Somebody Like Me

One Hundred & Five: We’re Not Getting Younger

“Are you sure that you don’t mind doing this?” Sergio asked as he stood in the doorway, trying to comfort Luna who cried softly in his arms. It had been a little while, after they’d headed away on vacation, a few weeks had passed, but with Alonso having invited him and Cassie out to dinner, Sergio had enlisted Fernando to keep an eye on the children, something he wanted to make sure that the striker was alright with. It was a lot, with two infants and a toddler around, it was a lot of work, and Sergio wanted to make sure that Fernando didn’t mind, even if he and Cassie were only likely to be gone for a couple of hours. He wanted to offer his friend the opportunity to duck out.

Fernando, who was quietly fussing over Oscar, rolled his eyes a little at his friend’s fussing before he lifted his head, offering him a slightly amused smirk. “You’re going to be gone for what, a couple of hours?” he posed “I think I can probably cope, Sergio, even if they are all part you, I am sure that for a couple of hours, I will be fine” he added, his tone caught between soft and teasing. It wasn’t the first time, on the few occasions that Sergio and Cassie had asked him to babysit, the defender had always fussed a little, and Fernando had to admit that he liked it. It was just a small mark of the way the defender had changed since Cassie, and later the children, had come into his life.

Sergio, who’d moved to settle Luna down into her Moses basket, offered him a small look, something which made Fernando chuckle softly before he leant forwards, patting the defender’s shoulder. “I am sure that I’ll be fine, Sergio” he noted “But, if I do have a problem, I have both yours and Cassie’s numbers. I am sure that I’ll be able to get a hold of you if I need to” he reassured him softly.

Sergio offered him another dubious look, wordlessly asking if he was certain, before he nodded his head quietly, moving to collect his jacket which had hung over the back of the couch.

“You’re going out with Cassie’s padre, aren’t you?” Fernando posed, breaking the comfortable silence which had settled over the room.

Sergio, who’d moved to wrap his jacket around his shoulders, nodded. “We are” he confirmed “Cassie and Alonso like to get together every now and again and with me due to fly out for pre-season next week, they arranged something for tonight” he explained gently. It was a frequent occurrence, even despite the fact that Alonso lived a little way outside of the city, he and Cassie endeavored to get together from time to time, and whilst Sergio found himself still slightly nervous around his father-in-law, he knew that he couldn’t get in the way of it. Cassie adored her father, for a long time, it had just been the two of them, and Sergio didn’t want to cause a problem.

Fernando nodded his head quietly before the sound of footsteps filled the air, causing Sergio to whip around slightly, a boyish smile appearing on his face as Cassie stepped into the room, fiddling shyly with the bottom of her dress. Watching her for a second, his smile widened a fraction before he stepped towards her, quickly capturing a hold of her hands. “You can stop fussing” he quipped playfully.

Cassie, whose eyes were fixed on her feet, shook her head. “You don’t have to say that” she mumbled “We’ve still got some time, if you think…”

“I think you look beautiful, Cassie” Sergio interrupted softly “I always do” he added, offering another bright boyish smile.

Cassie’s cheeks warmed a little before she lifted her head, offering him a small shy smile.

Sergio’s grin widened a little before he stepped towards her, pressing a soft kiss against her lips. “Are you ready to get out of here?” he posed softly.

“I think so” Cassie noted “Fernando…”

“I’ve got it covered” the striker interrupted with a grin “If I need a thing, I’ve got both of your numbers so that I can call you” he added.

Cassie blinked a couple of times, slightly surprised by his interruption, before she nodded her head, moving to settle the baby monitor down on the coffee table. “Noah’s already asleep” she noted softly “He should sleep through, but if he doesn’t, I’ve left his favourite book on the nightstand. He normally falls straight to sleep when you read it. Are you sure that you don’t mind doing this for us?” she added softly.

Fernando nodded his head gently. “Of course not” he noted “Enjoy your night, Cassie” he added kindly.

Cassie flashed him a small smile before she stepped towards Sergio, taking her coat out of his hands before she ducked out of the room, the defender following closely behind her.

“You’re late”

Cassie, who’d been carefully tugging the material of her jacket off of her shoulders, startled a little at the sound of her father’s voice before she whipped around, offering him a small smile. “It’s nice to see you too, papa” she teased softly as she wrapped him in a soft hug.

Alonso hugged her closely for a few seconds before he ducked back, gesturing over his shoulder. “Nora’s already got us a table” he noted gently “You want to join us?” he posed, his voice slightly uncertain.

Cassie noted the slight nervousness in his words, but dismissed it quickly, instead opting to offer him a gentle smile. “We didn’t come all the way here not to join you” she teased softly.

Alonso spared a small laugh before he stepped forwards, guiding his daughter and son-in-law towards the table where his girlfriend sat. Nora, who’d been perusing the wine menu, looked up at the sound of footsteps before she gently pushed herself up to her feet, offering the couple a soft smile. “Sergio, Cassie, it’s good to see the two of you again” she fussed happily.

“It’s nice to see you too, Nora” Sergio mused as he stepped towards her, kissing her cheek in greeting.

Nora smiled gently at the greeting before she flicked her stare towards Alonso, not missing the nervous look which marked his face. It wasn’t the first time that she had seen it, since he had proposed to her a few days previous, he had seemed more than a little hesitant about the notion of sharing the news with his daughter, but Nora knew that they had to do it sooner rather than later, even if neither of them were quite sure how Cassie would react to the news. She knew that they couldn’t keep it from her forever.

“We should sit down” Sergio noted as he pulled a chair out for Cassie “We promised out babysitter that we’d only be gone for a couple hours” he added.

Nora flashed him a small smile before she stepped back towards her seat, quickly moving to squeeze Alonso’s hand reassuringly.

“So, Cassandra, how are my adorable little grandbabies doing?” Alonso posed as he sipped on his glass of wine, his dark eyes settled on the brunette who sat opposite him, checking her phone. It had been a quiet dinner, with Alonso being slightly nervous, the conversation had been a little bumpy and awkward, but still the older man hadn’t worked up the nerve to tell his daughter about his engagement, even if he knew that Nora wouldn’t let him shy away from it. He simply couldn’t seem to find the words.

Cassie, who’d been quietly texting Fernando, lifted her head, offering him a small smile. “They’re doing pretty well” she enthused softly “I mean, the twins are pretty calm babies and Noah’s grown to love having them around. He’s already looking forwards to when they can run around with him” she fussed happily.

Alonso nodded his head quietly and quirked a half-smile, something which made Cassie shake her head. It wasn’t the first feeble smile he’d forced and it irked Cassie, even if she hadn’t said anything, she could see that there was something on his mind. “Papa, are you going to tell me what’s on your mind or not?” she posed gently.

Alonso, who’d flicked his attention back to his wine glass, blinked a couple of times before he shook his head. “There’s nothing on my mind, Cassandra” he noted.

Cassie scoffed. “You’ve not been yourself all night” she countered “And you’re quiet. You’re never quiet” she added.

Alonso shook his head. “Cassandra…”

“Perhaps you ought to just tell her, Alonso” Nora interjected softly, her blue eyes peeking towards her boyfriend softly.

Alonso blinked, slightly surprised by his girlfriend’s voice, before he let out a soft sigh. “Alright” he conceded softly.

“What is it, papa?” Cassie posed gently.

Alonso paused for a second, taking in a soft breath, before he lifted his head, his dark eyes mirroring his daughter’s greens. “A few days ago, I…I asked Nora to marry me” he breathed “And she said yes” he added quietly.

“You’re engaged?” Sergio pressed gently as he reached his hand out, lightly squeezing Cassie’s.

Alonso nodded his head. “We are” he confirmed with a soft smile “And we thought that you ought to be the first to know. I know that it is pretty sudden, and that it’s pretty quick too, but we’re not getting any younger and we thought ‘why not?’” he babbled, his dark eyes settling on Cassie.

Cassie, who’d been trying to wrap her head around his words, blinked a couple of times before she lifted her head. “You’re getting married?” she posed softly.

Alonso nodded. “We are” he repeated gently “Are you going to say something about that?” he added a little sheepishly. He knew that it was a sore topic, after Cassie’s mother had died, she had always appeared reluctant to talk about the idea of him moving on, and he wanted to ensure that she was as comfortable as she could be with his engagement, even if it did take her a little time to come around to the idea. He wanted to know what was on her mind.

Cassie was quiet for a few seconds, trying to process her own thoughts before she gently shook her head, quirking a small smile. “I’m thrilled for you, papa” she noted gently.

“You are?” Alonso posed.

Cassie nodded her head. “It is a surprise” she noted gently “I didn’t even know that you were interested in getting married, but I am happy for you. I know how much Nora means to you” she added, sparing a small smile towards the blonde woman who blushed gently, her fingers messing happily with Alonso’s.

Alonso offered his daughter a soft smile in thanks before he flicked his attention towards his fiancée, mumbling happily to her.

Sergio, who’d watched the small exchange, offered Cassie’s hand another light squeeze before he leant towards her, pressing a small kiss against her temple. He knew that it was a big deal for her, the idea that her father was planning on getting married was one which was likely to take a while to settle in, but he was proud of the way she had handled it.
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Thanks to FootieJo and Jayme112234 for the comments :)