Lust in Love

Eight - Is It Fate?

"Maximum Fortrux Hermione Jean Granger!"

I'm a snivelling wreck. After seeing Annaline's e-mail, I ran from Granger, crying. But I need support now, and I'll know she'll understand.

She appears in my house like a flash of lightning and stands still, rocking slightly, then falls to the ground. "Hermione!" I yell, grabbing her hands and pulling her up. Her eyes ope and she grabs me around the middle.

"Woah, Draco, I was asleep!" She laughs, and I can't wait any more. She's so beautiful, so understanding, so pleasing. She wouldn't betray me. She sees my face and instantly I know she knows what I'm going to do. But she doesn't pull away, or shake her head, or anything, as I put my arms around her middle and pull her close, so close.

Then our lips are touching and we're kissing.

We stay like that for countless minutes and then she pulls away and adjusts her position so her arms are ruffling my hair and mine are resting more comfortably around her waist. Then she kisses me again.

I slide my arm underneath her shirt but as I do that an owl flies into the room and abruptly, we stop kissing. My arm is still beneath her shirt and, without realising it, hers have snaked under mine. We stand awkwardly as the owl drops a letter onto the floor and flies off.

The owl has dropped a Howler. She looks questionably at me and then reaches down and opens it.

Surprise, surprise.

It's from Annaline.

But Hermione rolls her eyes as the Howler keeps talking and it's five minutes later. She pulls me into another kiss and we ignore the Howler as we continue our kisses. Eventually, the Howler stops and we break contact. She sits on the bed as I clear away the Howler's shreds of itself.

I grab my iPad, put on the song, then we dance across the room, arms wrapped around each other. I spin her across the room and we smile at our silliness. Hermione could be a professional dancer, she's so good at all the spins and leaps and knows exactly where to put her feet. When the song finishes, we put on another song ( and dance to it. At the end of that song we kiss wholeheartedly.

I can't believe I ever chose Annaline over Hermione.

And as I think that, my iPad bings twenty more times.
