Sequel: Why I Left

The Sun Only Lasts If We Live

A small story about the life of a boy with Leontiasis ossea and a boy who is the meaning the sun is alive.
  1. The
    In which the word 'The' is described.
  2. Sun
    In which we meet our main character, and a bit about him.
  3. Only
    In which we meet the other main character in the story, and the head doctor.
  4. Lasts
    In which we find out more about the main character's problems.
  5. If
    In which the main character meets his old conjoined twin.
  6. We
    In which our main character makes a decision which will change the world.
  7. Live
    In which we find out how our main character's decision affects the world.
  8. Epilouge