Acting on an impulse...

Chapter 6

[skye’s POV]
Spee and I left for our date.

We took the elevator down to the lobby.

“You really do look beautiful, Skye!” Spee commented, looking down at me, grinning widely.

“Thank you Spencer.” I guess I really didn’t look at him at first. He is looking so hot. He’s wearing a pair of jeans with rips in the knees, a white tee shirt, and a black zip-up hoodie. I took a hold of his hand and laced our fingers together. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye.

We got out of the elevator and walked outside. He had a big black Escalade waiting for us. He opened the door and helped me in. He got in after and gave and address to the driver.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes just holding hands and enjoying the peace.

“So are you in school?” he asked me, crossing his knees.

“Yeah! I’m in my senior year of college.” I replied tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.

“Oh really, what are you majoring in?” He brought his hand up to scratch his nose.

“I don’t have one, actually. I just decided to do the basic 4 years and see where that takes me.” I grinned and looked out the window. We were slowing down. All of a sudden, Spee’s hands were over my eyes.

“No! Don’t look yet.” he growled playfully. He managed to keep one hand over my eyes and maneuver him and myself out of the vehicle at the same time. He placed me in front of him so that my back was up against his chest.

“Alright, here it is.” he mumble. He took his hand from my eyes. I looked at the orange building in front of me. Looking up at the sign of the restaurant, I squealed.

“Oh my god! You’re taking me to Acambaro’s!? How did you know this is my favorite Mexican place?” I looked up at his handsome face, smiling hugely. He laughed, grabbed my hand and started walking in.

“Oh, I talked to Caprecia about our date.” he said. I silently thanked my best friend. I haven’t been to Acambaro’s since I went to visit my grandma in Arkansas.

“A table for two.” Spencer said to the hostess. She gave us a once over and led us to a table.

“Thank you!” I said cheerfully, accepting the menu she was handing me.

I looked over the menu and found what I wanted right away. Two chicken enchiladas with lettuce, tomato, and cheese with a side of sour cream, Mexican rice, and guacamole.

I put down my menu and grabbed the chip basket. This place has the best homemade chips and salsa around. I watched Spencer look at his menu while I was munching on my chips. He was twirling the ends of his hair and spreading his lanky fingers through it. I giggled, making him look up.

“What’s so funny Hun?” he asked, looking confused. Before I could answer, the waiter came up and asked for our drink orders.

“What would you like to drink miss?” he asked in his cute Mexican accent.

“A Diet Coke, thanks.” I replied.

“And for you sir…Oh my—are you Spencer from Underoath?!” he yelped. My head snapped up to look at this waiter. I squinted my eyes at the Mohawk styled, tattooed and pierced guy. Oh my, is this how it’s gonna be? I looked over to see Spencer’s reaction.

“Yeah I am,” he said, looking at me apologetically. “How are you?”

“I’m great man! Umm, can I have your autograph?” he asked cautiously.

“Sure. What would you like me to sign?” he asked, pulling a Sharpie from his pocket.

“This,” he said, pulling out a copy of Lost In The Sound Of Separation and ripping off the plastic. Spencer scrawled his messy autograph on the cover and handed it back to the waiter.

“Thanks man!” he cried, and ran off. He stopped and came back. “I’m sorry, what would you like to drink?” he asked, obviously embarrassed.

“Just a Dr. Pepper.” And with that, the waiter left.

“Sorry about that” he apologized, blushing and looking back at his menu. I just stared at him grinning. He looked back up at me and gave me a weird look.

“Oh yeah, I was asking you what was so funny.” He said.

“Oh nothing, you’re just too adorable.” I replied, nonchalantly.

He smirked. “What are you going to get?” he asked. I told him about my delicious enchiladas.

He licked his large bottom lip, “Mmmm, sounds good.” And right on cue, the waiter came back with our drinks.

“Are you ready to order?” he hesitantly asked.

“Yeah, two orders of the chicken enchiladas.” Spencer replied, eyeing me for a reaction to his actions.

“Could I have some extra cheese on the top?” I asked before he could walk away.

“Of course!” he said, jotting it down. “And I’ll take these.” He grabbed the menus and left.

I turned to Spee who was now wolfing down his chips and salsa. I stared at him until he finally realized that I was gaping at him.

“What?” he asked, revealing his nasty chewed up food.

“Gross!” I cried, cringing and turning my face from him. “You seriously need to brush your cheese teeth or something!”

I looked at him quickly to see if I’d hurt his feelings. I didn’t. He closed his mouth and chuckled. He wiped his mouth and looked innocently at me.

After Dinner

We were sitting on a bench at the park around the corner from my place. There was a comfortable silence surrounding us. He managed to get my whole life story out of me at dinner. He told me all about him (at least what I didn’t already know.)

Spencer’s movements made me look at him. He was pulling out a pack of smokes, took one out, placed it between his luscious lips, and lit it up. The orange glow and the initial smell sent my cravings into overdrive. I started to fidget, pulling the ends of my hair and biting my lip ring. Spencer noticed this.

“Do you want one?” he asked, offering me the little carton. I thanked him and took one out. I placed it between my lips and looked at Spee. He lit his lighter and held it out to me. I put the cigarette to the flame and inhaled the addicting and toxic fumes. I let the taste settle in my throat and breathed out the extra. I immediately relaxed against my boyfriend. I quickly pulled in another.

We sat and talked about anything and everything. We held hands, exchanged kisses, and smoked cigarettes. I pulled my cell phone out and looked at the time.

“It’s getting late.” I said simply.

“You want to go home?” he asked, sounding sad and reluctant.

“Yeah, and when we get there, we could have a little fun in my bedroom” I replied. I stood up and tugged on his hand. He stood up and closed the space between us. He cupped my face with both of his hands and bent his head down toward me. The kiss started out slow and passionate. He bit my lip ring making me bite his in return. I smoothly slid my tongue into his mouth. I could taste the cigarettes and faint traces of spearmint gum.

I pulled away and murmured, “Let’s take this to the apartment.” He nodded and kept kissing me. We didn’t stop kissing to the car, through the lobby, up the elevator, to my door. He gave me just enough time to fish my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door before his lips were on me again. He was kissing my neck, licking and sucking to leave a fair-sized hickey. I threw my keys and purse on the table and turned on the light. I turned to Spee to continue but he was at something over my head. I turned to see what he was gaping at. My eyes landed on the hydabed. There was Aaron’s naked ass and Caprecia cuddling up to him, both fast asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long for me to update!
But I'm back, and this is good.

Please commentttttt, it'll motivate meeee.
Who knows, I might have a double update!

<3 Sposh777