Acting on an impulse...

Chapter 9

[Aaron's POV]

I don't want to get up but my eyes are saying otherwise. The sun is shining so I"m guessing it's morning. I finally opened them and looked around. My eyes land on Caprecia, the most important thing in my life right now. I scooted closer and fitted my arm around her slender waist. She had her back to me so I had a great aim for her neck.

I kissed the side of her neck softly but she did nothing. I kissed it again, now sucking on it to get a response. She started to move. Her butt was wiggling on my groin and I was already starting to get hard. She wiggled even more making my problem worse. Finally she turned around with those bright brown eyes staring at me.

"Morning Aaron." she said softly placing her arm around my boxer-clad body.

"Morning beautiful." I murmured, closing my eyes in comfort as she scratched my back lightly. She giggled and I smiled.

"Last night was interesting, huh?" she asked. My eyes snapped open as my mind wondered back to last night. Anger rippled through me. Caprecia must have noticed.

"Calm down Aaron," she said. "it was only a prank." she ended, looking at me and putting her hand on my cheek.

"God dammit, Spencer!" I growled, making Caprecia's eyes go wide. I don't usually take the Lord's name in vein but I was still pissed. Then and idea popped into my head. "You know what? I think I should get him back. That was uncalled for..." I trailed off, perfecting my devious plan inside my head.

"Do you have any Vaseline or lube or something?" I asked grinning. Caprecia just looked at me weird.

"I don't even wanna know." she said, getting out of bed.

"No seriously! This is going to be frickin' hilarious!" I cried jumping to the end of the bed where she was standing.

"Well what are you gonna do?" she asked me as she looked through her closet.

"I'm going to take the Vaseline or whatever you have and I'm going to put it on the toilet seat." the more I voiced it the funnier it got "then when Spence gets up to take his morning dump, his ass will slip into the toilet bowl!" I immediately began to howl with laughter, and so did Caprecia.

"Oh Aaron you devious creature." she cried coming toward me and wrapping her arms around my neck. "I can't wait to see this." She let go and walked back towards her dresser. "Well we ran out of Vaseline and I don't know what we can use now." she said.

I thought for a minute. "Do you think there's anything in Skye's room that we could use?" I asked walking to the door.

Caprecia snickered. "Pshh yeah! That girls always got something crazy in her room!" she said laughing more. I smiled and stepped up to Skye's door. Caprecia came up next to me and turned the knob. We pushed the door slowly open and it creaked loudly halfway open. We both looked at Skye's bed but the two were fast asleep. The sheets were up to their waists and thankfully Skye was wearing a tank-top. Caprecia cleared her throat lightly. I looked at her and she pointed to Skye's dresser indicating she was going to look in there.

I nodded and went over to the side table drawer. Journal, house keys, contact case...neon yellow vibrater? I picked up the device when all of a sudden it started vibrating. I dropped it into the drawer and quickly found the on/off switch. I swiftly looked at the sleeping couple but they were still sleeping like rocks. I let out a sigh of relief.

Caprecia was standing on Spee's side of the bed with a glare on her face. "You're lucky these two sleep like rocks, ya know!" she whisper-yelled at me. I shrugged my shoulders and grinned as she rolled her eyes.

She looked down and noticed Spee's jeans. She reached in the pocket and found a little tube. She read the label and immediately choked back a laugh.

"What is it?" I whispered at her.

She looked up at me and said, "It's a little tube of spermicidal lube!" She looked down at Spee and got a disgusted look on her face. She looked back up at me then left the room. I followed her and we went into the bathroom.

"Yuuuuuck!" she cried, letting it echo through the room. "His teeth are so nasty! Doesn't he brush his teeth?" she asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and took the tube from her. I squeezed the clear gooey substance on the seat and rubbed it on while Cee sat and gagged next to me. We hid the lube and quickly exited the bathroom as Spencer was coming out of the room.

He looked at us, smiled, then went into the bathroom. He closed the door and we heard him lift the lid. Just then, Skye came out of her room.

"What's going on?" she asked sleepily, eying us down.

"Oh, you'll see hun." Cee said, hugging her best friend. Next thing we hear is a bang, splash and a loud scream.

"RAAAAWWWWRRRRGHHH! What the FUCK! God dammit! Fuckin' A! HELLLLP! Fuck me, HEEELLP! SKYYYYE!" Spencer was screaming a stream of profanities I've never heard him use before. Ever.

"Oh my God! What the fuck happened?!" Skye cried running into the bathroom. The sight inside was sooo damn funny! Caprecia was already leaning against the wall dying of laughter. Me, I just pointed and laughed.

Spence's skinny little ass was stuck in the hole of the toilet seat with the most angry and confused expression I've ever seen him use. Skye helped him out and he pulled his boxers back up.

"What the hell happened?!" he asked, still really pissed.

"Well..." Caprecia began. We told them about our plan to get him back. By the end of the story Skye and Spee were both laughing.

"I guess I deserved that, huh?" he said calmly walking out of the bathroom. "Dude I'm sorry about the water thing but it was sure funny." he said grinning. I laughed.

He and Skye walked into her bedroom and before the door closed fully I could hear Skye say, "Why are you twitching, babe? What's wrong?"

I immediately became confused but brushed it off quickly. It's probably nothing, right? I walked down the hallway to go make some food.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyyy readers.
I hope you like this.
It's about to get real..interesting. ;)

Please remember to comment!!
I haven't gotten too manny comments the last couple chapters
and I'm not going to post another chapter until I get 5 on this one.

Thanks so much!
