Acting on an impulse...

Chapter 4

It was eleven and I was bored out of my mind. I looked at my phone. No new messages. Why hasn't Spee called? I asked myself. "What does it mean?!" I said out loud. I felt a little psychotic for a moment.

"It means that he's too shy to call you. You should call him." Cee said, not looking up from the TV. I glanced over at her. She was catching up on I Love New York 3. Yeah, I know, another season. We really can't help it though, that woman is so damn funny!

I got up from the couch and went into my bedroom. I dialed Spee's number and waited as it rang. This is Spencer. I'm obviously not here so just leave a message. BEEP! I sighed and closed my phone. I stared at the ceiling for a good five minutes when my phone started ringing. Shawty wanna thug. Bottles in the club. Shawty wanna hump, you know I like to touch your lovely lady lumps. I looked at the caller id. Spencer. I smiled and opened my phone.

"Hey Skye. It's Spee. How have you been?
"I've been alright. How about you?"
"Great! Uhh...I was wondering if you ummm..." he trailed off. I could hear someone talking to him in the background. James?
"Yeahhh, go on."
"Do you want to go on a date?" he squeaked a little on the last word. He was so frickin' cute! How could I refuse?
"Of course Spee! What time?"
"Tonight? 7:00?"
"Alright, tonight at seven. See you then, Spencer."
"Oh and Skye, just dress casual."
"Okay. Bye, Spee."
"Bye, Skye."

I closed my phone and sat up. I looked around my slightly messy room, jumped up and ran screaming down the hallway.

****Time Lapse****

It's 6:20 and I'm still standing in my orange and yellow dot robe trying to figure out what to wear.

"Shit! Cee, I need help! I don't have anything to wear and Spencer will be here soon!!" I yelled, extremely stressed out.

She appeared in my doorway, grinning. "I can't help you Hun. You can't fit into my clothes. I'm 5 inches taller than you and face it, you've got kiwis for boobs."

I stopped pacing to glare at her. She muffled a laugh and went to my closet. "Wear these." She threw me one of my many pairs of dark wash skinnys. I put them on my bed and went to my dresser.

"Black lace boy shorts or skull print boy short?" I muttered to myself. I decided on the lace and grabbed the matching bra. I pulled them on and took off my robe. I pulled my skinnys on and looked in the mirror. Hmm, she's right. I do have kiwis for boobs. I gave and exasperated sigh and put on my purple tank top and black high-tops.

Time for hair and make-up. I straightened my long black and purple hair. I put the usual make-up on. Cover-up, heavy eyeliner, and cherry chapstick. I smacked my lips and took a look. "This is as good as it gets." I said to no one. Or so I thought.

"I think you look beautiful." I whipped around, my hand flying up to my chest.

"Oh Spencer! You scared me!" I glared him and went to my room. I put my white rainbow studded belt, lip ring, and mine and my sisters necklace on. I used to be a twin, see. My mom got us matching necklaces on our 10th birthday. Mine said Skye and hers said Serenity. She was killed 6 months later by a drunk driver. Spencer's voice shook me out of these painful memories.

"Are you okay, Skye? You were out of it for a few minutes. I got Caprecia because I couldn't get your attention." he said, worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go cutie." I said and smiled up at that gorgeous man. I glanced at Cee and she was staring sadly at me.

"Go call Aaron, Cee! I'm sure hes being shy right now." I winked and Spee and I left for our date.
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Another update!!! Yeahhh!
This is a first, two updates in two days..
Remember to comment!!
<3 Sposh!