Acting on an impulse...

Chapter 12

[Spencer's POV]

Here I am in the bathroom again. What did I get myself into all those years ago? I guess it doesn't matter anymore, it's much too late to stop now. But you know, I really have something to live for now. I love Skye! This addiction could destroy my happiness with her. I want to tell her and have her help me quit but I'm just a big fucking coward. I'm not ready to quit.

I sat on the toilet and took off my belt and quickly buckled it on my arm over my elbow and watched my skin turn red. That vein popped out and I stared at it while taking my key out of my pocket. After unlocking my drawer I put the key away. There it is, my baby, my only vice. I need that feeling of freedom right now. I can already feel it. I put my needle into the bottle of blow and filled it. As I held the needle to my skin I thought of her again. Her face flooded my mind and for a minute I couldn't think of anything but her beautiful brown eyes and perfect, kissable lips but then I looked down. There was my needle to my skin still.

I took a deep breath and pushed the needle all the way in, releasing the only thing to ever really calm me into my body I took the needle back out, threw it back in my drawer and waited. It only took a couple minutes this time. I felt that feeling of escape. My mind is cloudy and mostly blank, I can't think. I frowned, the ringing has started earlier this time. It hurts! The fucking ringing hurts! I grabbed my head and groaned but just as quickly, the ringing left and it was nothing but a calm, hazy buzz. I slowly released my belt and and watched my skin fade back to the sickly white color it usually is. How does she do it? How can Skye stand to love me? Or wait, does she even love me? Of course she doesn't, she just wants me for a quick fuck. I stood up slowly and buckled my belt into place. There was a loud banging noise. Where is that coming from?

"Hey Spee! You alright in there man? You've been in there a while." I heard Grant yell.

"I'm fine man. Just getting ready to take a shower to go see Skye." came my reply slow and forced.

"Okay Spee." he said. I heard him retreat and let out a shaky breath. That was close.

I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I closed my eyes and let the stream of hot water sooth my body. After opening my eyes, I looked around for my shampoo. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see a thing and quickly became dizzy and nauseous. Putting my arm up to the wall to hold my self up, I started throwing up. After a couple minutes I stopped and rinsed out my mouth. I quickly washed up and got out. Wrapping my towel around my waist I grabbed another and dried my long hair. I walked out of the bathroom, brushing my hair and thinking about what I should wear. I tossed my brush on the floor and let my hair loose to dry. Letting my towel drop to the floor, I pulled my boxers up my skinny body and into place. I finished getting dressed, throwing on some ripped jeans, a red tee, and my white low tops and I pulled out my Iphone and called Skye.

After 3 rings, her voicemail went off. 'Hey, this is Skye Roxstrom, I am obviously unavailable so call back later, or I may call you back if you leave a message. Ciao!'

"Skye! Yeah it's Spencer. Where are you? Umm I'll be on my way over in a couple minutes so I'll see yah soon. Bye" I ended the call and headed down the stairs. As I entered the kitchen, I noticed Grant talking to Tim in the middle of the room. They stopped talking as soon as they caught sight of me. Wow, isn't obvious they were just talking about me? I decided to keep my thoughts to myself.

"What's up guys?" I asked, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Oh nothing at all!" Tim replied, he sounded exasperated so I turned and looked at him. He had his frustrated face on so something was definitely up.

"What's wrong?" I asked, taking a step toward him.

"Ah nothing. Me and Grant are trying to figure out how we're going to beat this video game." he growled out, surprising me. It was just then that I realized they were holding onto their PSP's. I laughed out loud and left the room. Boy was I paranoid. They weren't even talking about me. I smiled and left the house. The scorching heat hit me like a bonfire. Man I'm going to sweat this stuff out fast. Well, at least I won't appear strung out. I took a sip of my water and got into my car.

Skye's apartment building came into view a few moments later. After the 2 minute elavator ride, I was getting anxious. Would she notice I'm high? I shouldn't care but something in the back of my mind is telling me too. I knocked and waited, trying not to look guilty. When she opened the door it was much easier. Her shining brown eyes were piercing into mine, making me fall head over heel for her.

"Bonjour, ma chou-chou!" she said giggling manically. Uhh what did she say? I cocked my eyebrow at her. She giggled again. "I said 'hello my darling' in French." she confirmed.

"Oh." I mumbled, reaching out to her and bringing her in for a deep, loving kiss. After I pulled away, she had her eyes closed with a small smile on her lips. I took this opportunity to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. She shrieked really loud and I laughed like an idiot and walked into the apartment and kicked the door closed behind me. She was kicking her legs around and she almost got my face! I smacked her butt and received a gasp in shock from her.

"Spencer!" she squealed, causing me to giggle. I gently sat her on the counter and quickly captured her lips in mine. Her hands automatically went to my hair and mine went around her waist. She opened her legs so I could get closer to her. She made the kiss deeper by adding our tongues in. She tasted like syrup and peanut butter from what I'm guessing was french toast. I put my hands under her shirt and stroked the smooth skin on the small of her back. She moaned into the kiss and tugged at my shirt collar, wanting to take it off.

"WHOA! Give a man some warning when there's sex going on int the kitchen!" Aaron yelled suddenly, making me jump. I pulled away from a red-faced Skye and looked at him smirking.

"We weren't having sex dude. Quit being a drama queen!" I laughed at my statement and helped Skye, who was acting like she couldn't even walk, off the counter.

Aaron just laughed and sat on a stool. I sat down next to him while Skye wandered off to get dressed.

"So any plans tonight?" I asked him, only half paying attention.

"No actually. What did you have in mind?" he asked, looking thoughtfully at me.

"I think we should have a party." I stated, gauging Aaron's reaction. He seemed to perk up at this.

"What like a kegger?!" he asked getting excited.

I rolled my eyes. "No. This isn't college, Pig. I mean a real party." I said, thinking about my baby back at home.

"Ahh so now you wanna start the whole sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll thing!" he joked, laughing. Little did he know he had hit all three nails on the head. He quickly called Grant and the guys to set it up and I went to tell the girls. I think they're gonna be stoked
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy fucking balls!!
I'm sorry I haven't updated in while guys!!
I'm such a bad person, please forgive me! God forgive me!
Haha, well here is part 1 of 2 for updates today.
I think I will post later on tonight if time permits. =]

ML, my lovely readers! and don't forget to comment!!

p.s. i'm not sure if this is how a real cocaine addict acts so please bear with me. =]