Lust in Love

Four - Cheating

"Why?" I asked Annaline as we approached the house.

She doesn't answer.

"I just want to know, Annaline."

She looks at me. "You don't caress me like Harry does. He loves me, you just want to be with a woman."

"Annaline, you're a MUDBLOOD. I'm a pure-blood. There's a world of difference, yet I still love you. Don't you know? I would do anything for you, anything."

She presses her lips against mine. "I know. And that's what makes it so painful. That Potter will feel me and you grow ever distant, only drawn in by my words, not my beauty. Because even though you'll do anything for me, you'll do anything for anyone you think you love."

"Annaline?" I'd barely understood any of that, especially the words, not my beauty part.

She looks at me, and as I open my mouth to speak she kisses me, hard. And she wraps her arm around me, tugging at the hem of my shirt.

I am suddenly filled with warmth as the sun directs it's last rays of he day on me. "Annaline, let's go home first."

"Oh, I forgot to say, Draco, we need a wedding dress." She says casually, changing the subject abruptly.

As she says this she rips the shirt off my body and tucks it into her handbag. Then she traces all the lines on it with a careful finger.


She continues, ignoring me.

And that's when I realise that this, Annaline and me, will never work.