Heart of a Wolf

On Edge

After scrounging the internet for hours, Sam finally had an address for Blair Wilkes. He and Dean were planning on making a stop by her apartment, but first they had to go look at the crime scene. They got dressed in their usual fed suits and drove out to the bayous. Cops were littered around the caution tape, detectives were taking more photos for the investigation. Dean let out a low whistle when he caught sight of the body. The woman couldn’t have been older than her early thirties and just like that, her life got snatched from her. Her chest cavity had been ripped open and her heart was gone, but they knew that already.

”Can I help you, boys?” One of the officers asked once he noticed the presence of the fake federal agents. Both Sam and Dean pulled out their badges.

”Agents Landis and Dante, we’re here about the animal attack.” Dean spoke in an authoritative voice. The officer frowned and eyed the two men.

”I didn’t think an animal attack called for FBI...”

”Well, this hasn’t been the first one we’ve heard about. We just want to be thorough, make sure we’re not overlooking anything.” Sam interjected, taking a more softer approach. The officer hesitated for a moment before raising the caution tape and allowing them to step under.

”It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. What kind of animal kills someone and leaves everything but the heart?”

”That’s what we’re here to find out. If there is a vicious animal running around, we wanna make sure it can’t hurt anyone else.” Sam said as he looked around the scene. There were track marks, but they were completely scuffed making it almost impossible to determine if they were caused by a man or woman. While they were looking for any sign of evidence, they were unknowingly being watched by a certain brunette. She was far enough away that there was no risk of her being caught and because of her gift, she could hear their conversation crystal clear.

The moment one of them said ‘werewolf’, she knew that these weren’t FBI agents. They were hunters. Her eyes widened with the realization and she pulled her phone from her pocket, quickly dialing Caleb’s number. After the third ring, he answered.

”Caleb, there’s hunters in town. Let the others know, but keep them calm. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves.” Without giving her brother the chance to ask any questions, she hung up the call. Blair knew that she and her siblings had done nothing wrong, but she still didn’t want the targets on their backs. From what she had seen, hunters shot first and asked questions later. She didn’t want to lose her family because of that, she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Shooting one last glance over at the hunters, she turned and started making her way out of the woods. She knew that they were only looking for the wolf that did this, but it posed a serious problem for tomorrow night. It was the full moon and they would have no choice but to turn. She wasn’t sure how they were going to pull this off, but they had to figure something out and fast.

”Wait, so hunters are here? In New Orleans?” Nicole asked from her position on Blair’s couch. Blair rolled her eyes; what was so difficult to understand about that? They had to have known that this was going to happen at some point.

”Yeah, they’re hunting the werewolf that’s been killing people.”

”This is bullshit!” Daniel shouted as he paced around the room, running his hand through his hair. They were a day away from the full moon, but it was already starting to effect them. Blair’s bones were aching and her teeth felt like they were on edge. She had grown used to the feeling, but it was still ever present in her mind.

”Danny, calm down. Freaking out won’t help anything. We’ve done nothing wrong, so they have no reason to come after us. We just need to lay low tomorrow night.” Blair tried to soothe her older brother, but to no avail. He continued to pace, breathing hard through his nose.

”Blair’s right, we have to stay calm. We keep our heads down, we stay out of their line of sight.” Caleb spoke up, standing by Blair’s side.

”Well, I’m gonna go out tonight before we start rampaging around tomorrow night. Don’t wait up for me.” Nicole excused herself, blowing a playful kiss to her siblings. Tyler scoffed and shook his head.

”I’m going with her, try to keep her out of trouble.” He kissed Blair’s forehead before leaving the apartment. Caleb explained that he was going to take Daniel back to his house to get him to calm down, leaving Blair by herself. After locking the door, she shuffled into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of whiskey, downing it in one go. She wasn’t usually much of a drinker, but it helped to take the edge off. She poured another drink and went to take a shower, hoping that the hot water would relieve the ache in her muscles.

Once she was finished showering and she had changed into a pair of jeans and a black wife beater, she made herself comfortable on the couch to watch some tv. However, a knock on the door pulled her from her relaxation. Thinking that it was one of her brothers, Blair went to answer it. She barely pulled the door open before she saw them. The two men, the hunters. Gasping, she attempted to slam the door, but one of them only kicked it open. Blair made an attempt to run to her bedroom, but the sound of a gun being cocked stopped her right in her tracks.

”I wouldn’t.” One of them said, his voice deep and throaty. Blair raised her hands up and slowly turned around to face them, panic clear as day on her face. Her hazel eyes scanned the two of them, taking in their appearance. The one that held the gun to her was tall, maybe six foot two, and he had short spiked hair with stunning green eyes. The other was taller by a few inches with longer hair and hazel eyes like hers. If she wasn’t in this situation, she would have thought they were cute. However, when you have a gun pointed at your head, you don’t really have the chance to think like that.

”Is your name Blair Wilkes?” The taller one asked, his voice gentle as he took a small step forward.

”How do you know who I am?” She asked, curiosity swimming in her eyes. The hunters glanced at each other briefly.

”I’m Sam, this is my brother Dean. Our friend Bobby Singer sent us to talk to you.” Sam sighed and faced his brother. “Dean, put the gun down.”

”What do you want?” Blair tried to find a little confidence, but she was caught between a rock and a hard place. These guys just forced their way into her home and held her at gunpoint, how was she supposed to be confident in this particular moment?

”We just wanna talk. Is that alright with you?”

Blair slowly lowered her hands and let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. Nodding, she gestured to the sofa, eyeing them as they lowered themselves onto it. She cleared her throat, looking around awkwardly.

”Uh, do you guys want anything to drink?”

”Got any beer?” Dean asked with a tiny smile. Blair nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, retrieving three beers.

”What do you wanna talk about?” She handed over the beers before popping hers open and taking a sip. Dean copied her actions and then leaned forward so his elbows were on his knees.

”We know you’re a werewolf and we wanna know about the killings.”