS.

Lorna was obsessed with her former English teacher and angels. When she ran away from home she stalked the teacher and lived in the park outside her home. She was fixated on the idea that the English teacher would be a better mother figure.

A specialist found that none of her scars from cuts were in places where Lorna couldn’t reach. Many the scars when studies where in such a pattern that they could only have been done by herself.

Lorna played me for attention and no one feels worse. She was taken from school one day and never came back. I still have questions. Hundreds of questions that I wish she could answer.

I later found out that she was in Perdysburn Mental Hospital and is still there today. She got released in September 2009 but within six weeks she was re-admitted.

The worst of it was. Lorna believed every lie she told. When she made it up it became truth.
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There you go. This has been missing for a long time but I wasnt able to write it.

I cant even read over it. It hurts too much. Sorry about the quality.