Status: Re-write!

It's a Werewolf Thing


Kacey spent the next few days concentrating on her school work, missing numerous pack meetings and training sessions. Avoiding Scott was a little more difficult, since she was staying at his house and sharing his room.

It wasn't until the end of the week that she had another run in with the alpha from the pizza place. She had just walked into the parking lot after school, when he stepped out from behind a car and stopped Kacey in her tracks.

"Hello again pretty thing."

"You know this whole stalker thing is creepy right?" Kacey said, keeping a safe distance between them and watching him closely.

"How do you know that I wasn't simply hanging around here, or waiting for someone?" The alpha replied smugly.

"So you're a pedophile as well as a stalker... nope, that's not creepy at all," Kacey mumbled, knowing that he would be able to hear her perfectly clear and seeing the anger flash in his eyes.

'Note to self: do not get smart with the psychotic alpha' Kacey thought as the alpha grabbed her by the throat and growled, warning her to shut up.

"You think you’re brave, just because you run with wolves... I'll tell you a secret, you will always be nothing more than a fragile little human to them," the alpha whispered viciously in her ear, but she knew that it wasn't true or maybe it was, "The thing about humanity is that it's pointless, you're born to die... you'd make a great wolf in my pack."

Panic washed through her as the alpha pushed against her a little harder with an amused chuckle, his claws threatening to pierce her skin and Kacey fought to keep control of her breathing.

"I kind of like being human thanks, so I'll pass on the wolf option," Kacey spat, "Now, let me go."

"Oh, come now... I'm not ready to leave you alone just yet," the alpha teased, pulling away as Kacey heard running footsteps approaching them and scratching her neck as he took offer, "I'll see you around."

Standing frozen to the spot, Kacey moved her hand to the scratch as blood trickled down to her chest and jumped slightly as someone placed their hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she found Scott watching her concerned and allowed him to pull her into a hug, before leading her to Stiles' jeep.

Nothing about the supernatural so far had ever truly scared her, but the menacing look in the alpha's eyes as he spoke had and Kacey knew that it wasn’t the last time she would come face to face with him. Arriving back at Scott's house, Kacey sat down on his bed without a word and stared at the wall in front of her.

"Kacey?" Scott called, crouching in front of her and cautiously touching her trembling hand.

After a few minutes of silence, he stood up and ushered Stiles out into the hallway. She could hear them whispering, but couldn't make out what was being said as she laid down and closed her eyes. Darkness soon fell, but the sleep she craved never came and she watched as night was gradually vanquished by the morning light. Scott woke up as his alarm blared, stretching and climbing on the bed next to her.

"You ready for school?" He asked quietly, putting his arm around her waist and nuzzling the back of her neck.

Kacey simply nodded in response, untangling herself from Scott's embrace and heading into the bathroom to get ready. School was the last place she wanted to be, but at least being cooped up within the confines of a classroom and surrounded by her friends meant that she'd be safe.

Stiles had picked them up as usual and they rode to school in near silence, arriving early to meet the others. Being part of a pack was hard at times, since they were able to pick up on the emotions around them and tell when you were lying by your heartbeat.

"There's an emergency pack meeting tonight and Derek wants everyone there," Isaac told them as soon as they arrived.

"I can't..." Kacey replied abruptly, feeling dread building in the pit of her stomach and swallowing nervously.

"Why not?" Boyd asked with a frown.

"I just can't... okay," Kacey snapped, throwing Boyd an apologetic look and rushing off towards her locker.

She hadn’t meant to snap like that, but they just didn't seem to understand that she was trying to protect them and beside, the last thing she wanted to admit was that she was scared. They had faced a lot, but this time was different... this time she felt real fear and it was almost debilitating. It had weaved its dark tendrils around her body, squeezing her tight with no intention of letting go and Kacey felt helpless. How the hell was she supposed to admit that?

They were werewolves... even Stiles, Lydia and Allison had proved that they could defend themselves if necessary. Maybe the alpha was right... maybe to the pack, she was just the human girl and that thought alone hurt. Kacey looked up as a locker slammed near-by, watching as a guy turned the corner and feeling her heart cease.

The guy stopped dead in his tracks and stared Kacey directly in the eye with a smirk, until the bell snapped them both back to reality. Pulling out her phone, she made her way hastily to class and sent Scott a text to let him know.

'One of the guys that was with the alpha is going to school here,' Kacey typed quickly, watching as Scott opened the message and tensed.

'Are you kidding me?'

'He was at the lockers... you should let Derek know.'

'You mean we should let Derek know.'

'No, I mean you.'

'We'll talk about this at lunch.'

Sighing, Kacey put her phone back in her pocket and focused on the front of the class as Mr. Harris walked in. Classes flew by before lunch and before she knew it, she was standing in an empty classroom with Scott in silence.

"Are we here to talk or see who can stay silent for the longest?" Kacey inquired, breaking the silence and drawing Scott's attention to her.

"Why are you avoiding Derek?"

"I'm not, it's just easier if you tell him stuff... he's your alpha."

"You're just as much a part of this pack as me and the others," Scott argued.

"I'm not a werewolf though Scott," Kacey replied, "I'm just your average run of the mill human... there's nothing special about me and being around just puts everyone else in danger."

"So you're staying away to stop us getting hurt?"

"Yes, I don't want to see the pack get hurt or killed because of me. Me, Stiles, Lydia and Allison make you all reckless... you throw yourselves in front of us as if your lives are less important than ours and they're not."

"Life's dangerous Kacey... that's a fact, but we're a pack and we look out for each other just like we would if we were just a normal group of friends."

"That's exactly my point though... look what happened the night we killed Peter," Kacey mumbled, feeling tears form and slip down her cheeks, "Derek almost died getting me out of the way and I can't watch that happen again."

"I'll talk to Derek, but he's going to want to see you," Scott added.

"Then I'll see him at your house... I just need time, Scott."

Without a word, Scott moved towards her and pulled her into a hug, but the silence told her that he understood. Derek may want to see her, but it would be to find out about the alpha and not because he cared about her. It wasn't that he really didn't care, he probably did more than anyone and deep down Kacey knew that.

Following Scott to the cafeteria, where the rest of the pack were already eating, Kacey immediately felt eyes upon her and scanned the room to find the culprit. Sitting a few tables away was the guy she had seen in the hallway, eyes locked on her and a smile appearing on his lips as she looked his way.

Closing the distance between her and Scott, Kacey grabbed his hand in an attempt to calm herself down. Glancing back at her, Scott sat down and pulled Kacey into his lap with a frown. Kacey's attention was split between the packs conversations and the guy who was still staring at her, meaning that she completely missed what Boyd had asked her.

"Kacey?" Scott whispered in her ear, tightening his grip as she jumped and nearly tumbled off his lap onto the floor.


"Are you okay?" Scott stated, earning a quick nod from Kacey, "Boyd was asking if you had any ideas of films he could watch with Erica."

"If you want a film that Erica would like, I'd suggest Dear John or The Last Song, but whatever you do avoid The Notebook because it makes her cry," Kacey answered, looking at Boyd who smiled and nodded in thanks.

The rest of lunch seemed to drag and by the time school ended, Kacey just wanted to go home. Walking towards Scott's locker, where they always met up, she kept her eyes open for any sign of the alpha's little minion and felt relief wash over her when Scott came into view.
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Happy reading ♥