Status: Complete.

Scribbles of a Broken Heart

Detention Talk

“How did it go with your parents?”

It was almost one in the morning, but I was still awake when Garrett called.

“It wasn’t too bad,” I responded quietly.

“Did they yell?”

“A little.”

“Are they mad.”

I sighed, “Yeah.”

“Are you in trouble.”

“Not really.”

“Then why do you sound so sad?”

“I hate getting yelled at,” I said truthfully.

“Did the story work?”

“Yeah. I think I did pretty good while I was telling the story too,” I grinned and sat up fully on my bed.

“What did you say?”

I started feeling better the longer we talked.

“Well, I came home pretending that I was all pissed off. And I screamed ‘Mom! Dad!’ They came down and I told them that I had something to talk to them about. They sat down at the kitchen table and they asked why I looked so angry.

“And then I was like, ‘Mrs. Roser gave me a detention and it wasn’t even my fault!’

“Of course they got mad once I said the word detention so I went in to the ‘reason’ real fast.

“I said, ‘This annoying boy in my class, Hoyt Digger, wanted to give me a hug before I stepped on to the bus. So I was like okay, he’s so annoying. So I went to give him a hug, we were outside the Athletics Center, and while we were hugging he kissed my cheek! And Mrs. Roser saw and wouldn’t believe me that I had nothing to do with it!’”

“What did they say?” Garrett asked with amusement in his voice.

“At first they were really skeptical, but I think I convinced them that it was the truth.”

“Did they yell at you long?”

“Not really. They were pretty mad and were saying things like, ‘How could you let that boy do that.’ But other than that, it wasn’t’ too bad.”

“See, I told you that I was gonna make this okay.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Whose picking you up from detention tomorrow?”

“I think my mom is going to leave work a little early.”

“Why not just go with me and my mom?”

“Oh yeah,” I forgot about his detention. “What did you tell your parents?”

“I said that I was caught behind the athletics center making out with some girl and one of
the coach’s saw me.”

“Were they mad?”

“They weren’t upset that I was making out at school, just that I got caught.”
I sighed, thinking how my parents were so much stricter than his. If I was caught kissing
some boy at school, my mom and dad would probably barely talk to me for a week.

“Oh. Well, I don’t know if I should go with your mom tomorrow. Wouldn’t it be suspicious if our parents found out that their kids were serving detentions on the same day?”

“I guess. Though, carpooling is more environmentally friendly.”

“Shut up,” I laughed. “Since when did you ‘Go Green?’”

“Since you won’t carpool with me tomorrow,” he pouted.

“Oh, stop being a baby.”

I heard Garrett huff on the other end.

“I’m going to sleep. I don’t think I’m allowed to sleep through detention. And an hour of doing nothing in silence probably works as well as Ambian,” I joked.

“Okay. Good night,” he bid.


“Was that the first detention you’ve ever received?”

“No, I’ve gotten a couple in elementary school. But, they were for stupid things that I didn’t deserve so they didn’t really care. This was a high school detention though. I think every detention you get is placed on your record until you graduate. So it was a lot more serious. And high school detention is an hour after school. My elementary school detention was just the thirty minutes of lunch and recess.”

“Did your parents find out that you two received detentions on the same day for identical reasons?”

“No,” I scoffed. “Parents brag when their child get’s straight A’s or gets a 4.25 on their report card, not when that same overachieving child gets a detention for PDA.”
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah, a crappy update that took me a while to put out. sorry.
the next updates will be better though. *inspiration has hit*
btw, i have a new sotry idea in my head and i almost have the first chapter written.
should i finish this story before posting that one?