Acting on an impulse...

Chapter 8

[spencer's POV]

Okay, Aaron is definitely getting it this time. I told him last time, if he fell asleep naked and with any of the band members being able to see any inappropriate parts, he was going to get a very unpleasant wake up call. I began to chuckle. Skye looked up at me with confusion written all over her face. God, she's adorable when she looks like that. My Skye Roxstrom. I love that sound of that.

I reached over to her face and brushed back her purple bangs, winding my fingers in her hair. I bent down toward her and her eyes fluttered close. She was expecting me to kiss her on the mouth but instead I kissed her forehead. I pulled away and she looked disappointed. She shook her head and smirked up at me.

"What were you laughing about Spee?" she asked in her quiet voice. I laughed and my hand twitched. Oh God, I hope she didn't notice. I averted my eyes and then looked back at her.

"I was just thinking of the perfect way to wake up Aaron." I replied, grinning evilly. Skye averted her eyes from my smile and she looked at my chest instead. She wound her arms around my waist and looked back up at me.

"What's your idea?" she asked, truthfully curious from what I could tell.

"Well," I said, taking a step toward the kitchen, bringing Skye with me. "I was thinking a large glass of ice water to dump on his head." I finished, stopping at the sink and looking down at Skye. The malicious look on her face told me she thinks it's a good idea also. But just as suddenly, the malicious look dropped and she frowned slightly.

"You know, Spencer, that's not very Christian." she said sternly, glaring at me.

"Is anything I do Christian?" I mumbled.

"What?" she questioned, furrowing her eyebrow.

"Uhh nothing." I said. "Let's get this prank going!" I said enthusiastically. She giggled and went to get a large cup.

I went into deep thought when I turned back to the sink and turned the water on. I'm such an awful person. My self hate is so strong that some days I think I'm not meant to be living. My use has never been this bad. I'm suffering now because I haven't injected in a couple days. I'm a cocaine addict. And not only am I a cocaine addict, I'm a chronic cocaine addict and nobody knows about it. Not my family, not my friends, not even my brothers in the band. I feel like a bad Christian. I go to church on Sundays and I love the Lord with all of my heart but yet, I'm hiding my addiction. Skye's right, I'm not very Christian. I'm thinking about telling her. Maybe she can chase my demons from me.

The clunking of ice being put into a cup pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked toward the freezer and Skye was walking towards me with the over sized plastic cup, half filled with ice.

"What's up Spee?" she asked when she got closer to me. Concern was etched deeply in her fair, smooth skin. "You looked a little out of it when I came back." Her forehead was still creased with concern. She set the cup down and reached up to put a hand on my cheek. Her other hand went to the side of my neck.

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking." I responded. my eyes closing under her gentle touch. I've only known her for about a week and a half, but fuck, she can calm me better than the drugs. This has me considering going off the shit for good. I let my eyes flicker open and I smiled at her. She smiled up at me and stood on her tip toes to reach my lips. I laughed in my head as our metal clad lips touched and blended together so perfectly. Her 5' 0' body is so slight compared to my 6' 0" body. She pulled away and smiled at me again.

I grabbed the cup and put it under the faucet and filled it to the brim. Skye shut it off and I lifted the cup from the sink. My shaking hands were no match for this. Skye must have noticed because she quickly grabbed it from my hands. She looked at me with emotions flickering in her eyes. Did she understand? I brushed it off and lead the way to the living room. I crept up behind the couch and looked down at Aaron.

Without warning and before I could say go, Skye dumped the water all over Aaron and some got on Caprecia. Aaron screamed and jumped out of the little bed, junk flopping and everything! I was laughing so hard and by the looks of it, Skye was close to falling on the ground. I bent over, putting my hands on my knees trying to regain my composure but my lungs wouldn't have it. Instead, I began to hack, making me about cough up a lung.

Without warning, I was on the ground. I blinked, shocked. What the fuck happened? I looked up to see a livid Aaron in his pants putting on his shirt. After situating it, he glared down at me. His wet, red hair was turning brighter and brighter the angrier he got.

"What the FUCK, Spence!?" he yelled, scaring the shit out of me, but I shook it off and laughed.

"Dude, I told you you if any band member had to see your junk again, we would get you!" I cried through my reconstructed laughter. I hauled myself off the ground and sat on the newly folded hydabed, next to my beautiful girlfriend. Seconds later, Caprecia came from the hallway in her pajamas. She glared over at us, making me shift my eyes guiltily. We didn't mean to get her.

"Alright," she started, sounding pissed. "Now that the child games are finished, it's time to fucking go to bed!" she finished. She grabbed Aaron and went to her room. I chuckled and looked over at Skye whose cheeks were red from laughing so hard.

"So what do you say? Bed time?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's enough excitement for one night. Oh and maybe we could finish where we left off." she concluded, her voice husky. She kissed me hard and I held her snugly around her slender waist, while her small fingers tangled themselves in my long hair.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyy sorry for the long wait.
But I'll let you chew on this for a bit.

Hope you liked! &&
remember to comment!!