A Warrior's Calling: The Beginning Chronicle

3. I Hope He Likes It

Is the bow on too tight? I hope he can open it, don't fuss, he'll love it I hope. Birthdays are such a rare thing to celebrate around here people almost forget that they're people. But then again this place, it does something to you, it's too big. Offices, hallways hallways, corridor, offices, hallways hallways. The brightest of white floors complements the sterile atmosphere people with work in hand and their assistants droids trailing behind them with more work to do. Remind myself the Initiative does good work, even if the people are more robot then the robots, we all have a role here. Biological, Weapons, Intelligence, and Security the four major Initiative bases we are biological helping the people of the world with new vaccinations to help disease or help restore the animal population. Last week we brought back a tiger but sadly the kit died. Father reminds me we do good here, we do good here. Cut off from the outside too doesn't help seeing that we are a governmental secret. Just imagine you don't exists, what a strange thought, what a horrible thought. But I'm here, I exist, Ella Rosa Wilson daughter to this secret palace of white. I'm at his door, straighten that wrinkle in my white coat, is my hair okay? Raise my hand to knock-"Hey Ella!" My name is boomed across the hall. I jerk, I recognize that commanding voice anywhere, I turn, "Hello Xander."