Acting on an impulse...

Chapter 5

[caprecia's POV]

After Spee and Skye left I went and sat on my bed. I looked around and decided that I should shower and get ready. I had to be to work by 8:00. I'm a bartender. I know, I've got the ideal job. Not really, it's just a part time job while I go to school. And I actually don't make too bad of a profit. I put out my usual work clothes and grabbed my towel and blue robe.

I got in the shower and turned it on letting the steamy water cascade over my body. Man it feels good! My muscles were sore for God knows what reason. As I was washing my body, I thought I heard my phone ring. I sighed and finished washing up. I got out, towel dried, and put on my robe. I hung up my towel and left the bathroom.

I put on my black skinnys and put on my Weekends With Bernie bar shirt. I straightened my hair so that it was pin straight. Then I applied my make-up. Eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, and strawberry chap stick. I put on my plaid low-tops and grabbed my phone. It said I had one new message. I dialed 1 one my speed dial and waited. Hello. You know who it is. Leave your name, number and I'll get back to you. Peace!" I giggled at my voice mail. I think I should record a new one. Hey Caprecia! It''s Aaron. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? me back! Byeee

I closed the phone and looked at my nightstand. Aaron is too cute! I thought as I grabbed and put in my nose and lip ring. I decided that I should call Aaron. He picked up after 3 rings.

"Hey, this is Gillespie."
"Hi Aaron."
"Oh! Hey Cee. So what do you say about tonight?"
"I actually have to work just now. So maybe afterwords, I'll call you?"
"Yeah! Maybe I can come over." I could just see him smile on the other end.
"You bet your sweet ass you will. I'll call you and maybe pick you up. Alright?"
"Yeah. That works, sweetie. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"
"Yes you will. Bye Aaron."
"Bye Cee."

I hung up my phone and sighed. I grinned, grabbed my jacket and purse and bounced.

**************************************************************************************************** much fucking longer?! I looked up at the clock. It was a quarter past 12. Fuck! Still another hour. I looked around the bar, there were only 3 people. A couple dancing on the dance floor and Johnny. He's a usual, he just sits there and orders shot after shot until he's ready to go.

"Hey Caprecia!" I turned and looked at my boss.

"Yeah Bernie?"

"You can leave after Johnny gets out of here." he said, carrying a box of Bud Light to the fridge.

I groaned. "Alright. Thanks!" At that rate, I won't get to leave until closing at 1. But, to my luck, Johnny was getting up. He came over and handed me my tip. This punk ass is only giving me $15?! I thought, outraged.

"Yo Johnny! What's with the small tip? Didn't I satisfy your drinking needs tonight?" I questioned.

His nasty eyes traveled down my body. He looked back up at me and grinned.

"You did but I can think of other ways you can satisfy me." he slurred, reaching his greasy sausage fingers toward me.

"Fuck no, Johnny! Get your nasty fuckin' ass outta here! I got places to go and people to see!" I screamed, pointing toward the exit to get my point across his drunk ass. I heard Bernie chuckle behind me as Johnny lumbered off.

"That was entertaining. See you Monday Caprecia!" Bernie yelled from the back room.

"Yeah see ya! And thanks for giving me the weekend off Bernie." I giggled at the irony of my words.

"No problem! You're a hard worker." he said, coming out with two bottles of vodka. "And besides, Cheryl and Candy need to work more."

"Hmm, yeah see ya." I said. Candy is such a nasty ho. Little miss lip gloss Barbie doll. She's been fucked by every dude thats come into this damn bar. And I mean every dude! Any way, enough of that skank. I got Aaron to think about. I grinned as I got into my car, I pulled out my Rokr and called him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Remember to comment, beloved readers.
They motivate me to keep going.
This is my favorite story right now so it
will be updated the most.
<3 Sposh!