Letters from Isaac Covarus

To My Beloved Cydney Rosamond

To my beloved Cydney Rosamond,

I hope that by the time you read this, I’ll have already gone too far to follow. Know I have always treasured our time together. Know that in my mind and in my heart, no matter the distance, you will have a home. So please do not think ill of me, for as much as it may seem, I have not abandoned you. I’ve already seen to my regret, my dearest, but I cannot stand for another second within these walls knowing there might be a cure for our plight without. For the sake of our families, for the sake of our future, I must forfeit my duties for this cause; for our cause.

I know you’ve longed to find the Panacea as well, but I must ask that you stay behind, for the outside world holds danger beyond your capabilities. Your talents are needed within the walls, so treat your sick with your anodynes as well as your heart’s unrivaled benevolence. Treat them with that smile that can pull even the poorest soul from the brink of darkness. Treat them with a tender compassion that all deserve to know. You must understand that you have the power within you to make that change far greater than one could ever dream. So please don’t allow my absence to cripple you, for as long as my heart shall glow with the presence of your memory, so shall I one day return to you.

But if death were to befall me, grieve not for a soul bound to a righteous duty. In this event, do what you must to ensure your own well-being and know that I will watch over your kin from the Reaches themselves.

I will always love you, my dearest Cydney. I will ache until the day my eyes are graced by your own, and I will long wholeheartedly to finally make an honest woman of you. Pray that my quest be short, for a mystery as great as our own may take a lifetime. Though as difficult it may be, with your spirit at my side, I shall not only find this Panacea, but return it to save our land from this plight.
Fear not, for I shall see you again.

Forever yours,
Isaac Covarus