Heart of a Wolf


The morning that Blair’s life changed forever had started out perfectly normal. She got up, showered for the day, and made breakfast for her three brothers and her sister. They weren’t her biological family or her adoptive family, but she treated them like blood either way just as they did for her. As soon as breakfast was finished, she smiled to herself as she heard them all come down the stairs. Caleb, Daniel, Tyler, and Nicole; the four people that she cared about most in this world.

Caleb was the oldest at thirty years old. He had unruly dark brown hair, kind brown eyes, and a friendly smile. He looked out for his siblings and would sacrifice himself if it meant keeping them safe. He was honestly the most selfless person that Blair had ever met.

Daniel was the second oldest at twenty-eight. He had dark hair that he usually kept combed back and dark blue eyes. He was usually the rebel out of the four of them. He didn’t answer to anybody and he liked doing his own thing. Sometimes he could have a bad attitude, but he was still caring as much as he tried to act like he wasn’t.

Tyler was the third oldest, the same age as Blair; twenty-six. He really reminded her of a shaggy dog with his messy hair, bushy eyebrows, and facial scruff. His eyes were the same hazel color as Blair’s. Tyler was generally quiet, keeping to himself most of the time, but like Caleb he would sacrifice himself for his siblings.

Nicole was twenty-four, a little eccentric and reckless. She was beautiful with long hair, dark green eyes, and a sweet smile. Out of all of them, she liked to have the most fun. She would often be gone for several days at a time, but she always showed up safe and sound. They stopped asking her where she was going because she would always keep her lips sealed as if it was some big secret.

Blair loved her surrogate family more than she could put into words. They found her when she was at her lowest and took her in without a second thought. It was surprisingly easy for all of them to get along like they had known each other their entire lives. Maybe it was because they just got along, but maybe it was because they all shared the same secret. They were all werewolves. Not the humanoid kind, but actual wolves. They had the ability to turn at any given point, but they had to turn every full moon.

The moon was their mother and she called to them once a month. When she called, they couldn’t ignore her. The whole affair was quite a sight to see. They would shed their skin, leaving bloody piles all over the bayou, and then run through the trees howling and singing. However, while New Orleans was known for its supernatural stories and lore, they didn’t dare breathe a word of their condition. They knew that there were hunters out there and it was just better to be safe than sorry.

“Morning.” Caleb spoke with a smile as he kissed the top of Blair’s head and fixed himself a plate of food. Blair smiled at her older brother as she made a plate for Daniel, Tyler, and Nicole.

“Thanks for letting me stay last night. I definitely needed some down time.” She said as she sat down at Caleb’s large dining room table. He just shook his head, brushing off her thanks.

“Don’t worry about it. You’ve been working hard. Blair, you’ve got to learn to slow down every once in a while.”

“Are you kidding me? Blair wouldn’t know what relax meant if it smacked her across the face.” Daniel joked as he sat down, flashing a teasing smile to his younger sister. Blair kicked him in the shin as hard as she could.

“See, that’s why I don’t work. I couldn’t take orders from a boss.” Nicole shrugged and everyone laughed. She was the true definition of a Gypsy, not wanting to work, preferring to make her living doing a variety of…curious things. No one bothered to ask what those things were, they really didn’t want to know. The other three, while being Gypsies, had decided it was easier to fit in and fly under the radar if they lived like normal people. They each lived in an apartment not far from one another, except Nicole; she lived with Caleb and probably wouldn’t be moving out anytime soon.

As weird and out there as her family was, Blair wouldn’t change any of that for the world. Having a strange family was better than having no family at all. Blair quickly finished her breakfast and placed her dishes in the sink before giving everyone a kiss on the cheek.

“I hate to just take off, but I have to take care of some things at my apartment.” She said as she shrugged on her jacket.

Caleb nodded and gave her his usual smile. Blair waved goodbye to her siblings before leaving the apartment. It was a normal day in town, people were scattering through the streets and some were selling artwork. Others playing jazz music; the entire town just seemed to be alive and it was one of the many things that Blair loved about it. There was never a dull moment in New Orleans. She made it back to her apartment in record timing and proceeded to clean the place up, doing anything to pass the time by.

“Take a left up here. There should be a motel we can crash at while we’re here.” Sam Winchester told his brother as they arrived in New Orleans. Dean gave a relieved sigh and followed what Sam had told him. After driving from South Dakota to Louisiana, he really needed some rest before doing anything related to the case. He quickly parked the Impala and got out of the car, grabbing his bag; Sam followed suit. They went into the office and paid for the room, taking their keys from the clerk.

“What do you think is in this journal?” Dean asked once they entered the room, tossing the old leather journal onto one of the beds. Sam furrowed his brows and gave his brother a look.

“I don’t know, but we’ll find out soon enough, once we find her.”

“Why wait? Why not just read it now?” Dean knew that even suggesting it was wrong, but he couldn’t shake the overwhelming curiosity.

”Sounds like it’s a werewolf attack. Three bodies on the night of a full moon, hearts missing. Sounds like our kinda thing.” Bobby informed Sam and Dean after he hung up the phone with one of the police officers in New Orleans. He walked around to his desk and sighed, pouring himself a glass of bourbon. He was worried that this was going to happen.

“Bobby, you okay?” Sam asked with his eyes full of concern as he watched his surrogate father down the entire drink in one gulp. Bobby opened up one of the desk drawers and pulled out a journal. It was thick, leather, and appeared to be falling apart.

“I never told you boys this cause I didn’t think there was anything to worry about. This journal belonged to an old friend of mine, her name was Lydia Breaux. Sweet woman, but she had a history.”

“What do you mean, a history?” Sam asked, leaning forward in his seat. Bobby poured himself another drink before continuing.

“Lydia was a werewolf, not your typical run of the mill werewolf, but she was more wolf than anything. Fur coat, tail, the whole nine yards and she wasn’t the first of her kind either. Anyway, she helped me out on a couple cases, never hurt a fly. Wasn’t really their style. I didn’t see her for a while after that, not until she showed up at my door step with a baby; her daughter. She asked me to find her a safe home and after that, she just vanished, but not without this.” Bobby held up the journal and Dean grew confused.

“She was a werewolf and you didn’t ice the bitch?” He asked, setting his beer down hard on the table.

“She was my friend and she never hurt anybody. Her people, they had a code and any wolf that broke that code was punished by them. So, no, I didn’t. But now there’s a werewolf running around the bayous, taking hearts. It could be just a random one, but I’m worried that it’s her daughter. Take the journal, find her and figure out what’s going on. Her name is Blair Wilkes.”

“You know why we have to wait, Dean. It’s not ours to read. Let’s just wait until we find Blair and we’ll get our answers then.” Sam sat down at the small table with his laptop and immediately started searching for Blair Wilkes. Dean just rolled his eyes and went right into the bathroom to take a shower. Tomorrow, they were going to find Blair and put a stop to the killings, Dean was hell-bent on it.